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* h A n S o N F a M i L y p R i V a C y *

When was the last time you went out with your family only to find yourselves being stalked by girls screaming and snapping pictures of your younger brothers/sisters? Hopefully, you've never been through this kind of a scenario. The Hanson Family, on the contrary, seem to go through this every single time they go out, for a quick lunch at Mickey D's or maybe a quick shopping spree over at the Mall. They never seem to be entitled to the privacy they deserve.

Kay guys, Kristi here. Just wanted to give you guys my own personal experience of Hanson Family disrespect. Back in December of 98 some friends and I went to the Jack Frost premeire. Besides us, Most of the fans didn't have tickets to get inside after the Hanson performance. So we were like yeah ok this should be cool. But then a buncha fans managed to get in somehow while the movie was playing. Diana was in there with Zoe Mackie Jessie and Avery... we saw them a few times here and there but never thought anything of it. Big deal right? But anyways somehow word got around that they were there... so fans waited outside the door for them to leave. Guys it wasn't even Hanson who was inside. It was their family for crying out loud. Anyways... as Diana was taking her kids to leave the fans practically mobbed them (well in my mind it was mobbing)... Jessica somehow was ahead of the rest of ehr family and wasn't in it but I saw a lot of girls taking pictures of them and I could tell they were having a hard time getting through. Jessica was like OMG not again. So guys really... DONT! All they wanted to do was watch a movie and this is what happened. Get over it already.

Think about it. To take pictures and scream ourselves silly for Isaac, Taylor, or Zac seems conceivable. (well to some of you anyways) But to chase a poor little 3 year old as he frantically runs to hid behind his mom is just plain ridiculous! I mean, I can understand how some people could probably get excited at the sight of someone *gasp* actually related to Hanson, even more actually *gasp* living under the same roof as Hanson, but for crying out loud, have you ever thought about how they might actually feel? Imagine yourself as one of the younger siblings: Jessica, Avery, Mac, or Zoe (yes, she's in infant, but just imagine) and you're watching your brothers do another, yes *another*, appearance whilst girls of all ages scream and jump like warped kangaroos. All of a sudden one girl spots you and starts shrieking and flashing a big Kodak camera in your face. This mere scream sets a stampede of about 20 other girls who crowd around you pulling at your hair and asking you all sorts of questions and declarations: "Is Taylor as cute in his jammies as he is on stage?!" or maybe "You are sooo lucky to have been born to the same family as three of the finest guys on the face of the earth!!" or how about "Can I touch your hand cuz you have the same genes and stuff as Isaac!!" Oh dear, imagine the poor little kid, and how they'd feel. I'm sure that all of you know very well that interviewers always ask Hanson whether or not they sense any competition or jealousy between their younger brother or sisters. How do they expect them *not* to feel any competition or jealousy especially if people are always bombarding them with questions about their older brothers?!

To prove my point, here are two pics of Mackie, taken by some fan whilst he was exiting a hotel in Germany. Just take a good look at the pic. Now if that isn't pure shock and astonishment coming from a poor little kid, then tell me what isn't. Geesh, I cannot stress this enough. Please, please, *please* don't go around stalking Jessie, Avery, Mac, and Zoe. I mean, to walk up shake hands and give a little 'hi' or wave, is cool!! But don't go up to them taking pictures and flashing big bright cameras in their face or asking them idiotic and plain moronic questions. Please, just give those poor kids a break!

Note: I don't intend to *promote* picture taking amongst the younger Hanson siblings, but I merely intend to show you that pic of Mack as he is clearly frigginly scared