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The MON......Our Views and Opinions

So now......after the release of Hanson's surgin'-to-the-top-of-them-billboard-charts album, you girls have been totally gaga-eyed for these Oklahoma bros (Not that we blame you......hehehe). We guess that this is because these boys jest make you wanna get up and start struttin' and singin' along to the your older bro yells for you to shut up.......=) So....we're gonna sum up this great album for ya........and maybe we can figure out what it is that these bros have got, that's got us wantin' more and more on 'em!!

Thinking of You ---------->Track 1 of this awesome album, blows us away from the start with Zac-o's excellent drummin'. Then you hear Tay's voice start in, "Have you ever stood outside a picket fence.....?" and you think, "OHMEGOSH!! Who IS that?!?!" Then you look at the cover of your Middle of Nowhere album......and see Tay starin' up at you with his intensive blue eyes. hear Ike's voice in the background......and you seem to go thru deja-vu here.....cuz you say the exact same thing and go, " who's THAT?!?!" Hehehe.......betcha we're right, huh? Then, after the fadin' out of Zac's hear the begining of ANOTHER awesome song........which is none other than....

Mmmbop ---------->Yup, this is THEE first song by Isaac, Tay, and Zac, that was ever played on MTV, Radio Stations around the world, and even found being played by ppl tryin' out for the Talent Show at your skool. =) Well, it also happens to be Track 2 of this great album, following Thinking of You. From the Fade in part where you hear Ike's guitar strumming and Zac's tap tapping know that this song is gonna be somethin' else. The first time Lynn heard it.....she was in the car on the way to meet her frenz at the mall, when she heard it on the radio. She turned it up LOUD.........even her l'il bro started humming along. By the time she got to the mall, she went straight to the music shop, and changed her mind over buying Meredith Brooks's album.....and bought Middle of Nowhere instead. We did notice that Tay does a lot of "Yeah's" and "Oh's" in this song....not that we're complaining.....cuz it adds a nice touch to the song......=)

Weird ---------->This song must be the the one song in the album that really brings out Hanson's serious and intense side. Most of their other songs are about fun, love, frenz, and guidance......but this one is about life and where you fit in it. It's a slow song and really allows you to relate to the "weirdness" of life.....especially the part where Tay goes,"When you live in a cookie-cutter world.........", you hafta think...."Whoa.....where'd they come up with THAT analogy?" In other words, this is a great song to listen to if all your frenz have ditched you and no one wants to listen to your problems cuz they probably seem too weird for them........

Speechless ---------->That's exactly how you feel after listenin' to this song......the lyrics blow you away, and you hafta stop and think, "They're only 11, 14, and 16? How do they know about this kinda stuff? This stuff about girls going behind guy's backs.....?" Then you think, "Oh yeah....maybe they just so happened to have stumbled upon an episode of Melrose Place" .....hehehe.....(no offense to any Melrose Place fans out there)......But seriously, this song reminds me of those early 60's ballads........cuz those lyrics print out a story in your mind......and that tune makes you think of Billy Joel and Elvis (Can you actually imagine some cute chick forgettin' Tay's name, and callin' him somethin' else.....maybe something like...oh....say..... Egbert? Or how 'bout Stewert? =) hehehe)

Where's the Love ---------->Single release number two of these three musically gifted boys. This second single blew the whole planet away once more with it's catchy tune and clever lyrics, winning them yet MORE awards and dedicated fans from around the world. Watch out for Isaac's solo, where he compares love to "Dark clouds .... lightening -rain pouring down......" Also notice Zac's awesome drumming at the end when Tay goes, "Won't you? Won't you give it up! Ohhhhh," and Zac goes crashing his drumstix down with a big *CRASH BOOM BANG*!

Yearbook ---------->If this song doesn't create an eerie allusion of Johnny and "poor Katie" in your mind, then i dunno what will. The great affects at the beginning where you hear the piano and a little bell go *ching*.....and Tay's intro where he goes,"ooohhh Dear Amy......." actually get you picturing a long dark school corridor with purple smoke rising up from the sides and Johnny's "mystery" looming past the halls.....hehehe....getting carried away here. =) But, this song has a great message, and you can actually feel the mystery of Johnny. Also notice Tay's excellent pitch where he goes, "Where did he go? i wanna know! ohhhhh" and again, the little bell's *ching* at the end.......hehehe....Tay's got great feeling in his voice when he sings, I can totally see the whole scene in my mind when I listen to this song..don't know what I'm talkin 'bout? Listen to it right now, try to picture it, and trust me, it'll come VERY easily...

Look At You ---------->I have to admit that this song stands out from the rest of the tracks on the "Middle of Nowhere", because it has a more "rock/alternative" feel to it. But it sure does get you up and moving and again, i have to comment on Zac's excellent drumming and Isaac's awesome guitaring! Cuz it rocks!! Also notice Zac's "Oh yeah!! YAYAYAYAYA" at the end!! I thought that that was so adorable. =)

Lucy ---------->Zac sings lead on this track, and an awesome lead it is indeed! The first time I heard this song, I couldn't help but think,"Awwww! That's so adorable!!" (Even though I know that Hanson doesn't like to be called "adorable".....but.....) But, you can actually picture little Schroeder (Zac?) sitting at his l'il ol' piano, writing our this song in hope of the return of Lucy. Also check out Isaac's guitar strumming at the very beginning of the song!!

I Will Come to You ---------->At the beginning of this track, you can hear l'il clips of the cello and violins in the background, along with the piano. And then Tay's voice comes in, later followed by Isaac, whom shares lead with Tay in this song. I always find this song to be a great comfort whenever I feel like "my dreams may have seen better days. And I don't know how or why, but I've lost my way....." It really provides a good theme of guidance and support for it's listeners.

A Minute Without You ---------->Isaac's totally awesome track got me singing from the start. He has an excellent voice, and really should do more leads! This song proved to be, yet another mushy one, which souds like he's singing just for you......hehehe.....i wish....=) Also notice the bridge part, where Zac and Tay come in for the high parts and go,"Cuz when the minutes seem like hours and the hours seem like days." ....nice work guys...

Madeline ---------->This has gotta be the livliest and poppiest pop song I've ever heard......(after MMMBop of course). It AGAIN gets you dancin' and struttin' along with Tay and Ike's excellent vibes! I especially love the bridge part, where they all go,"You know it could be so much better than it's been.....oooooooohhh!!" Hehehe...whenever I sing it, my bro claims I sound like a dying werewolf.......*sigh* =) OH!! And also where Zac (I think), goes,"Here we go 'round again." and Tay responds, "Here we we go...." It's DA BOMB!!! =)

With You In Your Dreams ---------->*Sigh* This has got to be one of THEE most beautiful songs ever writtne, and to think they wrote it at sucha young age..... a touching track dedicated to their grandma. Telling htem to remember the good times they shared, don't think about the bad....but i gotta say one thing........ IF I WERE THEIR GRANDMA......I'D BE SO DARN PROUD OF MY GRANDSONS! Wouldn't you? =)

Man From Milwaukee ---------->And finally!! Zac-o's ever so famous MAN FROM MILWAUKEE!! Not only does the tune get your toes a-tapping and your fingers hafta laugh at the wacky lyrics! "They run around in their underwear and they never shave?" Haha...Zac came up witht his one while sittin by his familiy's broken down van while Ike sat there with his guitar singin bout ants of all things...hehe...that's Zac for ya...

Our Review and thoughts on the adorable album, Boomerang!

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