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Ohmegosh....I'll Never Live That Down

*~This section doesn't really have anything to do with Hanson. Hehe, but it's a cool place for you to spill a story, and tell us yer most embarrassing moment! It can be anything, whatever! We promise we won't laugh.......THAT hard.....=D Anyway, we're jes trying this out, if no one sends in anything, then well, we can't have a Embarrassing moments section! So then we'll jes take it down, but if yer interested in adding YOUR moment of horror, then jes email it to us at ~*

*~You guys have sent in loads of your embarrassing moments each and every one of 'em were hecka funny! Some of them had to do with your embarrassing 'Hanson' moments, and some were just embarrassing moments in general$B)(Jeither way, they were all real fun to read!

Hi! Well I have an embarrassing Hanson moment for you to put up on your page! Well I'm sure others have had the same thing happen and all, but I surely feel stupid now! Even if it isn't that was still bad! = ) I was at Planet Hollywood in Orlando, FL for Hanson's press conference. After it ended I was outside and heard a girl say Hanson would be coming out. My friend & I ran over to the barricade and it was raining so I looked terrible. On top of that, when Isaac & Zac walked over to us and said hi to Nina & I, I screamed their names in their faces and I was crying and I think I almost ripped their hands off..also my friends say that after I *met* them I was shaking and shit. Psh! : ) Later! Katie

"I was over at the mall with my dad one day, and anyway, we had passed right by this music store, and there was this HUGE Hanson poster smack on the store window! (They were DAMN fine! Haha, they all looked way cool and sexy). Anyway, I sorta had a, hehe, Hanson attackI stared and stared and stared at it$B)(Jwhile walking, and I ended up bumping into this fine, fine, fine guy. I was sooo embarrassed! My dad wasn't much help, he was all like, 'Well Jess, you gotta choose. Do ya want the Hanson brothers or this fine gentleman right here?' Damn that was so humiliating! Hanson fans out there, ya relate with me?" *~Jessica Crowley~*

"I went to see Hanson in concert (when they came on over here to Florida) with my boyfriend. After he had watched me brave a riot with Teenyboppers, scream, cry, and then fall to my knees yelling, 'Isaac, I love you,' I was expecting to have to walk home alone and never hear from my guy again. Instead, after the show was over (and I had regained my sanity), my beau looked at me, smiled and said, 'Isaac can have your heart for an hour and a half, but only if I can have it for the rest of the time.' How cool is that?" *~Maddie~*

"Last year, I was over at this annual county fair with my 'rents and bro. Anyway, I was buying a hot dog, and I saw this blond dude walking a couple of feet away from me. I could have sworn he looked exactly like Taylor! I mean it! He even had a freakin' rat tail! I was like, 'Ohmigod,' I grabbed my hot dog and ran towards the guy going, 'Tay! Tay!' He turned around and it most definitely was not Taylor. But he was real nice and just as cute$B)(Jand guess what? He's my boyfriend now, and the sweetest one ever!" *~Flora Stevenson~*

"I was at a friend's house, and we thought it would be fun to write on our bodies with glow in the dark lipstick. I wrote my crush's name all over my arms and washed it all of before I went home. But the next day, when one of my teachers turned off the lights so our class could watch a film, everyone could see his name next to a huge heart on my arm." *~Suzie ~*

"My friends and I had spent the day at a Hanson concert (when they did their gig over here in Canada). When we got to our van I changed into some lighter clothes. As I was changing, one of my friends opened the door to the van, and the interior light went on. Everyone within 100 feet could see me half-naked! Take some advice: Neva, eva, eva, change in your car no matter how safe you think it is$B)(J *~Jennie Hanson (I know, same last name, but absolutely no relation to Isaac, Tay, & Zac$B)(JI wish though!) ~*

"I had to do this presentation in history class on the American Revolution. Anyway, I was like totally prepared for it. I had gotten these cool wavs off the Internet and had recorded them onto this tape. Anyway, on the day of the presentation, I grabbed the tape from my backpack and stuck it into the player$B)(J It turned out to be my 'Middle of Nowhere' tape! Agh! (That's cuz it's always in my backpack). Anyway, while 'Look at You' was playing, everybody, including the teacher, laughed. Hehe, oh well, I got an 'A' anyway! *~Nicole Chung~*

"I was at a pool party, and the guy I liked (but had never really talked to) was sitting outside on the patio. He waved at me, so I started walking toward him. Unfortunately, I didn't see the closed sliding glass door and walked straight into it. (Kinda like the way Zac and Tay did in the 'TTMON' movie at the Beacon Theater$B)(Jhehe). *~Anysha~*

"I was at summer camp last year (summer '97) and we were all watching MTV. Well, 'MMMBop' had just come on, and naturally (hehe) I started screeching and dancing everywhere! My best bud and I jumped up onto a lunch table, and we were all dancing and singing into imaginary mics. Later, after the VDO was over, one girl came over to us and said, 'Just to let you know, Hanson's cousin is right over there.' I was soo embarrassed! But she was really nice and we got to be real good friends$B)(J I can't give you her personal info though! Sorry! *~Natalie Hastings~*

"I had a huge crush on this senior guy, and one of my friends told me that his birthday was the next day. So I went home and made him a birthday card. I slipped it into his locker and later found out that his birthday wasn't for another five months!" *~Diana C.~*

"Okay, I'm a vegetarian, and it was lunchtime at school. Well, I had just had this huge salad and I was walking back to my locker with my friends, and my crush passed by. Anyway, I turned to him and gave him this huge smile, and he looked at me weird and went, 'Aw! Nasty!' I was like, what the hell! Anyway, later my 'wonderful friends' told me that I had a big chunk of green stuff stuck in my front teeth. Talk about majorly embarrassing!!" *~Anonymous~*

"I was reading the December issue of 'Seventeen' during English, and I was totally drooling over the Hanson article (and the fine pics$B)I(Jehe). Anyway, I hadn't realized it, but my teacher had walked up from behind me and he had plucked the mag right outta my hands holding it up right in front of everybody$B)(J He was all like, 'My, look at what we have here$B)(Jthe MMMBop brothers.' But I was too busy burying my head in my desk. *~Janie Wang~*

"I was getting ready to go out, and I was looking for something clean to wear (Our washing machine was like totally busted). Anyway, my boyfriend had dropped by and while we were talking on the living room couch, my mom came walking in with my Hanson tee shirt and she was all like, 'Honey, why don't you wear your Hanson shirt? It's clean.' (Okay, I love Hanson and their music, but I would never ever wear a Hanson shirt out in public). My boyfriend was just like laughing." *~Lanie C.~*

"When '70's retro dresses came into style, I thought I'd be cool and be one of the first to wear one to school. When I walked down the hall, people started to laugh and broke out into the 'Brady Bunch' theme song. I guess following the crowd is always tha best option, huh?" *~Cassie Moniz~*

"One day I had to use the bathroom during class, so I asked to be excused. The bathroom was next to a class that was taking a test, and it was dead silent. When I emerged, the entire class was laughing -- even the teacher-- because they heard me peeing." *~Sonya Fuentes~*

"Ok there was this guy at my school who I really liked, and a couple of my friends and I went to go get something out of our lockers. Well, we all thought we were all alone so I said, 'Oh man, I have a wedgie!' sort of loud, and when I turned to my locker, him and a couple of his friends walked by laughing at me (oooops!!!) Talk about bad timing." *~Stacie~* ~*Later, we'll add a form so that it'll be easier for you guys to send in your stories, okee? ~*
