Weddings of '83

Marlena Evans & Roman Brady

Date: February 9
Location: Church of Angels, Salem
Wedding Party: Maid of Honor-Maggie Horton; Bridesmaids-Kayla Brady, Gwen Davies; Best Man-Abe Carver; Groomsmen-Chris Kositchek; Eugene Bradford; Flower Girl-Carrie Brady
Wedding Attire: Marlena's dress was a formal white gown with a heart shaped neck. The bridesmaids wore a fuscia pink color scheme
Pre-Wedding Events: Roman was almost assasinated in the tuxedo shop on the way to the wedding
The Ceremony: Roman was almost assasinated but Eugene's vibe saved his life. They made it through the whole ceremony the second time around, with Doug singing "Up Where We Belong." They recited their poem,The True Season of Love by Goethe
Reception: Blondie's
Honeymoon: Marlena originally had to go with Don while Roman was chasing Stefano. They finally made it to a ski resort after Roman saved Marlena from Stefano
Status: The couple's marriage "ended" when Roman died in 1984. However, when Roman returned in 1991, the couple was still considered to be married, since Marlena thought she had remarried Roman in 1986. They divorced in 1994.

Marie Horton & Neil Curtis

Location: Greenbriar Inn
Pre-Wedding Events: A few days before the wedding, Neil heroically delivered Liz's baby at Ridgecrest, while Stefano was holding Marlena and Liz hostage. He dressed up as a paramedic to deliver some supplies to Stefano's goon at the front door, but then slipped around back and broke into the room where Liz was in labor. Liz thought Neil knew at the time that the baby was his, and that's why he was there. Neil didn't know (he thought the baby was Tony's); so when he got back, he asked Marie to run off and elope (only Alice & Tom knew).
The Ceremony: Small ceremony, with a judge and his wife as a witness.
Reception: The next day, Doug & Julie held a small reception with Alice & Tom at Doug's Place. Anna was also at Doug's place, waiting for Tony to sign some papers. When he arrived, Tony saw Neil, pulled him aside, and said he was in the process of getting the baby's name changed to "Curtis." When Neil figured out what Tony was talking about, he raced over to Don's house to see Liz. Marie followed, and witnessed Neil and Liz sharing a tender moment. As they were leaving, Marie expressed her concern over Liz's situation, but made it clear that Neil was hers, and that it was going to stay that way!
Honeymoon: Neil and Marie went back to the Greenbriar Inn to start their honeymoon, only to find Liz hiding in their room. Liz was there (thinking Neil was alone) to tell him that Noelle was his child. Liz went back to Don Craig's townhouse without telling Neil the news.
Status: They divorced later that same year.

Alex Marshall & Renee Dumonde

Pre-Wedding Events: Alex was only interested in Renee for her money. He had found a second will of Stefano's that left her all his money. Renee accepted Alex's proposal without much thought about his real intent behind the marriage.
The Ceremony: Following the ceremony, Renee quickly realized Alex was after her inheritance and decided to get even. During a grand celebration at the DiMera mansion, Renee announced from the staircase that Alex had married her only for her money and would never touch her again. She then retreated upstairs, where she was poisoned and stabbed in the back with a knife (by the Salem Slasher). Alex was first suspected of the murder but was cleared of the charges when he didn't even know his wife had died.
Honeymoon: There was no honeymoon, because Renee was murdered the night of their wedding.

Tony Dimera & Anna Fredericks

Location: Las Vegas
The Ceremony: With the help of Alex Marshall, Anna conned her way on a business trip with Tony to Las Vegas (she was his secretary at the time). Alex arranged for the Justice of the Peace and Anna drugged Tony on the plane so that he would still be out of it when they arrived in Vegas. They were married before they ever checked into a hotel. They both woke up in the same bed the next morning; Anna staggered over to a table, and expressed her "shock" in finding a marriage license.
Status: Not long after they wed, Anna became pregnant, then miscarried during a murder attempt initiated by rival Renee Banning. Soon after, Tony learned the truth about their Vegas ceremony and divorced Anna, even though she claimed she still loved him.

Eugene Bradford & Trista Evans

Location: Haiti

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