Given the fairly uninspired name of Simone's Bowie Wallpaper Site in 1997, this site has grown from 12 original Bowie wallpapers made for our home computer, to currently housing Simone's 74 original Bowie wallpapers, 32 wallpapers she's made of other classic bands/artists, a venue for others to contribute their Bowie wallpapers, and much more. Long known for the most artistic, original, popular music-themed desktop images available on the internet, now, as Graphically Yours Wallpapers, the site continues to grow and live up to it's own high standards, but in a much more well-organized manner. I invite you to explore the site, familiarize yourself with the new layout, and I gladly welcome all feedback, positive and negative, about the changes (or anything else, for that matter) on the Contact Us page. -- Monica Roddey |
Feb 20 | The unveiling of the entirely new look and concept for the site. |
Jan 10 | A new Bowie wallpaper -- the first to be offered in 1280 x 1024 resolution. |
Nov 5 | Another new recent Bowie wallpaper. |