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So Ya Wanna Know A L'il Bit 'Bout Us, Huh?

hey guyS! here's a l*il bitta stUff on uS....gOtta tell ya that we live on 2 different sides of the world..but we still try to make this page the best we we hOpe ya like! wE started the page on December 20, 1997... and it lOoked sOoO different from what it does now... (lEt'Z jUz sAy tHAt wE'Ve lEaRneD a LoT 'bOuT HTML oVa thA pAst yEaR oR sO hAhahAhA). nEwAy, we*re Kristi + Lynn.. (yeah, that's us you geniuses) n iF yOu wanna knOw anything more bout us, tHen jUz e-mAiL us, although i don't think you'll find this page all that amusing...

....k r i s t i....*

kay guyS i*ll try mY best not to bore ya... I'll try to make it short...just givya tha basics *oh god, how corny did that sound!?*

*I'll be 16 in June (of '99), I live in Southern Cali, I love it here but I'm dying to go to New York someday!! And Australia!! My dreamplace!!!

*summa the music i like is-Hanson(obviousLy) The Moffatts (despite Lynn's pure hatred for them, I love em! They're so nice!!) Puff Daddy(OMG i'm obsessed with him) Fiona Apple(she's iS soOo freakin awesOme) No Authority The Offspring Shawn Mullins (aHhHhh HUGE OBSESSION!!) Samarai vs Ninja (Hi Lawson!!!) The Hollow (Surfer guys rock) Aaron Carter (hahah shutup he's a cool l'il kid) Swirl360 Blink182 KoRn Limp Bizkit Beach Boys Aerosmith(Jenny my hair!!) Steven Tyler is dope* Jewel NSync Alanis Morissette BSB Savage Garden Aqua Elvis(dude he's so cool)

and lOtz more!! but my brain stopped werkin bout 1/2way through the list so..ill stop..but i guess u get the is cool.. yeah.

*Surfer & skater guys are hot*

*Me Jenny Amanda and Sarah are the concert queens!*

*im a shop-o-holiC...

*Much love to everyone who read this and esp. to my bestest friends! Jenny, Sarah, Amanda and Desirae! You guys know you rock I love ya lots! <3 to all the rest of my friends too!*

took my picture page down if anyone cared...i'll try to put one up soon.

Fave Actors- Taylor Handley, Jason Maves, Ryan Phillippe!! I'll try to get pictures of me and them together up ASAP, if I ever get my lazy @$$ to upload them!

Fave Actresses- Reese Witherspoon (sucha sweetheart), Jennifer Love Hewitt.


.:::If ya wanna see pics of me n' my frenz ova here in Thailand, click here :::.

nAmE: Lynn (I'm givin' my kids cooler names than that, when i get older... wish I could change my name!)

B-dAy: Nov. 19, 1982 (2 day's after Isaac's =P and weirdly enuff, my brother's is actually on tha same day as Taylor's... but he doesn't care... *gasp*)

NiCkNaMez: cRaZy fUnNy hAnSoN giRL, Titanson (umm, there was this one point in time when I luved Titanic so much, and of course, you can figure out tha rest), LynnZy, Ling (means monkey in Thai... no, I don't look like one, or at least I hope I don't =P), fUn-LuViN' cHicA, n' a lot more, juz can't think of anymore right now.

hAvE LiVeD iN: Orlando Florida (mY b-pLaCe), Dallas Texas, Raleigh North Carolina, LA California, Fremont California, and Los Altos California (CaLi RuLeZ bAybEE!)

nOw LiVe iN: Bangkok, Thailand (Altho it took me a while to adjust to tha place, I now actually kinda luv it =) It juz grows on ya... cuz we've got everythin' here... I mean, if ya want skyscrapers n cafe's n KiCk @$$ malls, we've got 'em... if ya want tha beach n beautiful white sand, we've got 'em... if ya want green lush mountains n waterfalls, we've also got 'em... And if ya want ethnic Thai scenery, you've got tha good ol' countryside...Gee, I sound like a travel commercial... you'll hafta excuse my lameness )

LoOk LiKe: aN AzIaN (I'm Thai-Chinese-American)... so obviously I've got dark jet black hair and black eyes, 'cept I've sorta been experimenting with hair dyes lately... hehe... So far, my hair's been a sorta mahogany-ish color, I *accidently* added these super bright bleached blonde highlights (Oh god, please please read label instructions before you put *anything* into yer hair hehe), and this time I'm gonna go a little mellow... I'm gonna be dying my hair this jet black color with this coolio purplish tint to it.. it should look cool (I'm gonna follow the instructions this time =P) I'm about 5'6" - 5'7" and I really hope I grow to be as tall as my cuz (she's 5'10" dayam! =D) but I don't think so... cuz I think that I'm actually growin' shorter... rEaLLy!

mUzIc i LiKe: Hanson (Gee, who would've thought?), Alanis (she rules), No Authority (kRiSti absolutely adores them =D) Matchbox 20, Jewel, Aerosmith, Will Smith (Lez get jiggy wit it, yes, no? =P) Savage Garden, Shania Twain, Sister Hazel, Sarah McLachlan, Puffy (I lurve tha guy! He's juz so friggin' cool!), Paula Cole (I'm addicted to her Dawson's Creek Theme Song), Anggun (coolioz), Voices of Theory (I luv that one song of theirs, dammit, i fergot tha name =P), the Corrs, Aretha Franklin, Swirl 360, Finola Apple, Boyz II Men, Celine Dion (My Heart goes ooon and oooon) , Elvis (WiSh hE wErE sTiLL aLiVe cuz hE kNeW hOw tO jAm!), and to tell ya tha truth, I love every kind of music. Rock/Alternative, Ska, Country (Dixie Chicks), R&B, Rap (Wu Tang Clan), Punk, Classical (yeah, Mozart, Beethoven, and Handel), Jazz, Blues, Pop, Techno, you name it, I listen to it (excepting the Moffatts! Yuck!) cuz mUzIc RuLeZ tHa wOrLd!

wHaT yA pRoLLY diDn'T kNo: I play tha piano/keyboards, flute, guitar, and "khim" (A Thai Classical Instrument) and I'm gonna learn tha drums (Hmm, I wonder why?) and i speak Thai, English, Chinese, and some French (Does Pig Latin count? What about Double Talk?), and I used to be *so* into sports. I used to play B-Ball, softball, soccer, and I used to do gymnastics, ballet, and swimming.

LuRvEz: happiness, rainbows!, sun moon n stars, mUzIc, fun-luvin' people, laughing, reading, frenz n family, pigs, fAiRy TaLez w/ hApPy eNdIngS, monkeys, n dolphins, glitter*, fairy tales, cOsMo sHimMurZ, nail polish, smiling, Jolly Green Giant =) (itz an inside joke)

hAtEz: Poverty, Traitors, Wannabes, those little tags on pillows that tell you not to pull off (I do, in case you were wondering, pull 'em off... *Goshness*, you rebel you!), Racism, Fakes, Teenyboppers (I will not comment on this, or I'll end up getting into this frigginly long debate over their annoying attitudes and screaming) Fighting, crying, and a lot of otha stuff. *sigh* Unfortunately, our world ain't a perfect place.

sHoUtoUtZ: Arwen, Teresa, n' Alice: My Fun luvin' sistas! You guys are tha kraziest, funnest peoplez i know! I lurve you guys to death! Pitiya: We should've won Oscars for our l'il English Home VDO! =D Michelle: Get yer butt back here! We miss you chica! Sandy: My mentor and palm reader! When did you say Mr. Tall Blond and hAnSoN was gonna be comin' along? =D Nick: California *isn't* a loser state... Maryland is! Nah, juz playing, let's tour Fremont togetha someday and enuff of tha ghost stories, those taxi drivers prolly thought we were crazee. Aparna: Madame Beatrice has PMS everyday... enjoy IB French hehehe... Azadi: Hey, when *are* we gonna go see that monk? ; ) Monta: I can't believe I'm actually crushin' on him... must be karma or somethin', specially since I used to laugh at *you* fer likin' him Pam: My shrink =D Do you always have good advice? =). Caress: Hehe, remember our taxi adventure, runnin' down tha street whilst flailing our arms... geesh, what were we all thinking? Rachel: Friend B thinks our paper mache masks look like bike helmets. Let's join Tour de la France next year. Alan: You kickin' back ova in southern Cali? Nofe air bratha... when I go there, let's throw a big partay n stuff. Jojo: Can't wait fer you to get back from Japan! =) Chatti (hehe): TROUTman oughtta open up a bio lab and leave us poor students alone! =D Sansern: How you doin' in Philly? "Luang Poh Sansern" we miss ya on tha bus dude. Chrissie: Yer so sweet! Hanna: My twin, haha! Noel: Eat some "oranges", they're s'posed to be good fer yer brain ; ) n' don't worry, you'll get into Tammasart, yer ardy so friggin' smart Tarin: Yer actually a good fren to have, yer juz get so philosophical sometimes, I'm too slow, I can't catch up. Kenna: Grrr, you still owe me lunch! Juz playin chica, do ya still remember our little siestas in Mr. Lim's class? *Yawn* Chiki: Yer *still* so annoying... when will ya give it up dude? Dennis: Dammit, stop growing already! Otherwise I hafta look *up* when I talk to ya... nooo.... Aom: Mr. Jarret looks like Forrest Gump with his new haircut (HAHAHAHA!!!), Dea: Um, do ya remember our l'il "fren" Tina Taylor? Hahahaha.... Su: "Apisit mai mee wun chob you lok!" =D Noi: I still haven't been able to come up wit a name fer you... hmm.. Narisa: Oh geesh, remember our shrimp lab? God, tentacles n claws were dangling everywhere. My fingers smelled like seaweed fer days, yuck! JT: Paper Mache rules! Malisa: You party animal, we miss you here! Come back! Niki: You havin' fun ova in Cali wit Alan n co.? =)

mOvIez: First of all, I'm a drip fer romantic touchy family movies, so yeah, I *do* like Titanic. Along with that I like "Fools Rush In", "City of Angels", "Mad Love", "Now and Then", "Armageddon" (Liv n Ben rule)

AtTitUde: Insightful n frenly. I'm really flexible cuz since I've lived all over, I'm used to adjusting to different places and people and cultures. I don't have one official character. Sometimes I'm hyper n crazy, n sometimes I'm quiet and insightful. I'm a really calm person, I mean it would take a big bad asteroid to hit me in tha head before I get mad or ticked. Tha bad thing 'bout me is that I like to talk (sometimes *too* much, which is weird cuz I dint start talkin' till I was nearly two and a half.), get impatient easily, don't like sittin' still, and sometimesI'm too hypercritical/judgemental.

SkoOL: I kno, how lame can I get? But seriously, I think my skool's cool cuz it's an International skool, meaning we get people coming here from all ova tha world. I mean all *ova* tha world. We've got some ppl from Chili, Papuea New Guinea, Burma, Bulgaria, and of course tha big places like tha US, Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Europe. In all, my skool has students that come from about 80-90 different countries. Now, is that cool or what?

wHaT i wAnNa bE: A doctor... prolly an Obstetrician or Pediatric Cardiologist (I luv kids n' babies, n wanna help them)

cLoThEz: I like all kinds of clothes from preppy, to girlie, to grunge. Stuff like Jnco, Gap, Wet Seal, and Stussy are cool. Check out our Non-Hanson Links, and you'll see some of our fave Online Clothing places.

sHoEz: Everythin' from platforms, to Vans and Airwalk, to clunky funky boots. As long as they get me where I'm goin' =)

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