Salmon fishing is fun. I dont go out in a boat to fish for salmon. I usally wait until the salmon are spawning, I go to a big creek where the salmon swim through (Blind River, Ont).
This is a very good way to catch them. You go to a well known spot for running salmon (creek or streem about 30' across). You go at night because the salmon can see your line in the light, so fishing is no good during the day. So you go at night and use a sinker, hook and sponge or some soft material.
1) You first put the hook about 1' up the line and tie it on.
2) Then make a loop right under the hook and stick your finger through the loop and twist it 3 times, then put the loop on the hook and pull tight. That will keep your hook straight.
3) Then Tie on a sinker about 7.5" under the hook. Use tie on ones.
4) Then you must put on some sort of material on the hook, usally a peice of sponge. It is illegal not to have anything on your hook.
5) Then you throw you line in the water and keep your line tight. Salmon swim with there mouths open so they will swim into your line, when you feel tugging or a pull on your line, yank on your line and keep your rod up.
It is illegal to hook a Salmon anywhere else than in the mouth!!!
In you are only aloud 5 salmon and if you are 18 or over you need a licence
You might think this way is no good, but if you go to a good spot and do what I said you can catch salmon.
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