~Shhh... Listen~
You have just left;
I sit watching your image as it fades into the horizon.
The taste of your kiss lingers on my lips,
The scent of your cologne fills my senses,
Your laughter echoes through my mind.
A smile flutters across my face and a sigh escapes my throat.
You, darling, are the warmth of days and the moonlight in my nights,
Your name is whipered by angels.
You, beloved, are the source of the song that causes my heart to dance.
And the joy I feel reverberates in the silence of the night,
Its melody floats softly across the ocean in search of you, my beloved.
In the early morning hours of a Cairen night, you can hear my soul's prayer,
Listen and you will hear
The fluttering beat of angels wings in rhythm with my heart.
Shhh... listen, my beloved,
Our names are whispered by angels.
Together... always... in the keeping of angels.
by serena2U
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