Yearly History







The Torres family, headed by Rafi Torres, stirred up trouble in Salem in 1992 and kidnapped Bo. In the interim, Lawrence attempted to win Carly back, but was unsuccessful. Bo was rescued by Roman. Danielle Stevens arrived in Salem, claiming to have been John's wife. She turned out to be a con-artist and thief called Romulus, who was trying to frame John for her own crimes. When Vivian Alamain arrived, she insisted John was Forrest Alamain, Lawrence's long-lost, presumed dead brother. She and Lawrence had kept that secret to themselves. When John found Lawrence in bed with Carrie Brady, whom John had helped raise as his own, John almost killed him. Lawrence spilled the truth to save his own life. John was devastated but gained an Alamain fortune. He used it to build a legitimate charitable organization.

After Bo became a police officer, Carly admitted she had a child once who died shortly after delivery. Then Vivian's foster son, Nicky, arrived in town.

Jennifer found out she was pregnant. Jack believed he was dying and pulled away from his frustrated wife, who gave birth to a daughter, Abigail.

Kimberly returned to town, and she was soon hit by a car driven by drunken Roger Lombard. The sight of the accident caused paralyzed Shane to jump up and walk a little. He continued to improve, but Kim, his ex-wife, began to suffer from multiple-personality disorder.

Stella Lombard was wrongly convinced her husband was having an affair with his therapist, Marlena. Eventually Stella kidnapped Marlena and held her hostage in an old boiler room in an abandoned factory, until Marlena was rescued by John.

Isabella gave birth to John's son, Brady, on their wedding day, but she was soon diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She died in John's arms in Italy a few months later.

When scheming Lisanne Gardner was murdered, youngster Nicky was inadvertently responsible. Carly and Lawrence found out he was actually their long-lost son, but they hid the truth from the authorities, including Bo.

Billie Reed and her brother Austin arrived in Salem. Carrie befriended former drug-addict Billie, and fell in love with street-smart Austin.


As 1993 started, Carrie was hit in the face with acid intended for Austin, who had refused to throw a boxing match. Roman threatened to have Austin arrested if Carrie continued to date him, so she refused to see him even though he wanted to marry her. Marlena and John had a brief sexual interlude. When Marlena's daughter Sami found out, she became bulimic. Mysterious Kate Roberts arrived in Salem with her son, Lucas. She and Victor fell in love and the three settled into the Kiriakis mansion.

Nicky's part in Lisanne's death was revealed and the kind-hearted judge jailed no one for the cover-up conspiracy.

Kristen Blake arrived in town. She and John Black began an affair even though she was engaged to Tony DiMera. Her foster-father, Stefano DiMera, returned to Salem with Kristen's brother, Peter. When Tony followed, she stayed engaged.

Billie fell in love with Bo, though he was still with Carly.

Sami, infatuated with Austin, and Lucas, who fell for Carrie, worked together to break up the couple. When Marlena learned she was pregnant, she was unsure who the father was. After Belle was born, Sami found out it was John, but switched the blood test results to make it appear Roman was the father. Desperate to keep her parents' marriage together, she kidnapped her sister Belle and tried to give her up for adoption, but John and Kristen found her in time.

Determined to keep Nicky, Vivian began killing Carly's patients to make Carly look guilty, but Carly caught her. Vivian had accidentally injected her with morphine, then used herbs to make her appear dead. Carly was buried alive while Vivian taunted her from above-ground. Vivian finally relented and told Lawrence, who nursed Carly back to health. Carly, in a state of amnesia, remembered only her romantic past with James as she once knew Lawrence. When her memory of a love affair with Bo returned, she still decided to go to Europe with Nicky and Lawrence.

No-good Curtis Reed, Kate's first husband, was shot and Billie was arrested when she could not remember what happened that night.


In 1994, Vivian was institutionalized at Pinehaven Sanitarium, where she discovered Laura Horton. They teamed up against Kate Roberts, who had relationships with Laura's husband Bill and Vivian's ex-suitor, Victor Kiriakis. At Billie's trial, Laura announced that Kate was once married to Curtis, and that Austin and Billie were her children by him. The latter revelation shocked even Kate, since Curtis had told her their children were dead. As for Curtis' death, Stefano killed him in self-defense. One of Stefano's henchmen framed Billie. At a press conference that should have been Kate's shining hour, Laura — encouraged by Vivian — publicly revealed that Kate's son Lucas was fathered by Bill Horton.

Vivian wanted to steal Victor away from Kate, and took extreme action. When the couple attempted to have a child through in vitro fertilization, Vivian managed to have their fertilized egg implanted in her. She used her pregnancy to win favors from Kiriakis and cause Kate much pain.

At baby Belle's baptism, Stefano forced Marlena to reveal the truth about her affair with John. Later, before Kristen and Tony took their marriage vows, Stefano told her John fathered Belle. When John tried to stop Stefano by shooting at his car, the vehicle exploded and Stefano faked his own death. Kristen married Tony without hesitation.

Alan Harris tried to rape Carrie, but when his plan failed, he raped Sami instead. Eventually, Sami pressed charges, but he was acquitted and she was humiliated. In the midst of the turmoil in Salem, beloved Horton patriarch Tom Horton died.

Stefano imprisoned John and Marlena at the DiMera estate, Maison Blanche. Coincidentally, Kristen threw a party there, bringing herself, Tony, Jennifer, Peter, Bo, and Billie to New Orleans. Peter and Jennifer made love for the first time. Bo proposed to Billie. And a mystery woman, Gina, who looked exactly like Hope, turned up. Roman freed Marlena and John, but Stefano disappeared and Tony was blinded.

John and Kristen almost reunited, but clues to John's past included priestly vows. Although Tony was suspicious, and hid his regained sight to spy on them, the couple had no further physical relations. Meanwhile, Peter fell for Jennifer, and used whatever means he could to win her as his wife. To keep his criminal associations secret from Jennifer, Peter attempted to make Laura appear insane again by rigging her office with hidden speakers and toxic paint to create voices and hallucinations. Laura was proven sane, but took a retreat at The Meadows, where she had a "therapeutic" affair with Clark — who was really her daughter's ex-husband Jack, whom she had never met.

Bo and Billie stayed together, unable to believe Gina could be Hope.

Stefano secretly gained access to Marlena's apartment, and he took her for nightly outings she believed were dreams of a mystery man. The experience took a toll on Marlena's health, and another force took over. She became possessed by the Devil


In her possessed state, Marlena terrorized Salem in 1995 as the Desecrator. After being threatened by Alan once too often, Sami turned the tables on him: she shot away his manhood. Sami and Lucas continued their plans to break up Carrie and Austin. Sami slept with Lucas, making it appear to Austin that it was Carrie. Then Sami drugged Austin into sleeping with her, but it didn't keep him. She left Salem, but returned just in time to interrupt Austin and Carrie's wedding with the news that she was pregnant with Austin's child. Feeling responsible for Sami, Austin moved in with her, but they never again made love. Back in Salem, Laura and Jack discovered each other's true identities, but they kept their involvement a secret. Laura was in love with Jack, while he tried to win Jennifer away from Peter. Vivian managed to marry Victor without his knowing it, and Vivian shed few tears when Kate was presumed dead in a plane crash. John, with the help of Father Francis, Kristen, and Caroline, performed an exorcism on Marlena. Although she appeared to die, it was a devil's ploy; John and his guardian angel finished the battle and won. Marlena was alive and no longer possessed. Salem was free of its many plagues, too.

Meanwhile, Stefano had been thrown out of Marlena's penthouse window by the devil, and he was still suffering amnesia. She felt sorry for Stefano and helped in his recuperation.

Bo married Billie, but Gina turned out to be Hope. Although Bo wanted to stay with Billie, she left town so he could straighten out his feelings.

Peter and Jennifer married in Aremid, where the Blakes were raised.

Kristen wanted to get back together with John once he was released from his priestly vows, but they waited for her to be divorced. Tony was insanely jealous. When he found out he was terminally ill, he pulled off a suicide that framed John for murder. Even Kristen doubted John's innocence.

In Aremid, a mysterious woman in white seemed to have clues to John's past. Thanks to her, John was finally cleared of Tony's murder and was saved from the gas chamber at the very last moment.


After Stefano DiMera regained his memory in early 1996, Marlena wanted nothing more to do with him, but he kidnapped her and held her in the tunnels below Paris. Kristen, who had become pregnant by John and who had even helped Stefano in his abduction plot, hoped that Stefano would keep Marlena away forever. But John Black was abducted, too, and barely escaped death at the guillotine before Vivian and Ivan came to his rescue. The mysterious woman in white turned out to be Rachel, Peter and Kristen's mother who sacrificed her own life when she seemingly shot and killed Stefano. However, Stefano escaped and was still alive. When Marlena was saved, Kristen used her pregnancy — in spite of a secret miscarriage — to keep Marlena from telling John all Kristen's secrets until after the baby is born. When Kristen evaded doctors' visits, Marlena became suspicious, but Stefano, still very much alive, found a plan to help Kristen.

Celeste turned out to be Lexie Carver's mother, and Stefano was surprised to find out that he was the father. Lexie continued a love-hate relationship with Stefano who wanted to be totally accepted by her.

Kate returned to Salem and exposed Vivian's deceptions. Victor and Kate reunited, but Victor had a stroke and now lays unconscious. Kate eventually learned about Sami's sneaky plots and revealed them to everyone.

Austin and Carrie got back together. Furious with Sami, they tried to regain custody of Austin's son, Will. Sami won the case, but Will was kidnapped shortly after, and when he was found in France, Sami was delighted that the authorities insisted on a traditional home for Will. They inadvertently played into Sami's plans. The couple married and now Sami tried everything to keep Austin as her husband, while pushing Carrie further away from him.

Bo and Hope rekindled their love but handsome Franco Kelly, on some mystery boss' payroll, arrived to cause problems. Billie had returned to Salem on business, and it was obvious that she and Bo still had deep feelings for each other.

After Jill told Bo that her attacker might also be after Billie, Bo feared for Billie's safety. He found Billie at the Horton cabin with Franco. Stranded without a boat or radio, Bo jumped into the river and tried to swim back to Salem for his wedding day to Hope, but he couldn't make the swim. When Hope, with Franco's help, found Bo naked, sleeping in Billie's arms in front of the cabin fireplace, the wedding was canceled. Later, Bo insisted that his only reason for going to the island was to save Billie from harm. Hope agreed that if Bo could prove Franco guilty, she would eventually marry him after all.

Stefano came to Kristen's aid by providing a pregnant woman who could, in disguise, pass for Kristen and even deliver "Kristen's" baby. Pregnant Kristen-look-alike, Susan, fooled everyone, including the doctors, Marlena and John. And the real Kristen pushed John to elope with her, so that his marriage vows would keep him tied to her.

When Jennifer found out about Peter's shady past, she served him with divorce papers, but she refused to take Jack back. Jack suspected that Peter planned to kidnap Jennifer and Abby. Jennifer thought he was being absurd and insisted that he get rid of the gun he bought for protection. When Peter made his move, Jack was waiting. They struggled and Peter was shot. Peter's emergency surgery ended Kristen and John's elopement plans. Peter went into cardiac arrest, but he survived only to "die" a little later.

During the hospital drama, Daniel Scott visited Stefano and walked into one of DiMera's mysterious plans. Scott's body replaced Peter's at the funeral and Peter, secretly alive and well, was in Stefano's care.

Sami, trying to prove that she could get ahead with her life, borrowed Austin's car and money for college. But she continued to sabotage Austin and Carrie's romance at every turn. She also discovered information about Kate that she used as blackmail. At Sami's insistence, Kate promoted Carrie to vice-president of Titan, a position that would include a lot of travel away from Salem, and Austin.

After Jill survived pneumonia, she agreed to look at a police lineup. If Jill identified Franco as her attacker, Bo and Hope would have nothing standing between them. However, she didn't. Furthermore, Jill told Hope that Bo went to the island out of jealousy, not fear for Billie's safety. Jill and Franco were in cahoots.

At Peter's funeral, while Kristen raged at Jack, Laura saw Kristen's "pregnancy" padding slip. While looking for Marlena, Laura stumbled upon fugitive Stefano and the very-much-alive Peter. Stefano took Laura captive. Eventually, Kristen learned the truth, too. Stefano and Peter left town after a doctor performed laser surgery to erase Laura's most recent memory. Laura was released and Kristen made sure that Laura continued to be drugged to boost her memory loss.

Jack, Jennifer and Abby spent a wonderful Christmas together with Jack snapping as many photos as possible, afraid that this might be his last holiday with his family before being sent off to jail for Peter's death.

Like Kristen, conniving Sami had a rough time this month. Austin agreed to join Carrie for her six-month business trip, and baby Will ran an extremely high fever before he recovered. Kate promised Austin the Titan jet to return to see Will at any time. Then Sami stole Austin's car and had an accident when something malfunctioned. No one believed her, however, and Austin and Carried were convinced that Sami had tried to ruin another New Year's eve for them by keeping them from leaving town. When Austin headed for his car and was about to get in, Sami made a passionate plea for him not to drive. After verbally ripping her apart, Austin started the car which lurched and critically injured Sami.

Marlena and John shared a special Christmas morning with little ones, Brady and Belle. Kristen, feeling very threatened, tried to get John to elope with her before Laura could remember and tell John the truth about Kristen not really being pregnant. As Kristen and John got to his plane, Marlena discovered their plans for a trip and raced after them. Then news of Sami's injuries reached them and the threesome rushed to Salem hospital. A long and painful vigil began as Sami slipped further towards death.


John and Kristen's plans to elope were interrupted by Carrie's call from the hospital about Sami's accident. Sami had tried telling a doubting Austin that there was something wrong with the car. When the car lurched out of control, Sami was slammed up against a wall and ended up paralyzed from the waist down and no memory of her recent past. Her kinder, gentler, younger personality seemed to shine through. Guilt-ridden Austin continued to play loving dad and husband, much to Carrie's great discomfort. Besides, until Sami regained her mind, an annulment was impossible. As a result of Sami's accident and subsequent amnesia, the search began for her father, Roman. When news came that Roman was dead, John and Marlena became closer, but neither revealed their feelings. Because of a final letter from Roman asking her to take care of Sami, Carrie backed off pushing Austin to tell Sami the truth about their relationship. She began to spend more time with childhood buddy, Dr. Mike Horton. Lucas and Sami encouraged that situation to drive Carrie further from Austin. Eventually, in late spring, Sami was nearly electrocuted by faulty wiring in an iron. The jolt brought back most of her memory, and even more of her old scheming and conniving ways as she kept her memory return secret. Shortly after, Carrie was out with Will when an accident on the pier threw Will's stroller into the river. Carrie jumped too and Austin came along and saved both. The ensuing brief hospital visit and tests made on Will would eventually prove very important later in the year.

Meanwhile, as the year started off, Vivian found out about Susan and that Kristen wasn't pregnant. She blackmailed Kristen into voting her into a Titan position. Vivian, along with John, Marlena and Kristen (in nurse's garb) were on hand in the delivery room when overjoyed John married "Kristen" before the baby came. Vivian made certain Susan signed Kristen's name on the wedding certificate. Believing that John and Kristen were married, Marlena decided to keep silent about all of Kristen's lies and deceits.

Kristen kept Susan in line with intimidation. However, Susan got some therapy from Dr. Evans. As Susan's self-esteem grew, she convinced Kristen to hire her as the baby's nanny. However, Kristen told Stefano who came to the rescue by having a secret room built into the DiMera mansion to hold Susan. When Susan overheard Kristen's plans for the room, Susan started to disguise herself as Kristen, making moves on John and even parading around Salem.

Marlena figured out a connection between Susan and Kristen and confronted her. After a heated physical struggle, Kristen locked Marlena into the secret room. Everyone assumed Marlena had been kidnapped again by Stefano. Susan eventually realized Marlena was held in the secret room and tried to help Marlena get free but couldn't open the door. Then Susan realized that Kristen planned to marry John, became horrified and started plans of her own against Kristen. When Marlena tricked Kristen into coming down to the cellar to check the secret room, Susan took the opportunity to foil Marlena's escape to keep her from telling John everything, and trapped Kristen in the same room with Marlena!

In turmoil over estrangement from Hope, Bo lost his job after punching Abe, then lost his boat, Fancy Face, in a pool game. Abe later convinced Bo to come back to work undercover to nab drug kingpin J.L. King. His situation drove him further from Hope and into Billie's arms when she got caught up in the operation. Abe suggested getting Billie into a witness protection program but when she left town, King's distrust about Bo, Hope and Billie erupted. He put a gun to Bo's head and planted a bomb at the Horton house where Hope and Shawn-D were staying before Bo finally saved the day. But Bo and Billie moved in together to keep his cover intact. It caused more alienation from Hope. But when Shawn-D was shot by Viper, one of King's teenaged drug dealers, the estranged couple shared tender moments by their son's hospital bed. When a drug bust went bad, Billie saved Hope's life and later took the blame for the drugs found near Shawn-D leading to her arrest but was later released.

Ironically, as the drug operation took Bo and Billie to Rome, Hope and Franco (who had finally told Hope of his deep feelings for her) also arrived in Rome for a modeling assignment. Franco and Hope became witnesses in the wedding ceremony, orchestrated as a test by King, between Bo and Billie. Later, a dirty Interpol agent revealed Bo as an undercover cop and King took Bo and Billie prisoner. Luckily, they made a daring escape.

In spite of nurse Lynn and Kristen drugging Laura, her memory was returning. Laura continued to insist Peter was alive, even though no one believed her. Eventually, Laura got an order to have Peter's coffin exhumed, but Kristen (with Ivan and Vivian's help) beat her to it and had the remains cremated.

Jack was sentenced to life in prison for "killing" Peter who was alive and in hiding. In jail, one of his cell pals, Travis, secretly worked for Stefano to keep tabs on Jack. In the summer, Jack's appeal was denied. Meanwhile, Stefano had Travis released from jail to become Jennifer's new neighbor "Trent" who was so kind he put in a security alarm system at her house!

With Kristen and Marlena trapped in the same secret room, their cat fights simmered to verbal taunting. On a monitor, both watched in horror as Susan, disguised as Kristen, tried to seduce John. Susan, passing as Kristen, got Lynn to stop drugging Laura and even fooled her twin, Sister Mary Moira. Susan then changed Kristen's wedding plans — to a Presley parody — with John wearing studded black leather, the bride in some version of Priscilla, and best man Abe in Col. Parker garb. Even the music was pure Elvis. The reception was interrupted when Laura escaped the hospital and arrived to expose Kristen, unaware that it was really Susan. A frantic search ensued and they got to the secret room before Kristen and Marlena died of gas leak they caused by trying to break out. Marlena finally revealed Kristen's deceit to a horrified John. Susan confirmed Marlena's story.

During a confrontation between Kate and Sami, a photo from the blackmail material fell out and when wheelchair-bound Victor saw it, he suffered a serious second stroke. Victor was transferred to an out-of-town nursing home and is not expected to recover.

Sami, meanwhile, was rocked when she noticed a discrepancy in Will's blood type on a hospital notice she got in the mail. Turns out Lucas, not Austin, is her baby's father! On several occasions Sami tried to change the hospital computer records, but failed.

Reunited John and Marlena were lost in love and enjoyed a romantic courtship. Kristen, Ivan and Vivian (now penniless after paying fines) got out of jail in time to crash John and Marlena's engagement party. Stefano was angered when Kristen's threat to jump off the terrace foiled his plan to take Marlena again.

On John and Marlena's wedding day Kristen got her revenge. Just as Marlena was about to walk into the church, Kristen delivered a bandaged and wheelchair-bound Roman, suffering from the still-lethal effects of chemical warfare. Kristen tended Roman at the DiMera mansion and told Roman that Marlena's relationship with John was over; and she and John were happily married. John and Marlena moved into the DiMera mansion too.

Roman's return played into Sami's plans. She used her dying dad to bolster her position with Austin, telling Roman that she and Austin were happily married, and that Carrie and Mike were dating. Because of Roman's condition, everyone felt obligated to play along.

Austin got the annulment from Sami but saw Carrie and Mike drawing closer to each other. He hid the annulment papers and said nothing. Sami found the papers, but Austin, believing Mike was better for Carrie anyway, proposed marriage to Sami who was delighted to accept. Meanwhile, Mike held his heart in check while helping Carrie through her family ordeal. The Bradys got another shock when Sami's twin brother, Eric, returned to Salem from Denver. Kate didn't tell Austin that Sami had regained her memory for fear of Sami's blackmail: she had been a call girl in the past and Kate had hired Franco to come between Bo and Hope.

Once King was locked up, Hope learned the truth about Bo and flew to Rome. Franco went along and made sure Hope found Bo and Billie in bed, looking very passionate. Terribly hurt, and convinced Bo had fallen in love with Billie during the undercover operation, Hope returned to Salem and accepted a "friendship" ring from Franco. Meanwhile, in Rome, Billie was captured and drugged by Max, one of King's henchmen. By the time Bo found Billie, she was truly hooked on drugs. He helped her through a torturous withdrawal and they bonded deeply.

Mike, as a doctor and family friend, joined Carrie at a bacterial disease conference hoping to find information that would help Roman. They ended up sharing a suite, romantic dinners, a night on the town and a drive to the mountains. The couple were caught in a storm and had a car accident. Mike and Carrie grew closer while they were trapped in a cabin. By the time the Carrie was able to call Salem, Sami and Austin were planning their wedding. Carrie was devastated to have lost Austin.

Eric's suspicions and Roman's concerns for both his daughters delayed the ceremony long enough for Carrie to go to the hospital and, with Mike's help, access the files and come back with proof that Will is not Austin's child. After presenting the information — and a memorable round-house punch — Carrie stopped Sami from marrying Austin. Instead, Carrie became Austin's bride, with heartbroken Mike serving as best man.

While Carrie and Austin were on their honeymoon in Rome, Sami manipulated Mike into attending a medical conference there, then secretly followed the trio to Italy. Dressed as a nun, Sami spied on Carrie and Austin making love, stole Carrie's diary, and schemed with Franco, also in Rome, to manipulate Mike and Carrie's emotions.

Back in Salem, John agreed to release an imprisoned Stefano and join him on a jungle quest to find Roman's cure. Before heading out to the jungle, DiMera visited Susan's baby, Elvis. Through flashbacks, it was revealed that Stefano fathered Susan's baby while dressed up like Elvis. When John, Hope, Kristen and Stefano finally arrived at DiMera's mysterious jungle compound, John and Hope were imprisoned. Later, the vial holding the cure was broken and DiMera's doctors no longer had the rare orchid needed for another batch. Only John offered to go into the jungle filled with hostile natives, dangerous beasts and natural hazards. Hope followed. The duo faced a tarantula, stalking natives, cliff falls, fire, and near death more than once each. Back at the compound, Hope felt she was coming close to jarring her memory about some secret from Maison Blanche. However, natives attacked and they were forced to leave. Luckily, John made it back in time but was hallucinating due to a native dart. With the seeds remaining in John's backpack, Dr. Rolf was able to concoct another batch of cure. Their plane was caught in a thunderstorm and downed.

As his last wish Roman wants to rewed Marlena. Drawn to Roman in his need and believing John was dead in the jungle, Marlena agreed to remarry Roman. They were before a priest and about to make their vows when John arrived carrying Roman's cure. Roman was rushed back to the hospital for treatment.

Jennifer landed a job at Jack's prison, posing as a prison guard named Hope Williams. When Travis/Trent figured out who "Hope" was, he kidnapped Jennifer and planned to rendezvous with Peter, who would pay him for her delivery. Jennifer tried to escape at every opportunity. When Jack found out Jennifer had been kidnapped, he escaped to hunt for her. Peter was on his way from his hideout in the jungle when he was bitten by a mosquito and suffered recurrent bouts of jungle madness. At the Grand Canyon, Jack found Travis and the two struggled and fell over the canyon rim. While Jack fell to a ledge, Travis went to the bottom and died. Jack and Jennifer got back to Salem, and Abby, in time for a secret Christmas celebration.

An odd old man crossed paths with Vivian and Ivan. It appeared he was wealthy and very eccentric, so Vivian began a plan to swindle him out of his fortune by pretending to be his lost love, Flora Dora. She had a costumed Ivan perform a "marriage" ceremony in order to get into Jonesy's will.

Lucas tried to get Sami to back off her blackmail of his mom Kate by threatening to take Will away from her permanently, but it didn't work. In fact, to prove her point and land a prestigious position at Titan, Sami planted a negative story about Kate in a tabloid. Although she balked, Kate gave in and gave Sami the job of Director of Imaging, a move that aroused Carrie and Austin's suspicions.

Susan discovered Stefano is her baby's father when he came to visit the child. Kristen became obsessed with the idea of having John Jr. back as the way to win back John. Kristen drugged Susan and had her sign over custody of her baby. Determined to get her son back, Susan sought out her brother, Thomas, and returned to intimidate Kristen who was shocked by the sight of the Banks triplets! Eventually, Susan asked for John and Marlena's help. When Susan got her son back, she wasted no time in getting on a plane and heading out of the country.

Eventually, Bo and Hope cleared up most of their misunderstandings, but Bo omitted that he did consummate his marriage to Billie. To keep himself away from Billie, Bo threw himself into the search for Jennifer. Bo told Billie how much he thinks of Hope and she became disheartened. But Kate told Billie to do everything she can to hold him and Billie became determined to fight for Bo.

At the New Year's Eve party, Mike brought a married nurse he hoped Carrie would think is the woman he loves. Carrie became very uncomfortable seeing Mike and his date together, and it was clear that there's more chemistry brewing than she wants to admit. Meanwhile, Austin was clueless. Sami attended the party alone, which made it easy for Franco to put his plan of seducing her into action: use Sami as another stepping stone to Hope while making Sami believe he's helping her make Austin jealous.

Roman received a clean bill of health from Mike and bought Marlena an engagement ring. Kristen formulates a plan to win back John and ruin Marlena's life.

Bo decided to tell Hope the truth about consummating his marriage with Billie in Rome, and Hope decided to ring in the New Year with Bo. However, just as Bo and Hope made their way to each other, Billie fainted… And it looks like she has the ammunition to keep Bo at her side!


~Sorry we have no info for 1998 yet!~


~None for 1999 either~
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