Justin Kiriakis and Adrienne Johnson

How they met: She was sitting in the park on a bench, crying, and he came over and offered her a handkerchief. She was too shy to take it, but they later struck up a friendship, with Justin claiming to be a construction worker.

Special Events: When Justin and Adrienne left Victor's mansion to 'set out on their own', Justin worked three overtime shifts as a construction worker to buy Adrienne a gold necklace - the first gift he ever gave her with his own money. He took her to the pier for a picnic and surprised her with the necklace.
Special Places: the stables on the Kiriakis Estate
Special Items: The Justin and Adrienne Memorial Park Bench in Salem's park; a paper boat that he made for her a few weeks after they became friends
People Who Came Between them: Victor, Anjelica, Emilio
Wedding: November 1987 in Greece and again in June 1990 in Salem
Children: Alexander (Justin and Anjelica's son, who they are raising, since Anjelica is dead), Joseph and Victor (their adopted identical twins), and Jackson, their natural son.

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