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~Guardian's Duty~

Angels escaping the tangible confines,
Beset by ominous rays of sunshine.

Sunshine, but shining on their own,
Shining from HIS heart..........genuine.

A prophecy allegorically conceived in ancient times.

Tranquility is the bond that exists,
In the carnal and spiritual knowledge.

We the custodians of the light of peace,
Are capable of quietude...........isolation.

Implementing, heighten nerves of awareness,
Considering the unexplained, unanswered phenomenon.


Guardians, into the pursuit of daily combat,
Guardians, on a mission of unequaled excellence,
Guardians, accepting responsibility for all creation,

Peace.........Love.......Hope........Harmony..........a guardian's duty!

We are guardians, for the hearts of the multitudes,
A crush of humankind, and creatures great and small.

Of the earth and all SHE holds dear,
Of the universe and all HE holds dear,
A labor of LOVE, and nothing is impossible.

Angels emanating from HIS omnipotent mercy,
Impressive beauty of form and elegance.

Ethereal delectations, hearts for hearts,
A peacekeepers message between hearts.

Guardian angels watching, guardians angels duty.
A labor of LOVE!

by starhoku

~G's Circles (Image © 1998 Majeed Images)

ICQ #5919316


We are the custodians of the light of peace...


~whisper softly ciao baby~

June 1, 1998

Peace and Love image
Majeed Images

You are Kindred Spirit