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Hi! I have a problem...I just broke up with this guy and I'm over him but he still likes me... It's been 2 weeks and now his best friend had asked me out. I really like this guy but I don't want to hurt my ex's feelings or jeapordize the guys friendship. What should I do?-Jessica

Hi Jessica!

First of all, I'm glad you are agknowledging the guys friendship. It's a good thing that you don't want to come in between of these two. This is a very difficult situation because you like this guy but you don't want to hurt your ex. My advice to you would be to give yourself a break...after all you said it had only been two weeks since you've broken up. Give yourself at least a month to think things over and if you still have feelings for this guy, talk to him and tell him how you feel. You are taking the risk of ruing their friendship by admitting your feelings, but it's YOUR DECISION and not your ex's to whom you should date! Good Luck!!

My boyfriend of over four months whom I dearly love and adore smokes. He was smoking when I first met him but I didn't know till his mom told me. He told me he would only smoke twice a day then eventually quit. He did and he didn't smoke for over three months! I was so proud and told everybody. Today after his softball game I noticed the smell of cigarettes on his hands. I asked him if he had been smoking and he repeatedly told me no and that he honestly wasn't smoking. I told him to kiss me and he did and I knew he had been smoking. I was so mad! >He lied to me! What am I supposed to think when he tells me he honestly loves me if he said honestly he wasn't smoking and then lied. He knows how I feel about smoking! I was so mad I had to walk away from him cause I felt like I could slap him and I didn't want to do that. We >did work things out but it drives me nuts that he is smoking. He said he >is truly sorry he lied to me and that it will never happen again. I told him if he ever lies to me again that we are over. Why does it bother >me so much that he smokes? I am still mad about this, he said he's trying to quit again but he just got the craving for a smoke. Why can't he just stop? Please help, we had a big fight over this and I watched tv >in his room for a half hour while he watched it in the living room for a half hour. Then I said I was going to leave unless he talked to me. He said he wanted to talk to me but I had told him to leave me alone earlier. Of course! I didn't want to slap him, but why would I stay >if I didn't want to work it out? Why couldn't he just come in and admit that he was wrong? Help!! Please!!


It sounds like your boy has a little problem with honesty. The only thing I want to tell you though is that there is a difference between love and smoking. There is something that made you fall in love with him and it seems to me that is smoking bothered you that much, you wouldn't have stayed with him at all. You can't force him to quit, it is his decision. My advice for that would be to encourage him to stop but don't pressure him. I'm sure he will love your encouragement but if you pressure him, it just might make him smoke even more! Have patience!

I'm so in love with this guy in my class. He sits next to me. He's gorgeous nice... everything you could want. We're sorta good friends but........... I dunno what to do!>>Help!>>AC


Have you tried talking to this guy?? I honestly don't understand how you could be in love with someone that you don't even know. Try talking to him, get to know him and take it from there.

there's this guy I've been friends with for a couple of years now, but Never boyfriend/girlfriend, just friends. We have danced sexy with each other, and french kissed, and we had sex once about 18 months ago. Lately, (couple of weeks ago) Isaw him at this club & he did the following: *Gave me a really big hug when we said hi>>*Smiled at me a lot *Gave my butt a nice big squeeze! *Asks me where I go out, tells me which ones I shoul go to (I KNOW he = goes to these nightclubs!)>>*Kissed my lips when we said bye The only problem is that I gave him my number, (I had his but its been >= changed and he didn't give me his new number), and he hasn't called! I >= don't see him out and about much,even though he only lives about 5 = minutes drive from my house. Does he like me or not? What's your = opinion? Help!!


I read over your problem...sounds like a tough one. Before you do anything, try talking to him first. It's better to do that before going further. It seems as though he might have some feelings for you or he could just be very friendly Just try talking to him and take it from there!

ok I broke up with my real first love 2 months ago. i was really depressed for a couple of weeks until one of my guy friend told me how much he loved me! i felt so happy. but now its coming back. my ex is in my mind and my heart. should i dump my boyfriend or shut my feelings up. im soo confused-Jessica


It sounds like you have a lot to deal with. It sounds to me like you didn't have enough time to get over your boyfriend. Maybe you rushed into the relationship with your friend a little too fast. Why don't you tell you boyfriend how you feel and explain to him that you need time for yourself to get over your ex. If he loves you that much, he will wait! Don't rush things..take as much time as you need! Sarah

I like a guy who's nice and cute but kind of quiet. He has lots of friends even though he's new this year and he's in one of my classes. Sometimes when I talk to him, he doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me but sometimes when I say hi to him in the halls, he starts a conversation and smiles. And yesterday during lunch, I saw him and I said hi and we started to talk and then I went to the lunchline and he went w/his pals but then he hurried up behind me and we talked again and when I turned around, his friend called him so I kinda glanced over and his friend gave him a thumbs up sign. Does he like me? Or am I just getting my hopes up? -AznAngel


From what you have told me I think that there is something there but don't rush for anything. Start slow, talk to him like you are doing now, so that you can get to know him more. (so you'll know if you really like him). But there might also be a chance that he only likes you as a friend and that he's just being friendly. it's really hard to say. Give it time!

I am 13 years old I need a boyfriend does any one have any idea how I can get on HELP-Heather


I'm concerned with what you are saying. Do you really need a boyfriend?? You're only 13.. I was 16 when I had my first boyfriend. I honestly wouldn't rush into having one either. It might be nice to have a boyfriend because there are so many things that you can do and people might be envious of you; but I think that you should enjoy your life now and wait a little while. Maybe you need a boyfriend because all of your friends have one but think of it this way, when they get dumped, they will turn to you for a shoulder to cry one! ENJOY YOUR LIFE NOW!!! BOYS ONLY COMPLICATE THINGS:)

I have a weight problem and I really want to lose some weight. I am only 13 so I don't want to really go on a diet but when I cut back on eating so much I never lose weight. All the boys make fun of me and say I'm fat. My friends tell me there fat and I'm not when I'm like lots of pounds over them. I want an honest opinon from them and I want to lose weight. Any suggestions? Sincerely, Liz


I know what you are going through... when I was your age I was teased too. It's not a party. I'm glad to hear that you don't want to go on a diet... sometimes they don't help. You say that you cut down on what you eat... is it junk food??? Why don't you try eating more fruits and vegatables, a lot of nutritious food. Eating well is not the only way to lose also have to exercise to see results. Start off slow, do some sit-ups and push-ups., but don't strain yourself. Your not going to see results overnight, eventually, if you keep up with this routine, you'll definetly see some. For now, don't pay any attention to the people that tease you, they're the ones that are lacking respect and maturity. And your friends, listen to them and it will encourage you to keep up with your routine!! I hope this helps you Liz!!!

I'm 14 and my boyfriends cheating on me what should I do? -Michelle


Are you 100% sure that your boyfriend is cheating on you? Have you asked him or did someone else tell you? If you asked him and he admitted to it, break it off. If you haven't confronted him, do so. You are, after all only 14 and there are other fish in the sea.

I was with this guy and then we decided to be friends. He started seeing another girl but now they are broken up and I want to get back with him. What should I do or say to him to get his attention again? -Kristen


depending on how long your friend and his girlfriend went out give him some time to get over it. Be there as a really good friend and support him. Maybe if you stick through this with him as a friend, maybe he will realize how much of a caring person you really are. Don't rush into anything.


I have an old flame that has alot of ugly water under the bridge. I can't stand his mom! He will do ANYTHING!!! for her...including ditch me... Despite his unattentivness...I still care alot! Even though we don't get along all the time. I'm kinda weak becaus I lost my dad 7 months ago and my flame has been there for me. I came to the conclusion that our relationship is one that will come and go until we don't care anymore. He's still a friend. I know what I should do, but the stregnth is hard to find. Any advice? -Leigh


I understand what you are going through... I lost my sister two years ago and a guy was there for me but we broke up after and I realize now that inner strenth doesn't come from having a boyfriend. It comes from yourself. About the mother, well sorry to say but blood is thicker than water. You might not be able to stand his mom, but she is his mother and nothing will ever change that. You say that you know what to do, but what is it?? If it's breaking it off for good and just being friends, well, that's entirely your decision. If you are still having a hard time dealing with your father's death, there are many organisations that deal with teenage bereavement.

I am going out with this guy and he wants to have sex but I am still a virgin and how should I know if he is the right one. What shall I do and what shall I tell him? - Georgette


I know this is a serious decision and it should be thought over A LOT! To know if he is the right one, you should first of all love him and vice versa. You should be able to trust him 100%. You don't say how long you two have been going out. This is another important thing. Losing your virginity is something important that is going to change you life forever. There's not just knowing if he's the right one, are you ready to take on all the responsibilities that come with having sex?? There are so many diseases out there, you have to take precautions; not only condoms (there not 100%). Are you also ready to handle the responsibilities of having a baby. Don't think that it can't happen because it does, all too much. Think very hard about this. If you can answer all of these questions with a yes, then you probably are. I hope this helps PS- Don't let him force you, if he does love you, he will respect you and wait until you are ready.

My fiends forced me to go out with this kid they new I didn't like at all. I told them over and over again that I didn't like him like that, but they wouldn't listen. Later that night I had called my sister (my best friend) we consider each other sisters. She knew how I felt about this kid and she didn't believe me when I said that I tryed to resist them. Shes all acting like it was my fault and that I wanted to hurt this kid (WHICH I DIDN'T). I felt she back stabbed me because I was always there for her and now she didn't even believe me when she knows how perswasive my 'frinds' can be. I stopped talking to her. I don't want to be friends. What should I do??? -Kim


listen you are really ready to lose your best friend, that you also consider your friend, over this??? You say that she's acting like it was your fault, but did she ever come out and say that? No matter how persuasive these "so-called" friends of yours are, they should have respected your wished and not have pushed you into something you didn't want to do. Maybe you stopped talking to the wrong friend!

I'm in love with my bros best friend and he is so nice to me and I love him to death, but I go out with a guy I've been going out with for about 2 months and there's no way I can tell him that I don't want to be in a relationship, I don't think that he would ever talk to me again...but since the guy I like is 3 yrs older than me I'm afraid that he might think a little bit different of me but I want to get him to think more of me than just his friends little sis, can u please help me decide what to do with my boyfriend and how do I come out and let my bros friend know that I'm madly in love with him? (I'm 13 and he and he just turned 16, and I'm also afraid that my bro would hate me for this). thanx -Megan


first things first, you said that you don't want to be in a relationship with your boyfriend of the moment. I can understand that you are afraid that he might not talk to you anymore, but don't let that keep you in it. You also say that you love your bros best friend to death... that's a little hard for me to believe. Unless he has giving you a hint that he likes you, I wouldn't persue anything yet. If, say in a few years, you have the same feelings for him, then maybe try going for it. You are only 13, enjoy your life.

Well see I sort of made out with this guy and now I feel bad about what I did. Confused PLEASE HELP! -Jenny

Dear Jenny,

Well you shouldn't fell bad about it, if this was with a guy that you really like. If it's because your parents don't like you doing these things maybe you should tell them and talk about it, or first go to the guy and talk to him about how you felt after making out. He might understand, if not forget about him and move on. Just remember what has been done is done, the past can't be changed.

I really, really like this guy, but he only likes me as a friend. And what's worse is he seems to like my best friend. How do I get him to notice me? Sould I tell him how I feel? -Mel

Dear Mel,

Well if you really really like this guy and you want him before he falls for your best friend, you should tell him how you fell! If he just want to be friends with you there's not to much you can do. Sometimes a good way to get a guys attention you should flirt with him a bit, give him completments and say stuff like "your so cute", little things like that. Tell me what happens!

I like 2 guys, I know which one I like better, but I want to tell the other one without lettig him know that I like somone else. I tried just finding a reason to break it off with him but he doesn't give up. What should I do? -Ann

Dear Ann,

Well tell the other guy that you don't like as much that you think he's really nice, and that you just want to be friends and nothing more. If he keeps asking you why, just say your going out with someone else, and that you want to keep your friendship with him. Tell me what happens.

A guy at school asked me out on the second day before school was over. I told him I'd think about it, and asked if we could talk the next day in the library. He said ok. But never showed up. He's not the type who would do that, he probably just forgot. But now he graduated, and I'm not sure if he will be going to the same school I'm going when I graduate the next year. I don't know his last name, nor his number, I'm afraid that I'll never get to see him again. What should I do? -Mar

Dear Mar,

If you want to find some way to get in touch with him try asking people that he hung around with, ask them what his last name was and number. When you find this stuff out call him and tell him you decided you would like to go out with him. Tell me what happens.

I just started going out with this new guy who I like a lot and feel I could be falling in love. I know he loves me but I am insecure in this relationship. What can I do to not feel this way? -Robin

Dear Robin,

Well if you are insecure you should talk to your guy about it, tell him how your felling. Just by doing this it might make you fell better. But make sure he understands that you still like him. Tell me what happens.

I have this slight problem. I have a lot of friends and I love them all, but it really bugs me when I talk to one guy and all the other ones get jealous. I'm really nice to all my guy friends and I like a lot of them but not like boyfriend material. Some I do a little bit but not really. Then they all ask me out and I have to turn them down because I don't want to hurt my other guy friends' feelings. I need help. I told them why but when I tell them why they get mad at me and then they don't talk to me. Please help. -Jessica

Dear Jessica,

Just because you decide to go out with one of them that doesn't mean you can't still be friends with your other guy friends. If you really feel stongly not to go out with one of them, just say that's how you feel and your not going to change your mind. Tell me what happens.
