Snowball, just a ball of fluffy white fur :-)Taken June 12, 1995

On June, 1995 I had decided I wanted to get a cat so I went down to the local animal shelter to see what they had. They had a wall of cages, I looked in the first one and saw 2 white, 2 grey & white and 2 black & white kittens. I bowed my head down to see the cage directly beneath it and felt something clawing at my leather hat. I looked up and there was one of the white kittens with his paw through the cage bars pawing at a tassel I had hanging from my hat. I knew right then and there that this was the cat for me! It was as if the cat picked me to be his owner, hehehe.

Now it was time for me to pick a name for him. The first thing to come to mind was he has such a beautiful glowing white fur coat...hmmm... "Ahha, Snowball!" of course *giggles* My husband wanted to call him cue ball lol. So off I went to take Snowball to his new home and get out of that caged prison at the SPCA :). All the way home, Snowball was meowing like crazy from his carboard box that we got at the SPCA. I kept reassure him that it was ok and that I was taking him to a better place. When I first got him home, he went about the place sniffing here and there. I followed him into the bedroom, he looked up at the Queen Size waterbed and starting meowing, it was so cute! hehe. So I picked him up and placed him onto the bed. He was so curious hearing where the bubbles were coming from as he walked across the bed, hehe, it was so adorable :). Talk about smart cat! He would catch and fetch rolled up pieces of paper or tin foil, put it into his mouth and brought it back to you, sit and lay down on command and shake a paw. His favourite toy was a balloon, but not blown up fully, only about 1/3 hehe. He would play with it with all four of his paws, kind of like hacky sack. I have a bunch of pics of Snowball playing with is favourite toy and will get it up shortly.

  • Pics of Snowball
  • Favourite Toys
  • Being Cute
  • Being Bad

    Page created August 8, 1998 Page Revised November 15, 2001

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