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For Girls Only-> Quiz does he secretly sweat you?


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does he secretly



Girls can just be as dense as guys

when it comes to weather someone's

diggin' them. Maybe a secert honey's

hot for you! Take this test to find out

Part one:
Answer yes or no to each of the following questions, which begin "Do you know a guy who..."


...hits on practically every girl in the room including you?

Yes No


...gets a serious squeak in his voice whenever he talks to you?

Yes No


...would definitely offer you his last piece of gum?

Yes No


...has suddenly gotten chummy with your pals?

Yes No


...hooked you up with freebie fries when you ordered from him at the local burger joint?

Yes No


...was at the same movie as you were and got up to use the bathroom precisely when you did?

Yes No


...laughed when you told a lame joke in class?

Yes No


...grins when he walks past your desk?

Yes No


...shows up at your fave study spot and never cracks a book?

Yes No


...sits near you on the bus daily but stay mum?

Yes No


...asked if he could sign your petition?

Yes No

Part two:
Answer true or false to the following questions


You've recently been introduced to a guy you think you've never met before, though he swears he knows you

True false


You've always first to have the latest gossip.

True false


You think it's odd that you've been getting tons of hang-up calls lately.

True false


When buds compliment you on your clothes, you say things like, "Really? You like this?"

True false


Your sched is usally so packed that you run around in a crazed daze.

True false

your score:

Add up your points. Then see

how well your romance radar

is working:

1. y-1, n-0 9. y-1, n-0

2. y-1, n-0 10. y-1, n-0

3. y-1, n-0 11. y-1, n-0

4. y-1, n-0 12. t-0, f-1

5. y-1, n-0 13. t-1, f-0

6. y-1, n-0 14. t-0, f-1

7. y-1, n-0 15. t-0, f-1

8. y-1, n-0 16. t-0, f-1

if you got 0-4 points, you're:

overly oblivious

Wake up and break out the lip balm,'cause there's a boy out there who's raring to woo you! Where? Well, since you're so rapped up in your busy life, you don't see he's right in front of your face: your locker neighbor who lingers till you show up every day, the waiter who serves you at your fave hang out. Basically, he's the sorta shy dude who's constantly going out of his way to have some contact with you. If your romance-ready, give him a sign; he just might spill how he's been jonesin' for you.

if you got 5-9 points, you're:

partially plugged in

There are some complete cuties who wish they could catch you. You might be missing their signals'cause you don't think you're a pro at decoding dude behavier. But it's okay to let yourself believe a guys sending serious vibes when at least one of your buds has actually seen him get smooth on you. So now that you know you're a babe in demand, work with that 'tude and you may find yourself on the verge of a major romance.

if you got 10-16 points, you're:

abundanly aware

Hey, hot stuff: You're picking up clues that you're mega-appealing to many types of guys. And it's not your new perfume that's driving dudes crazy; it's your self-confidence. While you should definitely enjoy being on boys' A-lists, try not to let their attention inflate your ego. Stay true to your self and you may find that one of your adoring suitors is primed to be an awesome boyfriend.

I hope that you enjoyed this quiz, and if you have a cool quiz you think I should add to this page email me! Thanks, Larissa :)

This is from a magazine called YM (Young & Modern)
