Bo and Hope!

Welcome to the Bo and Hope Brady page. In our opinion this couple WAS one of the cutest on Days until Stefano came to ruin it. I think I can speak for most viewers when I say it was a major let down to find out Hope had become Gina again...just when she was about to make it to the altar with Bo. Hope/Gina is in love with John, the old John that is and will do almost anything to gain his love. Now with Stefano turning Bo into his newest pawn, the viewers see Hope/Gina concern. All we can do now is hope and pray that Bo the so called detective realizes that it was Princess Gina who died and not his precious Fancy Face. Even though Hope and Stefano get out of the turret soon enough can Hope and Bo ever have a secure future together? Not if Hope's preganant with someone else's child...and she is!

Bo and Hope have finally reunited...but Hope is pregnant and the baby isn't Bo's...whose child is it and what will Hope do? Now that Bo knows that "Little John" isn't his will he tel Hope?
Bo heads to Ireland to get to the bottom of the whole Brady/Dimera feud. In the mean time John keeps a close watch on Hope and his son!

Info about the couple Nicknames: He calls her Fancy Face, she calls him Brady
Special Item: She gave him a bell that signaled "All is well"
Bo gave Hope a music box that played their song, "Tonight, I Celebrate my Love"
Children: Shawn Douglas, born in April 1987 Special Events: They first made love in New Orleans at Oak Alley Plantation. Bo proposed to Hope after watching her recover from a bullet she took for Bo from Nurse Hunnicutt's gun. They often did "pinkie swears" which have to be sealed with a kiss.
Special Place:Santa Rosa
Special Couple: They have dressed up as Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler on more than one ocassion
People who came between them: Larry Welch, Doug Williams, Ernesto Toscano, Megan Hathaway, Victor Kiriakis, Billie Reed, Franco Kelly, J.L. King, Max, Kate Roberts, Stefano, Jude St. Clair
Wedding: Married in England in 1985 following the capture of The Dragon. Wedding was paid for by the English Royal Family. On this day, Bo gave hope a music box that played "God Save the Queen."

Kristian Alfonso and Peter Reckell work amazingly together and from articles we've read they enjoy their roles very much. Kristian was born in 1964 and Peter in 1955.

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