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The P.E.I. Equine Retirement Society

Milburn, O'Leary RR#2
Prince Edward Island
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Am Ron High.jpg (1943 bytes) Am Ron High

A 16 year old standardbred Mare

Duke.jpg (1780 bytes) Duke

1st horse donated to the Society and is a 27 year old standardbred gelding


Gem's Dale.jpg (2072 bytes) Gem's Dale

A 7 Year old standardbred posing smartly for the camera

Snooker & Kids.jpg (1951 bytes) Snooker

A 23 year old quarter horse

West River Diesel.jpg (2260 bytes) Deisel

"West River" Deisel is a 10 year old standardbred gelding

Gem's Dale & Dale.jpg (2010 bytes) Gem's Dale

Dale Cameron (Society Manager) sitting astride Gem's Dale

Misty.jpg (1782 bytes) Misty

A 12 year old pony

Rose.jpg (2148 bytes) Rose

A 12 year old large pony posing in front of the Society's sign (Logo)

Snooker.jpg (1934 bytes) Snooker

Another picture of Snooker posing for the camera

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Last modified: July 17, 2000