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Basics: Materials: 2 dice, 1 empty beer box, 1 shot glass, lots of beer, penalty drink (hard shit), 2 or more people ( more people= less chance of puking).

Players sit around a table and roll the dice in turn.

Total On Dice:
2= Double odds, see below 3= Person to left of roller drinks 4= Nothing 5= Roll one dice again, that's the number of drinks for everyone 6= Make up a rule 7= Thumbs up on table, last one in drinks 8= Penalty shot. Roll one dice, that's how much the shot glass is filled 9= Person to the right of roller drinks 10= Bathroom break (until you roll a 10 you don't leave the table) 11= BOXHEAD (see below) 12= BOXHEAD

Special Rules: Double evens: Roller drinks Double odds: Everybody drinks

BOXHEAD: If you roll an 11 or 12 you must wear the beer box on your head until either you roll another 11 or 12 (in which case it is taken off) or until someone else rolls an 11 or 12 (in which case give it to the roller)

Dice off table: If you are dumb enough to roll one or both dice off the table, take the dice that were rolled off, and roll them again. This is the number of full shots that you must drink, e.g., you roll both dice off table. You roll again and get a total of 12. Prepare to die. You must drink 12 full shots of the evil hard stuff.

When you are a BOXHEAD, you must drink whenever someone else drinks (excluding penalty shot)

A Note On The Choice Of Boxes:
Over the years certain boxes have become especially important to the game. Of primary importance is the Budweiser Box. It is highly valued because the wearer gets to be called "Bud-head." Also important is the Victoria Lager Box ("Vic-Lag-Head") and the Pilsner Box ("Pil-head"). Furthermore, tradition dictates that the same boxes should be kept for all games of BOXHEAD. The older and more beat up the box the greater prestige for the owner.

A Cool Variation:

Oracle BOXHEAD: This is played in the same way as normal BOXHEAD except that before you roll the dice you look upwards and ask the Great BOXHEAD Deity a yes-or-no question. If the roll comes out in your favor, then the answer is what you want it to be. If the roll does not come out in your favor, then the answer is not what you want it to be. If the roll is neutral, then the Great BOXHEAD Deity is undecided.

You can also ask question regarding numbers. For example, "Oh Great Deity, how many times will I have sex this year?" Hope you do not roll a two.

Maintained by: Chris McIntyre