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~Speak To Me~

In the beginning she sat there weeping,
Thinking about the lives of just ordinary people.
She searched for signs that would significantly alter,
Her thoughts on the meaning of family.

What are the key elements that identify family?
Ordinary people with intrinsic differences and responsibilities.
Parents whose task is to nuture with tenderness,
Moral skills and practical training for the distinct life of a child.

The importance of developing intellectual leaders,
Shaped by experiences and human ideas of classical antiquity.
A philosophical movement to study literature, science, and the great arts.
Speak to me of Plato's impressions of early childhood.

Plato's assertion for conscience and feelings for another one,
Depicts a child's innate abilities of knowledge and goodness.
Shaping the mind and heart of a child, naturally learning about the world.
Regardless of status and ethnic background, a child is a child every where.

Now, speak to me of the heart of a child, innocence,
In response to the needs of humankind to be loved.
A natural curiosity and desire to make connections,
With meaningful relationships of family, friends, and nature.

A smile, that lights a chaotic existence, peacefully.
The pleasure of resounding laughter echoing in memory,
Revealing true emotions, thoughts, and spiritual awareness.
Extremely influential on those who are their caretakers.

Perfectly free among the inconvenient trappings of order, listening,
To the natural rhythms of life, encouraged by their blameless gaiety.
Reflections of nature, adorned in the ordinary child.
Remember the innocent child with pure conscience and soul.

A heart that imatates what ever is obeserved most carefully,
Pay attention to the little things they may say and do.
The outstanding qualities resembling a mirror,
Of attitudes, beliefs, accustomed to family values.

Historically speaking the ordinary child of yesterday,
Today, affectionately embraces the ordinary child of the future.
Focus on love and acquire a memory journal,
Filled with not money or material acquisitions.

But filled with congratulatory examples of growth,
With the discovery of childhood and the implications for life.
To demonstrate the human ideas, the human experience,
Epitomizing unconditional love completely.

by starhoku

starhoku II
~Pursue Love~
~We Love~

~G's Circles (Image © 1998 Majeed Images)

~Guanja's Email

May the Angels guide you and yours, my Sister in Spirit...

~whisper softly ciao baby~

April 5, 1998


~Amazing Grace~

You are Kindred Spirit