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Hanson Oughtta Come to My Town

*~ Okay, we know that a lot of ya guys have been so lucky as to have Hanson come do a concert or appearance in your town/city/country$B)X(Jhateverzz$B)I(Jehe. Anyway, we also know that a lot of you guys haven't had the opportunity to see the guys in concert, so in this section, we want you guys to tell us, why you think that Hanson should go to your town/city/country! Who knows, maybe if this really works, Hanson will go do a concert where you live. =)

"Hi, I'm from Queensland, Australia and I absolutely adore Hanson. I know that a lot of other girls here also adore them, and that if they ever came here, they'd have a full house! I know that they came here to Oz last summer, but they only went to Sydney and Melbourne! I live in Queensland$B)H(Jrrr... Anyway, it was really sucky cuz they were just a couple of hehe hundred miles away from me, yet I still couldn't go see 'em in concert! But if they ever did come do a concert here, I swear that everyone would be having a blast along with Hanson!!" *~Jessica S. ~*

"Okay, it's me Lynn =) Anyway, since we've started this little section here, I thought I'd add a little somethin' too. Yupperz, okay, well, I live in Bangkok, Thailand. (If ya don't know where that is, it's kinda South of China and North of Indonesia and West of the Philippines$B)(Jhehe get tha picture?) Anyway, they have got tonsa fans here$B)(Jand even though I hafta admit that a lotta them are 'Teenyboppers' hehe, they're still really dedicated fans. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, they were having this voting thing on the radio. The DJ asked, "What international band do you really want to have come here to Thailand?" Guess who won? Hanson of course$B)(J They won by a landslide. Okay, now let's take a look at some bands/artists that have done gigs here in that past: Backstreet Boys (They've got cool tunes, but still, Hanson's are cooler), Savage Garden (Cool too, but I love Hanson more), Bush (Gavin's cool, but not as cool as Zac, Ike, and Tay), Spice Girls (Gag, gag, gag$B)(JNo Comment), The Moffatts (Haha, My friends and I raided their concert two days ago and sang 'MMMBop' while they sang 'I Miss You Like Crazy'$B)(JI mean it! We really did that! Ask any of my friends if ya don't believe me$B)I(Jehe...we almost got kicked out, so we had to behave afta that), 911 (Great music too, but not numba one). Basically, some really cool bands/artists have come here, but neva eva Hanson! I mean, they already did their European tour last year, which was lucky for the French, Italians, British, etc, but instead of comin' on down here to Asia or Australia this year, they went back to Europe for a second full blown tour! No fair! =) I just remembered$B)(Jlast week I was at this magazine stand trying to decide between the July issue of 'Seventeen' and 'Teen Beat' (No, I don't like it, I just like the Hanson pics that they have), anyway, I was standing there minding my own biz, and these four idiot Thai girls came up to me asking, "Are you going to buy that?" One of them was pointing at the 'Teen Beat' mag. I was all like "Uh, I'm not sure, I'm still trying to decide." And ya know what the dork did? She grabbed it outta my hand and walked away, just like that. And ya know what I did? Hehe, I grabbed it back right outta her hand, said a couple of *really* nice words in English to her, and bought both the 'Seventeen' and 'Teen Beat' mag leaving her and her friends fuming$B)(J Hehe, mean I know (If it were you, you would've done tha same thing, believe me), but anyway, my point is that they do have a lotta fans here$B)(J A LOT, probably more than they think. They're not only Numba one in the US, UK, Canada, or Oz, they're also Numba one here! =) Every time their singles come out, they're alwayz up at numba one (Except for 'Weird,' the Moffatt's idiot song 'I Miss You Like Crazy' pushed them down to Numba two$B)C(Jut don't worry, they shot right back up to the Top a couple of weeks later). But to get back to what I was saying (I tend to go off subject a lot hehe)$B)(J If Hanson ever did come on ova here, I betcha the place would be pumping and jumping and singing along with tha music (even though half of the audience probably wouldn't be able to speak English), but the most important part is that people would be having tonsa fun!" *~ Lynn ~*

"I'm a 13-year old from South Africa, and I absolutely love Hanson and their awesome music. My sistas also love 'em, and there's even a 'Hanson Club' at my school for girls that love Hanson. My older sister says that it's really dumb and idiotic, but it's actually a lotta fun! Anyway, I know that people may think that South Africa is like really uncivilized or somethin'$B)(Jit's not! I mean, geez, it's not like the Congo or something$B)(Jhey, we've got McDonald's here =) Well, if Hanson ever did a concert here, I'd definitely be there, and I know that Isaac, Taylor, and Zac would love the cultural experience here too! So, Hanson, if you're reading this, please consider coming on over here for a concert! I'd reeaaally appreciate it!" Lotsa Love, Marnie Eales


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