I always start off with this basic setup:
Next the basic sidebar setup:
Now I will explain the tags in the basic
sidebar setup.
<sidebar> This tag makes the sidebar not
scroll with the screen.
<table> The table tag is to make your
sidebar fit your page nice.
<tr> and <td> These are part of the
<table> tag. They determine cell
If you don't know tables,
don't worry, just leave all the table tags
where they are. In some cases you'll need to
add to these tags. I will tell you, for
instance to add bgcolor=??? to the <td>
tag. That would look like this:
If you would like to
learn more about tables go to Sidebar Help Page for a
good TABLE tutorial help link.
Now the fun part -deciding what you want.
I've made a small sidebar so you can see what
it looks like so far...
This is actually what your sidebar will look
like if you just copy and paste above +
adding test and spaces between the <table>
The basic sidebar will be 20% across the
screen. If you would like to change that,
this is the best time. The colors can be
changed any time so we wont worry about that
Most of the time, you will want a border.
This is a good time to add that. I usually
add a border even if I don't think I want
one, just so I can see what the table looks
like, then delete the border later. To add a
border just add border=# to your <table>
This is a border of 1...
This is a border of 5...
Now you can add an image if you'd like. put
the image right after the <td> tag
with a width of 95 and a height of 81 for the
basic sidebar. You will have to
adjust these if you decided on a larger
sidebar. So now it looks like this...
So now this is what the HTML looks like:
That's about it for the very basic sidebar.
To learn the backgrounds click below.
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