Where did they go?

Ever wonder where some people went? Watched one episode and the next week characters were missing? Want to know where they went? You've come to the right place...

Lawrence Alamain- Moved to Europe with wife Carly and son Nikki in 1993 (note: Nikki has since to returned to Salem)

Leopold Alamain- Killed in the earthquake in 1990

Bob Anderson- Died of a heart attack in 1980

Linda Anderson- Last seen in 1985 as Madame DuPrix

Mary Anderson- Strangled in 1982

Melissa Anderson- Moved to Nashville in 1982

Phyllis Anderson- Last seen in Salem in 1982

Scotty Banning- Left for California with Faith Taylor in 1990

Janice Barnes- Stabbed by Riverfront knifer in 1988

Jessica Blake- Married Joshua Fallon and left Salem in 1982

Emmy Borden- Died from a mysterious deadly virus in 1991

Eugene Bradford-Disappeared in his time machine

Letitia Bradford- Stabbed in 1983

Anna Brady Dimera- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1986, assumed to be living in Europe

Eric Brady (Shawn's brother)- Arrested in 1984 for child molestation

Frankie Brady- Left for Africa with Eve in 1991

Kayla Brady Johnson- Moved to Los Angeles in 1992. Sources say that Mary Beth Evans who used to play Kayla is considering returning to the role on Days since she has quit her role on GH.

Kim Brady- Living in Los Angeles with Philip Collier

Molly Brinker- Left with Tanner Scofield in 1992

Theo Carver- Died in 1985

Kellam Chandler- Shot to death in 1981

Liz Chandler Curtis- Left Salem to work on a movie in 1986

Tod Chandler- Killed in a car accident in 1986

Trish Clayton Banning- Left Salem for a singing gig in 1982

Diana Coleville- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1989

Philip Coleville- Died from a gun shot in 1988

Nick Corelli- Died in 1990

Don Craig- In 1984 he left his office to go to the post office and was never seen again

Donna Temple Craig- Went to live with her grandmother in 1980

Neil Curtis- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1991

Gwen Davies- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1985

Ginger Dawson- Went to Chicago in 1992 with Brian Scofield

Anjelica Deveraux- Ran away from Salem in 1990

Harper Deveraux- Fell from the bell tower and died in 1990

Andre Dimera- Disappeared after escaping from the hospital in 1984

Benjy Dimera- Moved to Europe in 1989

Daphne Dimera- Died in a plane crash in 1984

Tony Dimera- Commited suicide in 1995

Emma Donovan- ODed on drugs and died in 1986

Eve Donovan- Moved to Africa with Frankie Brady in 1991

Shane Donovan- Went back to England in 1992

Renee Dumonde- Killed by the Salem Slasher in 1983

Britta Englund- Left salem for unknown reasons in 1986

Samantha Evans- Strangled in 1981

Trista Evans Bradford- Stabbed in 1983

Joshua Fallon- Left Salem with Jessica Blake in 1982

Carlo Forenza- Died after a fight with Neil Curtis in 1984

Gillian Forrester- Arrested in 1987

Alan Harris- Left town in 1994 after being castrated by Sami

Megan Hathaway- Electrocuted in 1985

Addie Horton- Killed by a car while pushing Hope's baby carriage in 1974

Bill Horton- Left town after divorcing Laura in 1994

Kitty Horton- Died of a heart attack in 1969

Margo Horton- Died from Leukemia in 1978

Marie Horton- Left Salem in 1983 after divorcing Neil Curtis

Sarah Horton- Moved to Nashville in 1991

Tom Horton- Died of a heart attack in 1994

Tommy Horton Jr.- Left salem for unknown reasons in 1977

Jeremy Jacobs Horton- Living in Israel

Robyn Jacobs- Living in Israel with her son

Pete Jannings- Left Salem in 1986

Adrienne Johnson Kiriakis- Moved to Dallas with Justin in 1991

Steve "Patch" Johnson- Poisoned to death in 1990

Calliope Jones- Working on a TV show in New York

Justin Kiriakis- Living in Dallas with Adrienne as of 1991

Chris Kositchek- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1987

Robert LeClair- Last seen in Salem in 1986

Stella Lombard- Hit by a truck in 1992

Alex Marshall- Last seen in 1986

David Martin- Shot to death in 1967

Rebecca North LeClair- Died in Japan in 1979

Julie Olsen Williams- Moved to Switzerland to join Doug in 1993, currently and briefly back on the show to help save Hope

April Ramirez- Moved to New York in 1991

Emilio Ramirez- Fell to his death in 1991

Rosa Ramirez- Died of cancer in 1988

Curtis Reed- Shot to death in 1993

Jude St Clair- Shot to death by Peter Blake in 1996

Brian Scofield- Moved to Chicago with Ginger in 1992

Tanner Scofield- Left town with Molly Brinker in 1992

Danielle Stevens- Arrested, but escaped, Currently living in Switzerland as of 1992

Ernesto Toscano- Presumed dead in the explosion with hope in 1990

Isabella Toscano Black- Died of pancreatic cancer after giving birth to Brady in 1992

Marina Toscano- Shot to death in 1989

Larry Welch- Still in prison

Savannah Wilder- Last seen in 1986

Doug Williams- Moved to Switzerland in 1992, Currently and briefly on the show to help save Hope

Cal Winters- Left Salem for unknown reasons in 1992

Information courtesy of http://home.gvi.net/~kara/wherenow.htm

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