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Warp Speed Chart

per hour
Number of times
the speed of Light
Time to travel
across one sector
(20 light-years)
Standard orbit 9600 less than
2 million years Synchronous
orbit around
Class-M planet.
Full impulse
(1/4 lightspeed)
270 million 0.25
80 years Normal maximum
impulse speed
Warp factor 1 1078 million 1 20 years Warp one =
Warp factor 2 11 billion 10 3 years
Warp factor 3 42 billion 39 1 year
Warp factor 4 109 billion 102 2 months
Warp factor 5 230 billion 214 1 month New cruising
Warp factor 6 423 billion 392 19 days Old normal
cruising speed
Warp factor 7 707 billion 656 11 days
Warp factor 8 1.10 trillion 1,024 7 days
Warp factor 9 1.63 trillion 1,516 5 days
Warp factor 9.2 1.78 trillion 1,649 4 days Old normal
maximum speed
Warp factor 9.6 2.06 trillion 1,909 4 days Maximum rated speed,
can be maintained
for 12 hours
Warp factor 9.9 3.29 trillion 3,053 2 days Auto-shutdown of
engines after
10 minutes
Warp factor 9.99 8.53 trillion 7,912 22 hours Nearly infinite
power required
Warp factor 9.9999 215 trillion 199,516 53 minutes Maximum subspace radio
speed with booster relays
Warp factor 10 Infinite Infinite 0 Warp 10 cannot
be reached

A warp factor is a unit of measure used to measure faster-than-light warp velocities. Warp one is c, the speed of light, while higher speeds are computed geometrically under one of two different formulae. The original Starship Enterprise had a cruising speed of Warp 6, and could reach Warp 8 only with significant danger to the ship itself. The ship nevertheless reached Warp 11 in 2267 when modified by Nomad to increase engine efficiency by 57%. The ship reached Warp 14.1 in 2268 when the engines were sabotaged by Losira.

By the 24th century, a new warp-factor scale was in use that employed an asymptotic curve, placing Warp 10 as an infinite value. At Warp 10, a starship will occupy all points in the universe simultaneously. Warp 10 was, however, achieved by a modified shuttle by the crew of U.S.S. Voyager. The pilot and passenger of the shuttle de-evolved as a side-effect of traveling at Warp 10. No one else has achieved Warp 10 under the new warp-factor scale.

Under the new scale, the Galaxy-class Enterprise-D had a normal cruising speed of Warp 6, and a maximun normal velocity of Warp 9.2.

The new speed limit of Warp 5 was imposed after it was discovered that speeds exceeding Warp 5 cause dangerous damage to the space-time continuum.