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T o n y ' s   L i n k s

Spanish links are of course, located in Spain (unless otherwise indicated) and require knowing the language. Those offering bilingual screens are indicated as (English/Spanish) - no indication means there isn't any language option available (simple). DISCLAIMER: Am not responsible for content displayed by any web site/pages linked via this page. If you find anything offensive, just log off. Remember, everyone updates their site(s). Content changes so what you (or I) see today may not be the same tomorrow! 
¡Links a sites de fotografía y mas!  Aquellos que ofrecen pantallas bilingues estan indicados con palabras (English/ Spanish) - Ninguna indicacion significa que no tienes idioma para elegir. AVISO: Esto es una pagina particular con links. No soy responsable por el contenido de cualquier pagina. Si encuentras algo ofensivo, solo dejalo. Recuerda todo el mundo revisan sus paginas. El contenido cambia asin lo que tu (yo) ve hoy, a lo mejor no es lo mismo mañana! Todo los links de fotografía y 3D son graficos intensos.
Photo Sites 3D & Virtual Sites Personal LW3D Homepages Spanish Links Computer Links Misc
updated November, 1998
P h o t o g r a p h y / I m a g i n g
Black and White World
GO TO SITE           Photography bookstore, news, forums and more about the fine 
                                                             art of photography!                                                    (English)
D i s t i n c t i v e   I m a g e s 
GO TO SITE             Gallery of fine art photography and other images                                   (English)
Internet for the Fine Arts
GO TO SITE         Comprehensive network of artists, galleries, museums, groups, 
and other resources relating to the fine arts!                  (English)
GO TO SITE         Another network of photography contests, photography forum, 
information and links relating to photography!              (English)
Darkroom on Line
GO TO SITE          Interesting site for those developing their own film and prints. 
Tips, hints, and techniques for the darkroom tech!         (English)
Scanning FAQs
GO TO SITE         Help in image scanning techniques with tips/tricks for novices 
                           up to the professional                                                   (English)
The Massive B&W Film and Development Chart
GO TO SITE         Reference & technical data for processing ALL types of b&w films 
using different developers.                                             (English)
GO TO SITE               Photo site featuring a variety of different artists                                    (English)
 Marc Odley - UK Photographer
GO TO SITE                  Fine Art Photography site of Marc Odley                                        (English)
3 D   a n d   V i r t u a l   S i t e s
 3D Cafe 
GO TO SITE                Support site for 3D artists: 3D objects, jobs & more                          (English)
GO TO SITE                   Another fine 3D model and objects support site                              (English)
Viewpoint Datalabs
GO TO SITE                 World's largest creator of 3D objects in all 3D formats                     (English)
LightWave Contest Site
GO TO SITE                   Awesome 3D contest site of LightWave artists                               (English)
LightWave3D resource site/Onda Luminosa en Español 
GO TO SITE                      South American site with LightWave resources!                  (Eng/Spanish)
P e r s o n a l  L W 3 D  H o m e p a g e s
Nonni's LW site
GO TO SITE             Nonni lives in Iceland but his 3D images are HOT!   (English)
 Bman's home page!
GO TO SITE              LW3D artist who also creates plugins!                     (English)
Greg Tee LW site
GO TO SITE              Featuring very realistic 3D renderings ever seen!       (English)
C o m p u t e r
FAQs about computers & hardware
GO TO SITE        Dirty details and history about computers and more! 
Technical Information Links re: Computer Memory 
GO TO SITE        Detailed history about, buying, and the different types of 
memory chips                                                                (English)
Computer Shopper
GO TO SITE        The world's biggest PC mag; info, articles  & downloads 
PC Computing-Home Page
GO TO SITE        Great magazine, great site with info, articles  & downloads! 
GO TO SITE        The first computer store in Rota                                    (Spanish)
S p a n i s h   L i n k s
The Spanish Royal Family
GO TO SITE                    The Royal Family - Spain's first family on the web!                        (Spanish)
The Prado museum in Madrid
GO TO SITE                The beautiful, historical Prado... visit via the web!                             (Eng/Spa)
GO TO SITE                History, flamenco, links and more about southern Spain                    (Eng/Spa)
Sevilla (on the Web)
GO TO SITE         A good site for detailed info, hotels and links to everything Sevilla            (Eng/Spa)
Hotel Hosteria del Laurel
GO TO SITE                  A great rustic place for rooms & food in the historical 
                                                      Barrio de Santa Cruz in Sevilla                                         (Eng/Spa)
GO TO SITE           News, info and links from the Sherry capital of the world          (English/Spanish)
El Giraldillo
GO TO SITE        Tourist guide to theater, movies, events and travels in Sevilla!       (English/Spanish)
SUR in English
GO TO SITE        Malaga newspaper with Costa de Sol news        (English/Spanish)
SoccerSpace: Football & Soccer Clubs
GO TO SITE             Informational site about Spain's many soccer teams                              (Spanish)
Rota Tourist Office
GO TO SITE                  Find out everything about Rota, its history and more!                      (Eng/Spa)
Cadena40 (the Top 40) 
GO TO SITE              Site of the top radio & music listened to in Spain                                 (Spanish)
GO TO SITE        What, where, when and more about Spain's capital: Madrid 
                                      Includes bars, restaurants, hotels, events and more!                          (Spanish)
GO TO SITE                Where, what & more from Spain's hot spot: the Costa de Sol          (Eng/Spa)
M i s c
This page is hosted by GeoCities
GO TO SITE            Free Home Pages at the World's Largest Virtual Community                 (English)
Angelfire: Easiest Free Home Pages
GO TO SITE                Easiest Free Home Pages; another Virtual Community                       (English)
US Naval Station Rota, Spain
GO TO SITE       Base news, events and information through the base newspaper
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Spanish Intro page
See my portfolio
Images of Semana Santa
Images of the Feria!
Email me!
Tony's Models' Page
Site Design and Photography © 1998 Tony Lee