Weddings of '88

Anjelica Deveraux & Neil Curtis

Date: December
Location: Neil Curtis' house
Wedding Party: Jack was a part of the ceremony. There were no bridesmaids. Anjelica walked down the aisle alone.
Wedding Attire: Anjelica wore a big, pink dress, with a vest that was beaded. The dress was big since Anjelica was pregnant with Alexander.
Pre-Wedding Events: The couple wed because Anjelica was pregnant with Alexander. While Anjelica knew the child wasn't Neil's, she wed him and named him as the child's father.
The Ceremony: The wedding was small, with only six rows of chairs set up, three on each side in the Curtis living room. Adrienne, Jo, Kim, Shane, Justin, Victor, Maggie, Jack, Mickey, Tom, and Alice were there. Just friends and family. As Anjelica said "I do," she glared at Victor as Victor wanted her to be Mrs. Victor Kiriakis. Adrienne had flashbacks from her wedding day to Justin, as she watched Justin, who was sitting with his uncle Victor.
Reception: Neil Curtis' house. While Anjelica was dancing with Tom Horton, she got mad as she saw Neil ask Jo to dance, since she was always jealous of her. It was during the reception that they heard a ruckus in the stables. Victor and Anjelica both rushed there, to see Adrienne and Justin underneath the rubble. Justin had the stables rigged to have everything fall on Emilio, but Adrienne got there first, and as he rushed in, everything collapsed on them. This was the beginning of Justin's paralysis, and Victor insisting that Adrienne stay away from Justin.

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