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For Girls Only-> Embarassing Moments

Embarassing Moments!

Please send us your embarassing moments so we can post them on this page! Don't be shy, just send them in and you might be help someone by telling them there not the only one's these things have happened to!

*How Embarassing Was It?*

* - Never really mention it anymore

** - Sometimes brought up

*** - Brought up a lot

**** - I hide when I see someone who knows about it

Please Email Your Embarassing Moment to Thank you, Larissa and Sarah:)

** My friends and I were talking online about some really outrageous stuff, and we sent some pic links back and forth to each other too. I had one on the screen of a guy with his legs spread, playing with his hard penis, and my Mom walked in!!! I couldn't get rid of it before she saw it! That's totally embarrassing!

**** Okay, at my church, there is this really cute guy wholikes me, but i had a bf at the time so i couldnt do anything about the guy. Itry to be nice to him, and kinda flirt, in case me and my bf ever broke up,while still giving the "im taken" vibe. Anyways, church had just let outand everyone was standing around in the atrium talking and stuff before theyleft. Well, i was standing there and he ran up and gave me a hug. being thenice person that I am, I gave him and hug and then tried to back up. But hedidnt let go of me, and there were little kids running behind me, so istopped but he kept coming towards me, trying to pull me closer when i tripped. Iscreamed and pulled him down with me. Whenever i screamed everyoen turnedaround, but not until he was laying on top of me. Then once he was on me, hewouldnt get off! The preist was standing next to us and he was the one who helpedme up. He just gave me this look like i was going straight to hell. Istill cant look the preist in the eye.

****I was at my house so I decided to take a shower. When I got all undressed I was about to step in the shower when my brothers Hot friend walked in. He looked and didn't know what to say. He just starred at me. Never again have looked at him without blushing.

****One day, me and my two best friends, Shannon and Amy were sitting around my house, waiting for Dave and Steve to show up. We don't usually do stupid, childish things anymore, but today we were in a childish mood, so we started play wrestling with one another. Shannon and Amy decided to double team me, so Amy held down my shoulders, and Shannon held down my legs. "I know!", said Amy. "Let's strip Jen down naked, and lock her outside!" "Yeah, I think we should", said Shannon. I didn't think that they were really being serious, so I started laughing. Unfortunately, they were quite serious. Amy pulled off my shirt and bra, and Shannon pulled off my socks, pants and undies. By now, I was screaming at the top of my lungs for them to stop. They picked me up, Amy by my arms, and Shannon by my legs, and carried me right out the front door, and dropped me on the front lawn. Then, they ran back into the house, laughing like crazy, and locked both front and back doors. I was locked outside, COMPLETELY naked! With nothing to cover up with. I pounded on the door, screaming for them to let me in. But Shannon and Amy just stayed in the front window, laughing their heads off at me. About a dozen 16 year old boys were playing road hockey, and they all saw me and started whistling. The cute guy across the street was cutting his lawn and he took a quick peak at me. And a passing car honked at me. I had never been this embarassed before. It was like a nightmare. About two minutes passed, and who shows up? Steve and Dave pull up my drive way. They got out of the car and didn't know what to say. Dave kind of giggled and Steve just stood there. I right away started crying. Amy and Shannon finally opened the front door, and I ran right to my bedroom and put on some clothes. I was so imbarassed and pissed off that I kicked everyone out of my house, and didn't talk to Shannon or Amy for two weeks. I still turn red when I see Steve or Dave.

**There was an award ceremony at my school, i was wearing a long skirt that night and when i got up 2 accept my award i had 2 walk up a few steps. When i usually go up stairs i step up them 2 at a time, but i 4got i was wearing a long skirt so when i stepped up 2 steps my skirt wripped about 5 inches and i said "OH S**T!" really really loud. Every1 heard me, i was mortified.

****My mom brother and I , went to the beach a couple days ago, But I did not have a bathing suit. I used one My mom had bought a long long time ago, but never had worn. It looked as if it fit, So I put It on and left. When we got the beach I ran in the water and noticed this little old women staring at me with the queerest expression on her face. i looked down, and saw that the bathing suit had fallen down! It was only covering my bottom half. I pulled it up, and ran out of the water, And saw these really hot twenty yearolds laughing at me.Oh the horror!


** A lot of kids have opened the door when I was in the bathroom in my school when I forgot to lock it. It was really embarassing! I'm afraid to go there!

**** I was walking to pick up my sibs from daycare. It had been a Hot summer day, and I didn't have to go anywhere until my dad called and asked if I could pick them up. It had been hot, so I hadn't gotten dressed. I changed, then went on my way. When I was half way there I noticed a couple of guys I knew were laughing. I looked down, and saw I that I wasn't wearing any pants!! I ran home, and took the long way to pick them up. I still can't face those guys.

* We were doing sit-ups in gym class and I farted.

* My dad is really bad for teasing me about guys in public, and when we were at the theater one time he asked in a really loud voice if I thought any of the guys there were cute. I almost died.

** When I was in Jr. High, I had this huge crush on this guy. And all I wanted was one good picture of him. So one day when I brought my camra to school, my friends told me to hide behind a wall. And when he came around the corner I called his name and took the picture, then sreamed, "Yes." It wasn't really a scream but I said it loud enough so he heard, looked over and smiled, then walked away. It ended up that the picture never came out. (It was to dark.) But now my friends and I look back on it and laugh. The nice thing is, is we now go to diffrent schools.
