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Always Within

Together we have seen so many years go by
And now it’s time for us to say good-bye
Not a “forever” farewell, just a “see you soon” kind
I will always bear memories of you in my mind
Perhaps you recall the first time we met each other
You had two balloons in your hand, one for me and the other for my brother
Remember the time our families went to the seashore
Playing in the sand and the waves as we watched the airplanes overhead soar
Swimming in your pool on one of those gigantic black inner--tubes
Swinging on the little backyard swing-set while sipping on tea with ice cubes
The hours spent trying to beat you at the Monoply game
These, like other past events will perpetually stay the same
These memories will always be a part of you
Within your being no matter what you do
The future is known to only one
Just Him from above, the Lord’s son
Of everything to remember, please remember that He is continually there
God is your Heavenly Father, He never ever runs out of love and care
By: Gemi Blackton
This Poem is dedicated to S.W.