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Skadi, HELP US!!!!

Hello again. This is the final quest. In it you will gain the most valuable character in the group, Skadi the Shaman. He has many spells as you will see. To get the spells you will have to go to another page with them. Anyways, here's the story.

You charage down the misty hallway. Black armored figures close around you. The chaos thugs beat at you with their small, knotted clubs. You try to defend, but there are so many. Now chaos warriors have snuck in behind you. Crap, it's a secret door, that's how the warriors cut you off. You can see your companions battling as hard as you. Skibbish is taking the most damage. You feel the movement below you as Zoag scurries around the oncoming horde. The large club in your hand slashes forward, breaking a thug in half. The warriors have split, leaving an open hallway down. Suddenly you here a large booming noise. Suddenly a jade armored warrior steps forward. Behind him you see Skobo sneaking up. Wait, Skobo is beside you, so is Skibbish. Who is the goblin behind them then?? The warrior seems to be the leader. He carries two large axes, freshly sharpened. You remember back to the books you had read. This is not the leader, though he has a high status he is the butcher or the torture doctor. If he catches you, it would be a very, well, painful experience if he is the torture doctor. Suddenly the goblin behind him draws up a large, twisting staff. Bones jingle on the top but the warrior doesn't notice. There is a large flash, the next thing you know the warrior is lying down on the ground dead. In another few flashes the rest are dead. The thugs then charge past you. Vines crawl up from the ground and snatch at the beasts. The weapons of nature are stronger than the thug's backbones and soon a dozen bodies lay mangled about. The goblin steps forward. "Skadi the Shaman, nice to meet ya."
In this dungeon it is all chaos. Use the basic table for rolling up the dungeon with the following modification: on a 12 you find the quest room. You are only aloud to have 1 healing potion per character (Zoag counts as a character). The stairs out are in the quest room. I will tell you the first part of the dungeon, until a lair, then you must start to roll it up. (If you have the Advanced Heroquest expansion pack then use the chaos monster tables in it). Here is how it starts off. You have a llong two piece hallway. One door is in the second piece. The hallway ends in a T-junction. Three chaos thugs guard the door. If they are not killed within two turns then the enemies inside the room gain surprise automatically. Inside the room are two chaos warriors and one chest. The chest has a mantrap on it. You can spot it and disarm it on two rolls of 5+ on a D12. Inside the chest is a large jewel. The right of the junction is a chasm. Left has a dead end. There is a secret door at the end of the dead end hallway. There is also an Alarm trap. Inside the room is five chaos warriors and one champion. The champion carries 100 gold and a magic treasure. The rest carry 50 gold. No secret doors. Across the chasm is a one piece hallway ending in a left turn. A door is also there. The door is a hazard with a magic circle. If you step on it the chasm closes and reveals 30 gold. After the left turn is a long hallway (three passages). No secret doors. There are 4 pit traps, 1 fireball trap in the hallway (you place them). At the end is a large steal door. There is a secret passage that you can now roll on the Dungeon Creation tables to see what is after it. The large door is a lair. You must use the jewel to open it. Tell the heroes it is worth 500 GCs. This may make them sell the jewel and fail the quest (well, really dumb heroes). Inside is a Chaos Champion (+1 to WS and +1 to Toughness). There is also three chaos warriors (+1 WS). There is a large chest (you choose what's in it). There is a pit trap in front of the Champion. Choose one hero. This person must roll below their bravery or they will charge towards the Champion (falling in the pit, impossible to see or disarm). If the Champion can't bring one character forward the pit trap is revealed and put in play. If you beat him you get 150 gold (he carries all the gold). He also has a sword (or axe, whatever weapon name you want it to be). This gives +1 to WS. Well, remember to put Skadi in the quest room guarded by at least a Chaos Lord. Go to the sight to get the spells. (Skadi is Golden and Jade college, remember!). Stats below.
NAME: Skadi da' Shaman
RACE: Goblin
WS: 9
BS: 8
S: 4
T: 9
SP: 9
BR: 11
INT: 9
W: 4
Fate: 2
Weapons: Staff- no range, Dam-4 fumble and critical as usual
Armor: Tough Cloak> T +3 nothing else affected
Items: 10' rope
Spells: Strangle x1 Lifesap x2


Spells (Skadi is Golden and Jade college of magic)
