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~Whisper Softly of Love~

Whisper softly kindred spirit of LOVE,
And I shall hear you, I am here.
I shall hear you through all that I am.
With oneness, with openess, with heavenly love.

Like the laughter that comes with great joy,
So shall my heart sing worthy of HIS love.
See the quality of life within you.
Now share your miraculous life with another.

Give of yourself, ONENESS................BREATHLESS.

No sense of reason, no sense of time,
All that remains are the messages of the heart.
What you thought could not happen,
Pure, untouched, awareness of LOVE,

A marriage of one with the other..........SIMPLICITY.
Joy in the morning, invades solitary aloneness,
With profound healing and reverie.
All is known, nothing is hidden, for all to see.

Why deny our existence, our feelings.
When we deserve the freedom of happiness.
We deserve the freedom of living.
We deserve each other on this path of existence.

Not alone, side by side, hand in hand................BREATHLESS.

by starhoku

Starhoku's Websites

~G's Circles

~Native American Links~


You are Kindred Spirit

April 11, 1998