R.W. "Dick" Gaines
GySgt USMC (Ret.)
1952-72BEST WAY
After many years now, I still receive e-mail daily asking how to
find old Marine Corps buddies, Marine relatives, other info or requesting
that I post photos, etc.
Please understand, I do NOT do searches for others, nor do I maintain
personnel files of any kind, etc. And I retired my crystal ball many years
The answer? Well, many will tell you to use this or that search service,
sign this or that Guestbook, post to Marine messageboards, and then there
are those websites for Reunions and Associations that should not be overlooked
either, etc. (Use Google Search, below to find the above) All of the above are fine, but,
in my opinion and experience, the very best way to find old friends/information,
perhaps in addition to the above, is to put up your own free website
and They will find YOU!!!
Look at it this way, if you were looking for someone on the Internet and cannot find them, think how much easier it would be if that person had his/her own website out there, wouldn't that make things a whole lot easier.
Once you establish your own visible presence (your website) on the
WWW, those who knew you and/or may be searching for you, and others with
the info you seek, as well, will have a starting point. It's that simple--it
may take a while, but results will eventually come. It's easy to find people
who are already on the Internet! Show your name/keywords at or near the
top of the page and that will assist those who may type your name/keywords
into a search engine on the www.
Creating your own website is much easier than you may think. You can use a website, blog, forum, etc.--call it what you wish, in my perspective they all serve the same purpose. Although
the trend now is to charge for services, there are still numerous services
on the WWW where you can get a free, easy to set up and use website/blog/forum, etc.--this
site, for instance! And there are many more available for the asking.
Myself, I use....
You do not need to have any special cyber-skills at all to start.
True, this site is not as sophisticated or advanced as many others, but neither is it complicated!
Suggest you start w/a simple biographical sketch of your Marine Corps
service and/or state the info you want--the who/what/why/where/when of things--what platoon
you were in in boot camp, your DIs, etc. And/or any other appropriate information/inquiries.
And, in the meantime, other ideas may occur to you for your website--on
my own sites, for instance, I have many stories, history, etc.(see link
After you get your site online, it will act as your signpost on the
Internet! And you can then also submit it to numerous search engines/directories
for inclusion in their listings!
Most of the people from my own Marine Corps days (1952-72) whom I
have come into contact with these last many years since I have been on the
Net, have found ME, because of my websites, and Not because I searched for
and found them.
This webpage is just one example of how easy this is to do; it took
about 10 or so minutes from start to finish! Anybody can do it. Many are
unfamiliar w/PCs and the Internet because they are as yet simply unaware
just how easy this is to do.
No PC? Why not get a cheap WebTV, and get on the 'Net for just a couple hundred bucks$$$!!!
Friends and relatives of Marines may also wish to consider creating
a website on behalf of/for YOUR Marine--and, of course, this idea is applicable
to all members of the Armed Forces, and others.
A personal website also can serve a purpose as a tribute for one's
military service, or a memorial, as well as being a point of contact
on the Internet, etc.
Give it a try, and keep me posted on how you're doing!
Semper Fidelis
R.W. "Dick" Gaines
GnySgt USMC (Ret)