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Momma sent us to the orchard
To get the rotten ones,
Ole Sally, our sow, would be hungry,
We should bring her a ton.

Sis and I got the washtub
And to the tree we ran, to pick them up,
That would help
Ole Sally to expand.

And on the top my sister placed
A bright red one like new,
And to the house we carried them,
The tub was held by two.

Sally waited, the rotten ones
To be eaten for her meal,
And as we sat the apples down
The apples, they did spill.

Now dog was there with us,
She didn't miss a thing,
She grabbed up the bright one
And off she ran with... Zing.

Sister ran right after dog,
As I rolled on the ground,
That big red juicy apple
Was in the mouth of hound.

The apple was for Momma,
My sister cried in pain,
I had to stop my laughing
Before she went insane.

Well hound got the red apple,
And Sally got some too,
And sister got to crying,
And I just came unglued.

by _gigi041

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~Real Audio Player~

The lyrics to the following song were written by gigi and sung by Flip (a.k.a. bingo91):

Secretly I Weep by bingo91 and _gigiSecretly I Weep

~G's Circles

~My Love For You~

~Poetry by bingo91~ TOUR

~The Prettiest Flower In The Garden~Just For You!

~World Peace.....Now~

The Poetry Cafe


You are Kindred Spirit

January 21, 1999