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My Complaints

Customers are so dumb. im starting my page out like this because its the easiest thing to complain about. i work in retail, and dont get me wrong, i like what i do, but customers are so stupid sometimes. this one lady came in and ordered some copies and so i had them made for her and when she was all ready to pay, she asked me how much i charged her per copy. I told her .09 and she said that the pricing board said .06. i tried to explain to her that that was for the paper and no copy. with the copy it would be .09. i got the supervisor involved and he said just give it to her. so i did. i can kinda see where she would get confused, but she would not let it go. she kept going on and on about how she didnt understand why we didnt have the real price and all this stuff about it. i ended up explaining it to her at least 5 times before i gave up. i mean we gave her her whole .03 cents off per copy what else could she want??? finally i ignored her and started helping other costomers. she left. now i think she felt like a dumb stupid person(im trying to watch my language here, thats a whole other subject, maybe the next one)and didnt want to look like an idiot so she kept trying to make her lame point.

Peoples language is another one. ok i swear sometimes, but never ever infront of my daughter or other kids. people should respect that kids should remain innocent for as long as possible. ive even heard people talk about violence, sex, and drugs right infront of thier own kids or someone elses. what is going to become of the world if kids think that what adults are speaking around them is normal? i concider my page a g rated site, and will keep it that way as long as everyone who wants access has it. if someone is speaking about anything not g rated around my daughter i let them know i dont appreciate it. if i have to i will leave. it is that important to me that she not have to worry or hear about adult stuff.

whats with all these forwards? im so sick of them. ok ill admit it, at first they were kind of fun and sent them out to some people. ok ill admit again that i do like very few forwards. i dont know much about how the internet works or computers in general, for that matter (come on i have webtv hehe) but i do know somethings. #1 you cant track emails, so youre not going to get 1,000 dollars from bill gates #2 theres no poor boy out there that will get 5 cents to go to his medical bills, everytime you send the email #3 sorry folks but your wish will never come true no matter how many poor people you annoy by sending the message to. #4 your true friends will not fwd back the forwards. im sure there are more, but im not going to sit here and ponder it anymore. i do have one thing i cant figure out though--how do i tell family members not to send my forwards and to send me real mail?? sleep on that one and email me in the morning.

speaking of webtv. i was reading those newsgroup things about webtv, (everyone should read those by the way, youll laugh) and there were people on there, im talking about 20 people, who were going off about how they hate webtv and how it sucks cause they cant download or hook up a scanner among other things. i couldnt believe what these people were saying. hello it says web--meaning the internet and TV--meaning your television, not webtv--meaning a computer. i like my webtv, im just happy i can complain about a bunch of stuff and let anyone who wants, see it. why i dont know, everyone has their own complaints and will probably complain about me.

speaking about complaints, i hate it when people complain to the wrong person. i used to cashier for a major department store, and people would complain to me about stupid stuff. like prices, service, selection, weather, and more, while complaining to me im thinking "like i care humm i wonder how much time i have to work before i go home?" then i say yes im sorry sir or mam ill tell a manager right away and thinking "yeah right like hed care, or if he did theres nothing he could do" then id say thank you have a nice day. my sister and i were at the 99 cent store. some lady was complaining that she didnt get one buy one free on something and the girl trying to help her tried to explain that it wasnt buy one get one free, and told her that she would give it to her anyway. the lady would not let it go and kept saying how she was going to report the store to the better business bureau and all this stuff. i was thinking its 50 cents lady. get over it. like the worker cared if the 99 cent store was reported. my sister and i decided after that, that we were going to say something to dumb customers when we were customers, to help the store people out cause we know how it is. everyone should. then stupid people wouldnt complain about stupid things to the wrong people.