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Nine Eleven

My first reaction to the events of Nine Eleven were to immediately contact my loved ones, even though they were mostly still asleep, to warn them that today might be a day to slow down and stay at home. My analytical mind gamed out scenarios and extrapolated what other horrors might befall our nation and even the world. What more could come from these bastards as they strove to destroy our freedom and tear at the tender womb of peace? I imagined many more horrors that might come but never did and I thank my creator that these terrorists lacked my imagination. I was shaken by these events and find myself most effected by the loss of souls that I have never known. I see the family members of those lost in the twin towers, the pentagon and in the cold empty field of Pennsylvania. It’s the survivor’s pain that I cannot ignore. Screw the loss of revenue and the material costs of replacing the structures that once signified our commercial interests. Damn the buildings that once stood as a bloated Babylon to our upper class. What grieves me the most is the child that will have to grow up wondering why they don’t have a Mommy or Daddy. What monument can we build that will provide clarity to them in terms of why they only have a single parent. What consolation can we bring to the survivors of this horror? Will the destruction of other nations give the ghosts of fallen parents voice to sing their surviving children lullabies. Shall the tears of grieving widows and orphans be wiped away by a tomahawk missile? No! Ladies and Gentleman, Do not make the mistake of taking me for a Pacifist. I wish to make this distinction. That there is a time to kick ass and those responsible for this event shall be delivered a healthy portion of retribution. What I would rather focus on at this time is healing. The warrior who knows only one thing leaves himself open to attack. People fight best for what they love. I love a number of people on this planet and I tell you, I would move heaven and earth to get revenge should one of my loved ones be harmed. But for now, please, let us let revenge give way to calculated and well-planned justice. Those in power will do their best, (as their conscience allows) to plan attacks and shackle those who would harm our way of life. For us, those who are not soldiers and statespersons, we too have a job. It’s is our responsibility to love our friends and family. We have a duty to be true to those that are true to us and to let them know that they are loved. If you are a tough guy and find it difficult to express your feelings, just do your best. I implore anyone reading this to send an e-mail, make a call or visit an old friend. Tell your loved ones that you love them on this day and thank whatever power you have faith in that you are able to love and feel empathy for others. Guns are cool but the embrace of someone I love beats all. What has happened a year ago is beyond belief but let us for this day, remember the good, those we love, those who we have lost and the hopes we all have for the future. To quote John Kennedy “We all breath the same air, we all cherish our children’s future, and we are all mortal”
Gregory Solis