The First Episode!

November 8, 1965

The first episode of Days began in a department store. Three teenage girls are whispering to one another, obviously plotting something. One takes a sweater, puts it in her bag and leaves. She is immediately caught. When asked for her name, she says she's Julie Horton. Her friends are stunned when she gives this as her name, since it's really Julie Olsen. The others both give their real names. The girls are taken to the police station

Tom and Alice are enjoying time together at home. They are planning for the upcoming wedding of youngest daughter Marie to Tony Merritt. When Marie leaves, the house will finally be empty. Although sad, the Hortons are excited about a new phase of their lives beginning. Tom even jokes with Alice that she'll finally have what she's always wanted--enough closet space. The wedding is planned for Thanksgiving

Since Julie's given her name as Horton, the police call Tom to come to pick her up at the police station. Tom informs Mickey of the situation (he happens to be at the house visiting) and they decide to both go and find out about the situation with Julie, not telling Alice where they're going. Tom tries to contact Ben, Julie's father, but he's off traveling, as he so often is.

At the police station, it is revealed that Julie is not Julie Horton, but Julie Olsen. The police say they cannot release her to anyone other than her parents. Since Ben and Addie can't be found, Julie will be forced to spend the night in the police station. She is very annoyed that her parents aren't around to bail her out. They seem to miss most of what goes on in her life, which is why she said she was Julie Horton instead of Olsen.

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