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Dreamangel's Heavenly Abode
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My name is Cherié Lynnae Whitaker

aka "Dreamangel"

I am 56 years old 5'8" green eyes, still single, no children, and sometimes I dont know why, other than I've been busy with life and caring for others. I am faithful person and am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), also known as a Mormon. I am very active supporting my community and world around me. I am at peace with my world, I'm a simple and humble person, straight forward, sincere, respectful and honest and the rest, if you choose to...
...well is for you to discover...

I am a native Californian who has lived most my life in the Los Angeles area, and after the '94 earthquake destroyed my home, I ventured out into the world and made my home in the Yosemite Mountains my "Stairway to Heaven."

The passing of my mother in 2004, has brought me back to my hometown in Southern California to care for my two brothers who need me at the moment. I know why I am here now, like divine intervention, but I love the Yosemite mountains, for that is the most beautiful place on earth, and where I can clear my head in a minute.

I have spent most of my life working in the music and entertainment industry in various positions, but I have ventured into many other occupations too and enjoyed the variety of lessons and education I have reaped from the exploration of life. I always love making events happen for many to enjoy and the needy to benefit from. I believe its my purpose on this earth.

I have always "Pet Children" and for many years I might add. Kinda like a green thumb, I do well with all creatures. My 1st himalyan cat "Bria" I had for 17 years, cancer took her home, and my cockers Kelsy, Keesha, Sunny and Kricket, well they all lived to be between rip old ages of 14-18 years too. Right now I have "Visar" who is a big baby, but with the kindest soul, I'm sure he's part duck, as he loves being in water all the time. He is an American Dingo. He weights 65#. He is so spoiled, but thats my fault. He is the most loving, compassionate little stinker. He was born May 19, 2001 so he's still my baby. Then there is Nicolee, shes a blue point himalayin, and a talker, sweetest thing next to sugar. They have become inseperatable, even when they get out and run, they stay together. I could have never made it thru life without my "pet children" and I am so blessed to have had them all. Amazing how much love comes from them! I have never forgotten any of them I had had all my life, for moments come back when you least expect it and you remember cherished moments with each of them and you miss them again. *winks*

I have had to endure a great deal of trauma and pain in my life so far, or as I like to refer to them as "life lessons 101", but I am a survivor. I am stronger for all I have been through, and find myself drawn to help others by sharing resources to get through things in life that can be more difficult for others. It's all a learning experience of which I am rich in. Nothing is this world can take the place of persistance, optimisim, determination, faith, prayer and hope. I had a wonderful supportive family, and we held together thru it all. My mother, was an amazing woman with strengths unmatched to any I had yet to meet in my life. Everyday I am reminded of her loving sprit and how many lives her heart touched and its effect on so many. Guess thats what keeps me going forward, its in the genes! I miss her with all my heart.

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Not knowing what this was, I searched the internet for help. I found all the answers to years of questions and fears. Now I know why I was always tired, in pain and got airheaded at times. I thought I was going nuts. It's not a fun thing to have, let me tell you, but in time you can adjust to life on its terms. Its trying to make others understand your limits thats the hardest thing to do I think. But then diabetes and MS snuck up and whooped me upside the head. I am learning to deal with these things now, looking for a nautral cure, because I hate conventional medicine. I have recently started living The pH Miracle� Lifestyle and Dietary Program . It's for anyone who wants to enjoy better health and a more vital life. I am working hard to get my body into an alkaline state and stop all these things which have been stopping me from living to my fullest extent. I have some limits, big deal, Im still breathing and I'm good for something on occasion!

I lost my soulmate "Chuck McIver" November 7th, 1996 to a glioblastoma brain tumor. I will be forever on a journey with him and what he taught me about true love. I hold him in my heart forever. I am grateful to God for finding him and putting him in my life.

On 7-6-98 I lost my FATHER to his 32 month battle of pancreatic cancer... My life will be forever changed from this. I am so very honored to have been his daughter. He was my Hero!
Being with others who see the final light in their journey, has dramatically changed my life and offered me a new gift. I believe I found the meaning of life and our purpose here on this earth. The things we all came here to learn, to give and to take with us are all about...
LOVE and our love of Christ

In honor of Chuck and my father, I founded a organization called DREAMS can come true..., The Angels Network, we create dream journey's for terminally ill adults, filled with happiness, joy, surprises and most importantly LOVE. They never know who we (my friends and colleagues) are except that we are "dreamangels" who LOVE them.
This program is volunteer and many sponsors who all donate their time and efforts. It's our goal to lift the spirits of those suffering financially and emotionally in this battle of life and to show them with every day, every breath, life offers wonderful moments to share, tears of joy and learning, and to hold on to faith, for angels are with you everywhere.

August, 99' I lost my youngest brother, Alan Jay. He too was a very faithful man, and an inspriation to all whom he met. Then the hardest thing I had to deal with, was losing my mother, June Lavonne, in June of 2004. After an 11 month battle due to a simple mistake of doctors, she lost her will to take anymore and went to be with my father and brother. She was an accomplished artist in oils, and the mother of all mothers. She stood by her kids no matter what, and kept our family strong and loving each other. She had a relationship with God that I will never forget. She loved her friends with a beautiful passion, and they loved her. I could not possibly put into words how much this woman meant to me, and how grateful I am to have had 51 years with her. Just to say I love her, and not a day goes by that I dont think of her.

I enjoy life, people, music and the talents of others. I have learned many things on the internet and have made many special friends.

I have fallen in and out of love with a few, and thought I had met my match..but one never knows what path or adventure is chosen for you to experience on this earth. Meeting new friends everyday just makes my heart sing. What a gift to yourself, a new friend everyday.

So I hope our paths cross, and you would like to be a new friend of mine soon.

If you care to visit my other site its Cherie's My Space or my Facebook account under my name Cherie Lynnae Whitaker


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Official Site
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Investagators.
In Memory Of CHUCK McIVER, Cancer Referral Page
The Angels Network.. DREAMS can come true..cancer support program
My Stairway to Heaven~YOSEMITE~
THE SPIRIT AWAKENS *An Inspiritional Guide*
My Webrings
Words to Live By

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Remember, life is as beautiful as you make it, Ångels are here to help make your dreams a reality~ To keep your spirits high, to believe in hope, and to teach you about unconditional love~
When you think all is lost in your life, remember you still have God, the sun in your heart, the wind in your hair, the fragrance of the earth to smell and sounds of nature to listen as your symphony. Åll is never lost. Yesterday is your past, Tomorrow is your future, but today is your "gift"...and thats why the call it the "present"

E-MAIL me or page me in ICQ at 956019 or Dreamangels in Yahoo IM and lets chat!