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starhoku II

~E O Mai, my Sister in Spirit~

Greetings and welcome to a Celebration of Poems and Songs by starhoku, my Sister in Spirit, a kindred spirit, peace messenger and friend to all. May you have many moments of pleasure...


"E O Mai, means to me a feeling of the ONE. You and I are here, together in one breath of life. When you call I will hear, and I will respond, inkind.

I am honored to share this life with all who come in HIS name, and I am also humbled by the many who have gifted onto me their talents, skills, knowledge, humor, and most importantly, their LOVE.

"Here is a poem that hoku_guest did online with the hidden and not so hidden names of our brothers and sisters of Africa chat. She enjoyed composing this poem because all have given so much to and for her, already. In gratitude...

~Resounding Nature~

Fairwinds blow a spirit song, a greeting for all to hear
Of young love not denied, like a rose bud soon will be A fragrance sweet and melancholy, carried by the stylish spirit wind
To a wonderous place where lovers meet to kiss
And where the grey wanderer dances, to the music of creation
A glorious major attempt of nature's rhythmic harmonies
Oh how resplendent our sister in spirit is for all
With admiration for the miracles of life
Just as the grains of sand is liken to mankind, spiritual walker
Forever is the heavens and its celestial son
Where the dancing rainbow fly, is a star
And a peace of serenity is blessed magnificently
Like the bluest skies enduring are the windows of the universe
A guardian in peace, in love, in tune with Mother Nature.

Here are the names of our brothers and sisters in the poem. Can you see where they belong?
and these are the ones that hoku_guest have made meaningful relationships with for love.........starhoku."

~ ALL Who Enter~

She enters the room on golden wings,
Her smile warms the soul.
Her voice like an angel choir.

All who enter are blessed by her presence.
She is rain in the dessert.
Light in the darkness.

Compassion in the center of chaos.

Her words are simple.
Her thoughts profound.
Her LOVE unconditional.

She is Hoku.....the star of Africa.

She the star of Africa, shines with jubilation.
She is the sister of spirits.
Sympathetic for visitors who share ONE breath of life.

Eager to participate in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

To give glory to the ONE, the equidistant of ALL....ONE.
Courage to do what is acceptable, willing to give freely,
Humility, patience, truth, and most importantly......LOVE.

She the star of Africa, extends tenderly and GRATITUDE.

A tribute for ALL, who leniently shared,
Their personal brilliance.....LOVE.
A testimonial for ALL, my brothers and sisters of the spirit.....MY LOVE FOR YOU.

~ No More Excuses!~

The windows of my soul rain down,
And the sound of the tears you hear,
Is the sound of my heart broken in despair,
And this too shall pass.

Everything we do as human beings,
Remains here from the dawn of creation.
We take nothing with us on our final journey,
So then, why do we not create possibilitites?

Create is part of creation!

Instead we limit our potential,
Our hearts are capable of so much more.
Our potential and capacity to love,
Is timeless, endless, boundless, limitless.

Why do we not embrace ouselves with love?
Why do we not heal the wound we have self-inflicted?
Why do we not embrace the world with love?
Why do we not heal the wound WE have ALL created?

Cruelty, suffering, torment, sadnness,
You think it is outside of you,
And you think it is around you,
No, it is within you and dwells there with LOVE.

It is what we do out of fear and doubt!

It is what hurts me to see,
The injustice done to oneself.
Everyone saw the beauty,
No one was the pain.

The pain that was self-inflicted,
Ruined our hearts for caring,
And robbed our hearts of healing,
Signs of destruction and conflict.

Create is part of creation!

We, so reluctent to trust our hearts,
Our hearts are capable of so much more.
Raised in the shadow of ignorance,
Embody all creation for the good of ALL.

Why do we not embrace ourselves with love?
Why do we not heal the wound we have self-inflicted?
Why do we not embrace the world with love?
Why do we not heal the wound WE have ALL created?

A sacred bond of our hearts.
Put your trust in GOD,
And HE will not fail you.

HE, gave to us HIS heart!

WE are ONE with HIS heart.
And the ability to LOVE oneself,
As HE loved HIS SON to die for us ALL,
What greater sacrifice was there of LOVE.

What more do we need, to make no more excuses!

~ Divided Hearts~

When love is there, and the one you love is not,
Then all the times are spent missing the other one.
Heart ache comes rushing in, ripping away soundness of mind,
Peaceful reveries are filled with calamity, and hearts are aching.
The cruelest pain is the pain of being ignored by the one you love,
Shunned by a lack of understanding, only leads to dissolution.

As the light begins to fail, so does my heart cease to glow,
Profound silence is deafening, and what remains is emptiness.
Physical forms of love making not our reality,
Instead, hearts, minds, bodies, and souls, fuse into ONE spirituality.
Love can be so hurtful, Love can be so painful,
Relentless scourching suffering is separation.

There was a time it was perfect.....LOVE.
We were willing hearts and open minds,
That was all we required for our earthly existence.
Trusting with OUR hearts meant understanding,
No matter how many times we cried......WE LOVED.
We loved to be loved, just knowing we CARED.

Silent prayers from the heart, and borne on the wind,
Sent messages into our futures, to keep us together.
Yes, I love you, be at peace with me and love is its companion.
Understanding our differences is our path to enlightenment,
We together, can handle the truth, because LOVE DIVIDED is SORROW.
And, two separate hearts living not as ONE is a lonely existence.

Come back to my heart, and all is good, when LOVE is the reason.
Come back to my heart, and LOVE remains as ONE and not divided.
Come back to my heart, and LOVE means waiting for the ONE.
Come back to my heart, and UNDERSTANDING is the path to WISDOM.
Come back to my heart, because I would MISS your PRESENCE.
Come back to my heart, because there would be PEACE for DIVIDED HEARTS.


Listen to the stillness,
That captivates your soul,
To the secrets of your spirit,
Explicit sounds of silence....

Cease the flood of phrases,
Plung into the rambling river,
Go along with the flow,
Downward on the wind, gliding,

A most amazing feeling.
Hush into the celestrial sky,
A state of calm and quiet.
Close your eyes and be....

Lay shrouded within mother earth,
Sensing her heart beating,
Pulsating shining sunlight,
Life force energy, respiring.

Inherent absence of sounds,
Contemplation assured.
A marvelous awakening.
Metaphysically speaking, sacred....

Listen to the sounds of silence.
Listen not to the words spoken.
Listen with your heart for words, unspoken,
And you will hear all you need to hear.

~Day Dreams~

Land of mist, bathed eternal and ever changing,
Weaves for me, songs with complex harmonies.
Resplendent prophecies,
Promises to unveil the warrior's spirit.
And the dazzling, mischievous, "Stylish Prince,"
Is revealed.
Flushed by goodness and so much love,
The "Stylish Prince" is unmasked, enchantingly.
Raised eyes of she, the "Hawai`ian Princess,"
Toward and beyond the brink of phantasy.
Seeking the warrior's spirit in the distant horizon.
A moment in time, an illusionary rainbow bursts forth,
Startling the rhythm of her heart beat.
Brown skinned, kiss by the sun, hair ember brown,
Eyes warmed golden by the appearance of the "Stylish Prince."
She blessed with a voice as soothing as the tides,
He blessed, because he loves his, "Hawai`ian Princess."
Dream, sweet day dreams of me, and I of you.
Set me free, loosen the tether onto my soul.
Meanwhile, high above the dunes, I wait and watch the horizon,
For the "Stylish Prince" with the warrior spirit.
And so it begins,
The legends and the myths intermingle with reality.
So then, who is to say that this is not only a day dream of me.........the "Hawaiian Princess."


~Pursue Love~
~Speak to Me~
~We Love~


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Just for you!

My Dear Sister in Spirit,
Your poems are the touch of an angels wings.

~whisper softly ciao baby~

~G's Circles


You are Kindred Spirit

March 18, 1998