Poll Results

First Poll:

1596 voters responded to the question "Is Alyson one of Hollywood's rising stars?".

Hell Yeah-37
Not Yet-4
I Don't Know-1

Second Poll:

823 voters responded to the question "Who has the prettiest smile?".

Sarah Michelle Gellar-451. (If you voted for Sarah, I don't blame you. Her smile is so sweet, but I still think Alyson's is sweeter.)
Alyson Hannigan-348.  (Second place??)
Drew Barrymore-19
Janet Jackson-3
Jennifer Aniston-2

Third Poll:

440 voters responded to the question "What do you think of Alyson's cool new hairdo?".

I hate it-399.
I love it-37.
I don't care-4.

Fourth Poll (hacked by some punk-ass):

"What kind of movie would Alyson star in?"

B-movie 191
Romantic Drama 6
Horror 6
Action 6
Romantic Comedy 5
Martial Arts 2

Email me if you have an idea for the next poll!

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