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In Memory of Richard "Dick" Roberts, Race #94, IF1

A Pilots Bond

We stand in awesome wonder
When we watch an eagle soar.
Our hearts swell in utter Joy
When we hear our engine roar.

We are the men and women
Defying gravity each day
As we strap ourselves into our craft
Perhaps to do a certain job or maybe even play.

We've formed a bond between us,
Those of us that fly,
We share that bond each one of us
As we climb into the sky.

So when one falls to the physics we defy,
We feel the loss, we feel the pain,
Even our pilot's Guardian Angel cries.

We miss our comrade in the air
But in our hearts he'll be.
The bond we made some time ago
Will last us through eternity.

by Flip Miller (a.k.a. bingo91), Race #91, IF1

~Sharing~~~Peaceful Sleep~~~Poetry by bingo91~

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September 30, 1998