The Didgeridoo (also spelled as Didjeridu) is an Australian Aboriginal instrument used musically, in ceremony and in ritual. Myths and legends abound about the didgeridoo and its relationship to the creation of the world in Aboriginal cultures. There is evidence it may have a history of over 40,000 years. Traditionally it is made from a Eucalyptus tree (there are over nine varieties of eucalyptus; i.e., woolybutt, bloodwood, mulga, stringy bark, ironwood, malley, etc.) which has been hollowed out from termites; it is often today made from bamboo and other materials. It is played like a bass horn, giving off a deep, resonant drone sound, unlike any instrument you are likely to have heard.
Playing the Didgeridoo has a number of reputed health benefits. There is no right or wrong way to play the instrument. Once the student can produce the drone and circular breath, he can experience the fulfillment of whole brain activity, and enjoy the results of spontaneous creation. As indicated in the eastern holistic approach to health, all the acupuncture meridians are represented on the lips. The vibrating lips stimulate and "open up" these gateways, allowing life energy to flow more freely. In layman's terms, you experience a "re-charging of your batteries" or a boost to your energy when playing about ten minutes after a full and exhausting day. The extra breathing and lung activity increases the oxygen to the body, similar in effect to exercise. The short sharp breaths through the nostril act to clear out the nasal cavities, eliminating excess toxin-carrying mucous. The use of the diaphragm muscles, particularly in active rhythms, has a similar effect on the internal organs, as do specific yoga exercises designed to enhance assimilation of food and elimination of waste. Also, this active use of the diaphragm muscle aids in toning the "tummy" externally.
This site is dedicated to:
My son, George, Jr.; and our friends Gerri,
Eve and Zack.
~Ayor Anosh'ni~
You are Kindred Spirit
May 3, 1999