Riken/Ricoh Timeline1936: Riken Kankoshi Co., Ltd., is formed to make and market sensitized paper.1938: Name changed to Riken Optical Co., Ltd., and starts production of optical devices and equipment.
1940: Introduction of original Ricohflex twin-lens reflex camera.
1950: Ricohflex III introduced (5,800 yen/7,300 with case).
1951: Ricohflex IIIB introduced (8,300 yen with case).
1952: Ricohflex IIII/IV introduced (8,300 yen).
1953: Ricohflex VI introduced (8,300 yen).
1954: Ricohflex VII (Riken shutter) introduced (6,800 yen/8,300 with case).
1954: Ricohflex VII (Seikosha shutter) introduced (10,500 yen).
1954: Sales of Ricohflex cameras in Japan pass 1 million mark. Overseas sales reach 200,000 units. Ricohflex Model VI selling for $49.95 (American Photography ad).
1955: Ricohflex Model VIIS introduced (8,300 yen).
1955: Ricohflex Dia introduced (9,800 yen).
1956: Ricohflex Model VIIM introduced (8,000 yen).
1956: Super Ricohflex introduced (9,500 yen).
1956: Ricohflex Holiday introduced (4,900 yen).
1957: Ricohflex Million introduced (6,900 yen).
1957: Ricohflex Dia M introduced (9,300 yen).
1958: Diacord G and L introduced ($56.50, $75.00).
1959: Ricohmatic 225 introduced ($99.95).
1960: Auto 66 introduced (sold from 1960-64). List price in 1963 was $79.95. Case was $10.95.
Some information from Ricoh Australia web site: http://www.ricoh-aust.com.au/timeline.html and "Ricoh Diacord: That Good?" by Mike Roskin, CameraShopper magazine (#68, Oct.96) and McKeown's 1995-1996 edition. McKeown's info courtesy of Amy at Goodwin Photo. Auto 66 price info courtesy of Stephen Venner.