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Drug Dealer

This is sick and twisted game. really isn't but I thought it would be cool if it was. Beware of this game if you are already seeing double.


Get as many cards as there are players. There should be one ace and one king mixed with the cards. Mix up cards and distribute one to each player. Players look only at their card. The player with the ace is the drug dealer and the person with the king is the cop. The drug dealer must wink at the other players. Any player who sees the wink must then say "The deal has been made." It is up to the cop to determine who the dealer is. For each wrong guess, the cop must drink for 5 seconds. Players may bluff and pretend they saw the wink even if they haven't. This is fun with large groups of people because it is harder for the cop to guess. However, if the cop sees the wink, the dealer must drink for 5 seconds. Have fun getting your friends wasted!

Maintained by: Chris McIntyre