Jack and Jenn

How they met: Although they had both been in Salem for many years, their relationship began when Jennifer, a young college student, was assigned to do an internship at the Salem Spectator. Jack was the editor in chief of the paper and therefore was Jennifer's supervisor. He thought she was young and inexperienced, which resulted in a number of fights. But, before long, they were falling in love.
Nicknames: He called her Miss Horton

Special Items: a jade plant that symbolized the growth in their love, a ring made from a shell that he gave to her on the island, and a Hope Chest that Jack gave her for Christmas, 1990, which contained symbols of their relationship, including a life preserver and a firetruck with fireman and bride
Special word: contramundom-"you and me against the world"

Children: Abigail Johanna Deveraux (born in a cabin)
Milestones: First made love on an island, following the Cruise of Deception. Abby was conceived on the set of the gameshow "Ask Dr. Love"

People who came between them: Jack, Emilio, Frankie, Eve, Hawk, Lawrence, Peter, Stefano, Travis/Trent, Kristen, Laura, Melissa
Wedding: Married in Salem's Wild West Arena in 1991

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