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Adoption And Abortion

I Hope this web page helps you understand your veiw on these subjects!! Adoption-becoming a child of one who is not your biological parent
Abortion- death of a fetus through a medical procedure
Adoption and Abortion have been two everlastingly intense topics. They are both options for pregnant women, or so the world we live in says so anyways. I want to encourage the pregnant women that read this, and the people that know of someone that is. Hopefully thoughout my choices of sites on these topics, you will learn more , educate, and know and understand the options and the facts. There are tons of teenagers, and even adult women that are not sure about giving birth.
Did you know that there are two types of adoption: Opened and Closed Adoptions. An Open Adoption is when the birthparents are able to pick the adopted parents by themselves, then interview the families. Then the birthparents and the adopted parents meet and build a friendship. After the baby is born the birthparents can choose to stay as close to the family as they want to. In some cases I have read the birth couple becomes just like family and sees their child all the time. Other situations are different, when they choose to have little contact. An Open Adoption gives you more freedom; lets you choose what type of future you want to give the child. A Closed Adoption is when the information about the birth mother and the information about the adopted parents are not allowed to be seen. Only the court knows this information, unless of course the adoptee wants it when they are 18. The birth mother and the adopted parents know little, or no information about each other in the very beginning. That is the different betweent the two.... Not all people EVEN KNOW there are 2 kinds!!!

I can hear her talking with a friend
I think it's all about me
Oh how she can't have a baby now
My mommy doesn't see
That I feel her breathe, I know her voice
Her blood, it flows thorugh my heart
God you know my greatest wish is that
We'd never be apart
But if I should die before I wake
I pray her soul you'll keep
Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know
That you gave life to me
Do I really have to say good-bye
Don't want this time to be through
Oh please tell her that I love her Lord
And that you love her too
Cause if I should die before I wake
I pray her soul you'll keep
Forgive her Lord, she doesn't know
that you gave life to me
On the days when she may think of me
Please comfort her with the truth
That the angels hold me safe and sound
Cause I'm in heaven with you
I'm in heaven with you
By Singer Kathy Troccoli
I feel that this song illustrates what a baby would actually say in a sitation like the one above. Where the mother is talking to a friend about getting an abortion, about the many things that she wants from life befor becoming a mother. The baby hears this and asks God to forgive her (the mother) because she doesn't know better. This baby also cares sooooo much for his/her mother and wants the best for her no matter what happens to them!! I hope that you think about this, maybe buy/rent the CD somtime---The CD that this is on : "LOVE & MERCY" by: Kathy Troccoli. All of her songs are very well written, this one dealt with this page's topic... and I wanted to share it with you!
Adoption Help Adoption Adoption From the Heart Pro-Life Adopt Me
Pro-Life Pro-Choice Abortion Abortion Help Crisis Pregnancy Center
Christian Adoption Christian Adoptions Pregnancy Baby Unborn
Adopt Adopting Adopting Open Adoption Open Adoption

This shows you how Important Un born Lives are to God.
Psalm 139 :13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

What I Believe
I believe that adoption is the best alternative. Why??? I feel that if you give a gift of a son or daugther to someone that doesn't have one it is a good thing for both sides. The family will have a child to cherish forever and ever, they will help the kid grow and learn it's dos and don'ts. The biological mother and father will become happy about there choice, over time. They will wake up knowing that they placed a gift of wonder and greatest in someone else's life!
