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Frame Relay Standards

1988 was the year that CCITT released specification I.122, named Framework for Providing Additional Packet Mode Bearer Services. This release specified how LAPD protocols could be used in applications other than ISDN. Soon after, ANSI also became involved, which meant that specifications became complete.

1990 saw two other papers released: I.293 ISDN Frame Node Bearer Services (FMBS) I.370 Congestion Management for the Frame Relaying Bearer Service
Some of the other papers are as follows:

Service Description T1.606 I.233.1
Data Transfer Protocol T1.618 Q.922
Congestion Management T1.606 I.370
Access Signalling T1.617 Q.933

Q.922 (1992) defines an enhanced version of LAPD. It species, among other things:

There will be more on this topic to come by the 5th of January 1998

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