Release Date: 11-23-98 Director: Shigeru Miyamoto Produced by: NCL (EAD Division) Genre: 3D Action/Adventure Price: 6800yen Cart Size: 256bitROM Options: Rumble Pak compatible Multiplayer?: probably not DD?: compatible Sound by: Koji Kondo Latest Build: 70% completed
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Finally video game players will finally be able to venture back to the fantastic realm of Hyrule in the The Legend of Zelda for Nintendo 64. Like Super Mario 64, Mr. Miyamoto's development team aimed to create a virtual world to explore in Zelda 64. But even though Hyrule is a fantasy world, the layout and look of the world is much more realistic. From a rocky mountain pass to a quaint medieval village, Zelda 64 transports you to a land far, far away, but real enough to be in your own backyard.
According to Mr. Miyamoto, the feel of the game is about 90% complete, but the team is now working on polishing the game and adding the many unique tricks and gimmicks that make the games in the Zelda series masterpieces of action and adventure. The team's true goal for the game is to make a completely new game experience.
An issue that hasn't been decided yet is how the game will be released; as a stand-alone cartridge, a stand-alone Nintendo 64 Disk Drive game, or a combination of cartridge and N64 DD. The team is developing the game so it can be released in any of the three ways, and the actual decision will be made closer to completion. In any event, the game will probably take an extra three months to develop, which puts the planned release date in Japan around March of 1998. A US release date will follow as soon as the translation can be completed!
The Storyline: what we know so far
Short Preview: some observationsInterviews and News: 100 questions Picture Gallery: glimpses of the future