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*mEeTiN' hAnSoN*

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*These are a couple of encounters that people have sent in to us in the past couple of months (Sorry, we just got around to posting them up… =P). We’re not sure if they’re real, or if they’re just totally made up. So in that case, don’t get mad or totally bummed out or anything! If they are made up, then I think that the people who wrote them up and sent them to us are losers… sorry, but really!! If they ARE real, then the people who gotta meet them are d@mn lucky!!! =D*

"> Hi, I'm from Japan, but I'm not Japanese. I'm from New Jersey, but my parents are here cuz of their job. Anyway, when Hanson came here for their promo thingy, I actually gotta see them twice. I know it sounds so unreal, but believe me, it was real. Here it goes. They had been scheduled to do a little press conference and small performance at this place. My frenz Lilith and Layla (sisters) Jordan (yeah, isn't that just so cool?) and Jessie all piled into my parent's van and my older sister Michella (who loves Prodigy and Manson... but was a cool sista to take us anyway) took us to the Hanson show. Anyway, when we got there, the place was *packed*. There were mostly Japanese girls there, but some International school kids too. (International schools are English speaking schools in foreign countries). You could tell cuz they were so much taller than the japanese girls hehe. Not to be mean or anything, but Japanese ppl are short and my frenz and I are 5'7" and above. (Lilith's 5'11"!!) Soo, we were sorta able to push thru. =P I know, pushin isn't all that cool, but hey, we were desparate here! (altho sorry to those ppl we pushed, we didnt hurt anyone, i'm sure). Anyway, Hanson performed Madeline, MMMBop, and Man From Milwaukee acoustic style. Then they opened up for questions. They were allowing 5 people to ask questions. Anyway, the first personthey called was a japanese girl who had to have someone translate what she was saying. She asked "What does MMMBop mean?" *Yawn* Why can't people ask more interseting questions?! Anyway, the next person was another Japanese girl who asked "How did you come up with the name Hanson?" Oh my lord, if that isn't the stupidest question ever, please, someone, tell me what is!! Then, for the third question, everyone started waving and flailing their arms in the air. Jessie and Layla split apart from us and went to the other side of the room. Lilith, remember, she's really tall? She raised her arms really high up and the presenter person saw her. The idiot presenter person said "Oh, we have an American here. Let's get some questions from her." BTW, Lilith's not American, she's have Norweigen and half Japanese. Duh, moron presenter person. Anyway, Lilith's kinda shy so she let me ask the question instead!! =D I wasn't nervous at all, so I went up to the microphone which is at the bottom of the stage where Hanson as and asked "What do ya guys like better? Play Stations or Nintendos?" They all laughed (yeah!) and Zac said, "Darn, you ask hard questions." Then he pretended to think while Tay and isaac laughed cuz Zac was making this funny and adorable face. Like he scrunched up his face while pressing his fingers against his head. Finally, he said "I'd say Play stations! Cuz they're so much more realistic and stuff." I was smiling my silly head off. I was just like "Cool! IF ya let me, I'll buy ya one after the show!" (Don't ask me where that came from. At the moment, I didn't even have enough allowance money to buy myself a big mac happy meal from mcdonalds). and Isaac laughed he said, "Don't spoil him, cuz he'll htink that you actually mean it." And tay added, "Yeah, and you'll end up buying him a lot of other stuff as well." By now, the idiot presenter person was rambling into the microphone trying to translate everything we said on time. (HAHAHHA, she was having a hard time.) Anyway, it was time to go back to my seat =( And Lilith and Jordan were gaping at me as I gaped back at them. Hehe. Anyway, the fourth questoin wasanother stupid one. i forgot what the question was but anyway, for the fifth question. Dun da dun! The presenter person was like "Ok, and now for the last question let's choose another american!" (god, she was so corny and racist). They chose Layla. (She's tall as well, dangit those sister have got these super tall genes in their family i suppose). And she silently squealed at us as we silently gave her a rooting cheer from across the room. Anyway, she was al like "Hey, uh, we're frenz with play station girl, over there." All Three hanson boys laugh and look at our direction. I blush like an idiot. Anyway, layla continues and says, "If you were to fall in love, would you know it right away? Or would it slowly come to you after a while?" Then the three guys kinda smiled and looked at the floor. THen isaac, the romantic provisor, spoke up, "I think I'd know it right away, cuz when you see a girl you like, you know it from the start. It's like bang, it just hits you." I wish I could've VDO taped him cuz he looked so cute talking! He was all serious and all and then when he did his "bang" part, he was so funny. Anyway, Jessie spoke up from next to Layla and said, "When I first saw you, I knew I liked ya lots." Oh god, Lilith, Jordan and I were just ready to fall to the floor laughin. We knew she had meant for it to be a joke, like a sarcastic kinda funny thing. However, we think that Isaac took it personally cuz he turned SO red. I swear, it was like fire-engine-in-the-night-red. And because of that, we continued laughing even more. He just looked so adorable blushing like that! Cuz I don't think that I've ever seen him blush like that before! Anyway, Jessie quickly recovered from laughing and said "No no, I was just playing around, y'know, I was being sarcastic, not that i *don't* like you I just don't like you like that." In case you couldn't tell, she had started to ramble cuz she was starting to get all embarrassed. Anyway, imagine all this going on as the presenter's all translating into her stupid microphone LOL! Well, after that it was time to go home.

On Saturday, we decided to see if we could find hanson during their Tokyo tour. Tokyo's really big and we were trying to think of places where they would be. It was hard cuz there's so many places where they could've been! Shopping malls, zoos, traditional tourist sites. It was hard! In the end, we decided to just forget it cuz it would be almost impossible to find them. So, instead, we went to this mall close by home. So, all five of us piled into a taxi and headed on over there. When we got there, we went straight on over to the third floor cuz me, Jessie, and Layla are crazy about Laser Tag. Anyway, Lilith and Jessie don't like Laser tag, they said it's dumb *shrug*. we think it's tonsa fun. Anyway, we paid and went inside and ify ou haven't played laser tag before, it's dark inside. I mean dark. You can only faintly see your opponent... like barely. Anyway, laser tag guy said that there wer only three of us and three other guys and that we could wait for more ppl to come if we wnated. We decided to wait cuz then it'd be more fun with more ppl, but after waiting for 15 minutes nobody showed up. So, we decided to play with those three guys. (Iknow, I'm getting there). Anywya, we went in and I thought i saw that our opponents had blond hair which is really different cuz ppl in japan have black hair (no duh). Anyway, we just htought that it was international school kids and started shooting and stuff. Man they were good! Anyway, Jessie, Layla, and I creamed our opponents and won! Yah! Anywya, when we came out to get our scores and meet our opponents we saw Isaac, Zac, and Taylor walk out. I swaer, it was the weirdest, coolest, most twilight zoneish type thing ever. It was like "No way! what the hell are they doing here?" I thought that first of all they *couldn't* be in this mall seeing there were nearly 50 mall in TOkyo. Second, they *couldn't* have decided to play laser tag at the *exact* same time as us. and thirdly, this could've *never* happened to me cuz things like this never happen to me! I was just staring at them with one eyebrow raised. I swear, it was the weirdest most bizarre thing ever. ANyway, they recognized us. (Who wouldn't? especially since we asked such funky questions hehe). And they were all like "oh my gosh, what're you guys doing here?" We were like "What're *you* doing here?" Mind you, it wasn't the most decent greeting, we realize that now, but we were so freaking surprised. They were all like, dude! You guys kick at laser tag! I can't believe that you even beat zac! he's like the king of laser tagness." Jessie was just blushing cuz she was so embarrassed by her statement she had made to Ike the night before. Anyway, you know that bald body guard of theirs in TTMON? He was there, and he was so rude! He said to us "I'm sorry, but Hanson aren't signing autos right now. Leave them alone and let them have some time tothemselves. They came here to spend some quality fammily time ALONE." We were like geez you big bald bastard, who are you to tell us where we can go and where we can stand? And you know what? Jessie actually said that to him. He got kinda peeved, and Isaac was all like " Hey, jason, it's ok, can you tell our parents we'll be meeting them at the souvenir shop in 10 minutes." Anyway, we gotta talk to them, just normal stuff nothing insightful or anything. And to tell you the truth, they are the nicest, coolest, most down-to-earth guys. It was kickin'. Anyway, they left and we all said goodbye. That was when it hit us. We had just played laser tag against hanson (as unbelieveable as it sounds) and we had a 10 minute convo withthem. we were ecstatic. We were all like "thank you god of shopping malls for letting us meet the gods of music!!" It was so lame. We were all squealing and shrieking. Believe us, we don't usually act that way.

And finally, you don't have to believe this story yourself cuz if i were to read this off the internet, i probably wouldn't even believe it myself. *shrug* when we went to play laser tag that day, we never thought in a million years that hanson woudl be there. i guess we were just really lucky. Or put it tihs way, the next time hanson comes to your town, bring along a herd of frenz so that you can split up and end up lucky. Maybe one of you will end up meeting hanson like we did.

Stay tite n keep it up wit yer awesome site (hanson rulez),


Okay, you guys this is so cool. I actually gotta meet hanson at their Coconuts appearance in New York. i had gotten tix from my Dad since he has these connections or something. It was so cool. I had gotten in line, right? And anyway, as we approached their table, me and my friend Janna started screaming cuz we were just sooooooooo excited! I mean, think of it, hanson were just less than 15 feet away! When I thought of that, I started screaming some more LOL! Anyway, some moronic guard threatened to kick me and Janna out so we had to shut up. It's not like we *wanted* to scream, itz just that we were so excited, we couldn't *help* ourselves. it was like a natural instinct kinduva thing :D. Anyway, this is so cool. We approached their tables, and I shook Zac's hand first. It was warm! I nearly melted! I stood there gaping at him as he cranked my hand up and down. He has a hard grip! LOL! Anyway, he asked me "How ya doing?" OHMYGOD! Zac Hanson asked *me* how *I* was doing! I was nearly on my knees ready to scream again. surprisingly, janna was under control and she shook Tay's hand and Ike's hand and gave them our gift (a teddy bear and blown up balloon, isn't that cute? :D) and actually had a successful conversatoin with them! It went a little something like this: Taylor: Hi, what's up? Janna: You guys, we are your biggest fans. Isaac: Wow, thanks we really appreciate that, and your gift, thanks. Janna: Yeah! We thought of the teddy bear, and the balloon's red cuz Tay, that's your fave color, isn't it?" Taylor: Yeah, it is. Anyway, thanks. Then the stupid guard moved us along. AHHHHHHH! I gotta MEET hanson and TALK to them. I gotta TOUCH them and SEE them SMILE and ahhh. That was just THEE most AWESOME day of my entire LIFE! I swear, I didn't wash my hands for 2 days. I know you think taht sounds gross, but I would've gone on for more days without washing them, but my mom made me. :( Anyway, that's my story, hope ya guys enjoyed it! wasn't it just so cool?!

Hanson's Numer ONE FAN! :D

Nerissa Isis Leighton (If Hanson ever see this, please email me! I would be forever grateful! Cuz I'm sure you remember me and my friend Janna, right? :D)

Hanson @ Well, after the concert everyone ran back by the loading for all the concert equipment to get a glimpse of Hanson. Well, the security people told us that Hanson left as soon as they went off-stage and no one was believeing them. Well, then my mom saw one of her friends who is a cop and she asked him if they had really left. And he was like "Yeah, as soon as they came off the stage I escorted them, I've been assinged as one of their escorts." so me and my friend Jess (Who went with me) were like "oh" and all depresed because we wouldn't get to see them. We were getting BS passes from a friend of ours but she had ride problems and didn't get there in time so that already had us a little down. So we told him our story about that and he took us to the side away from all the other girls and said "If you are really quiet I can take you over to their hotel and you can meet them." Lemme tell you, that was soooo hard not to scream but we promiced we wouldn't cause then he wouldn't take us. So he escorted us over to the hotel and it was a VERY close walking distance from the arena so we walked over there and he told us to wait outside and he would go see what he could do. Well, by that time it sunk in what was happening and Jess and I started crying hystaricly. Then, he came back out and said to come inside and sit on this couch in the lobby. Well, it seemed like forever but my mom said it was only about 5 minutes and we saw Hanson step off the elevator. We about fainted. We strugled to get up and when we did we shook their hands. My mom's friend goes "Girls, meet Isaac, Taylor, and Zac." and he pointed to each of them. I shook Ike's, then Zac's then Tay's. So then Tay asked us if we had a good time at the show and we were like "Yeah!! It was awesome" and me, once I get started talking I NEVER shut up and I was like "We have waited for 2 years for this and this is not only our first concert for you guys but our first concert." and they were like "thats kewl that you have been fans the whole time." And then Zac was like "We are gonna go get something to eat, would you like to come?" and we pratcially screamed "YEAH!!!!" and then we went with them and my mom stayed and talked to her friend and Mrs. Hanson.(My mom has wanted to meet her has bad as me and Jess have wanted to meet Hanson) So we went and they got ice cream but me and Jess just sat there and stared. (oops!!) Then they were like bouncing off the walls at it was like 11pm and they were REALLY HYPER after doing a loooooooong show. So then we talked about all kinda stuff till like midnight. Then they decided they wanted to go swimming...sooo, they did. (Don't freek on me, they wore denim shorts and dark big deal) Me and Jess just kinda sat there and watched them act like nuts. Then Walker came out and said "common boys, time to come in" and Tay got out and goes "Oh the famous quote to get us in and tried to get settled down so we can go to sleep by 4am" and my friend goes "You guys stay up that late every night??" and Zac goes "Well, I do, its good for you!!!" and Jess was just like "uh yeah" and I just laughed. Then my mom was like "Girls, its 1am and we need to go, you have school tomorrow." and Zac goes "aww bummer, school." So then we kinda gave them all a hug and then they were like "where are you guys parked?" and we were like "we are still at the arena, we walked here." and so Ike, being the kind gentleman that he is, offered to walk us to our car and my mom was like "Oh Tay that isn't necessary." and he was like "no its okay." and then he goes "dad is it ok?" and Walked told them yes just to be carful. Then they walked us back to our car and they signed our shirts, ticket stubs, signs on my mom's car, our posters, everything. Then we gave them our E-Mail address so that we could keep in touch. Then, Ike was like "great, we had a good time, this is the first time we have been able to have a good, normal time with fans." and me and Jess just kinda smiled. Then we gave them a hug again and my mom said "Thank you boys for making their one dream come true." and they were like "oh its not problem" and then some girls realized it was them and Zac goes "uh oh, we have a problem." and then Tay was like "We gotta RUN, bye guys." and they waved and took off. Then we hurried and got in the car and drove away FAST cause the girls were after us!! I know this sounds kinda hard to believe but its all 100% true. I swear on my life. I have pics to prove it but no scanner yet, when I get one I will send it to you for your webby. But, I swear on Hanson's life its true. This was my one dream in life and it has come true.

Hanson @ the Jay Leno Show

By: Kelsie

First of all, I hafta thank my dad for having made this possible, cuz hey, he’s the one who managed to get us in! In case you guys are wondering, my dad works on the Jay Leno show and knows Jay personally. Awesome right? Anyway, on the day of the show, me, my little sister Kelly and my friends Steph and Laine got second row seats!! Awesooommmeee!! Anyway, the show was great and they guys looked HOT! Especially Tay!! He was sooo fine! I nearly fainted heehee, but then I would remember the fact that I would be getting to meet Hanson after the show, and then I would compose myself cuz I wouldn’t wanna look dumb in front of the guys right?! Of course not! Duh, anyway, later after the show, it was time to meet them!! Drumroll ya guys… no wait, I’d rather leave that for Zac HAHA!! Anyway, it was soo cool. There were dozens of girls screaming and trying to get in from the back but my friends and I just danced on through while they shrieked to get in! I kinda felt sorry for them, but then again I would remember the fact that the less amount of girls there were, then the more time Hanson would have for US! Hehe. Well, the guard took us back and oh my god, we stood in front of their dressing room and that was when my friends and I let out this HUGE shriek cuz we were like sooo excited and we couldn’t believe that this was actually happening to US! Anyway, at this point, Laine pulled out her mirror and started applying more lipstick when someone opened the door to the dressing room! It was Isaac! Laine dropped her miror and it cracked. She started freaking out cuz she’s like really superstitous since people say that dropping a mirror and having it crack is bad luck! Well, Isaac was soo nice! He bent down and helped her pick up the broken glass as the rest of my friends and I just sorta gawked at him. He was all like, “Careful, you don’t wanna cut yourself” to Laine, who was like freaking out lol. Anyway, later, he invited us in and there was Tay and Zac in the flesh! We couldn’t believve it! Especially me! I ran up to Tay and hugged him. I think he was a little surprised lol, but that’s ok cuz he smiled and said Hi. Then Kelly ran up and tried to hug Zac who sorta ran and hid behind Ike. I thought that was cute, hehe. Kelly ran and grabbed him from behind and said, “Silly!!” and we all laughed! I was like sooo amazed! We had made Hanson laugh! Yeaaaah! Anyay, we started talking about like really personal stuff and then we really gotta know each other and stuff. At one point I turned to Tay and I said “I love you Tay!!!” and he just kinda looked at me weird. After that, everytime I said anything he’d look at me weird and now my friends say that they think that he has a crush on me, that’s why he kept looking at me! Wow! Now, isn’t that just waaay cool ya guys?! After that he was just really quiet and didn’t really talk to me, I think it’s cuz he was shy LOL being around me and stuff. Anyway, later when we left we asked them for their personal email addys and they told us that they were gonna be getting new ones soon but that we could leave ours with them and they’d email us ASAP. So we left our addys withthem, but they still haven’t emailed us since! Maybe they’re shy!! Heehee! Oh well, that was my awesome encounter, and let me tel you, it was so totally real!!!!!!!

Hanson @ McDonald’s (Tulsa, Okalahoma)

By: Nanette

Ya guys, this encounter was totally real, but then again it’s up to you guys to believe it or not. Anyway, I’ve lived in Tulsa for like… forever practically ;) Anyway, when Hanson had swung around to do their gig over in Tulsa for the Albertane Tour, my family and I had gone to mickey D’s for a late late late fast dinner. It was like 9 pm and Mickey D’s was still open and there were only like 6 other people there, all adults. And anyway, my parents went to order and my twin sister, my little brother and sister and I went to look for a place to sit. My little sister and Brother, who are named Jessica and Eric by the way, wanted to sit towards the back since the big Ronald McDonald statue is over there hehe. I was in a bad mood… don’t ask me why I guess I was PMSing or something hehe, but I didn’t wanna sit at the back. So we found a place to sit and saw a couple of people sitting over at the back already but didn’t really pay much attention to them. (Yes, it was the Hanson family but at this point we didn’t realize it hehe) Well, when my parents got there with our food they told us to go wash our hands so up we went and passed by the big family table hehe. And as we passed you will never believe the disbelief my twin sister, Janette, and I felt! We were like, wha? That’s was the Hanson family we saw back there! It was so funny, it was justl ike in the cartoons, we sorta stopped in our tracks, turned back and saw a little blond guy (mackie) looking at us and we turned back and looked at each other and silently went “ohmigod!” and calmly continued onto the bathroom. Haha, you have to have seen to it be laughing at it. Well, we got jessica and Eric to quickly wash their hands before we “calmly” walked back to our tables. On the way back, Janette and I quickly decided that we would politely ask them how they were doing, and then we’d politely ask them (ike, tay, and zac) for their autographs. Not a bad plan right? Yeah right!! When we got to their table, Janette and I sorta stood there dumbfounded as we saw Mr and Mrs Hanson kinda smile at us. Oh my god, now that I think aobout it, it was sooo embarrassing!! I mean, there we were, these two identical looking people standing there at their table, obviously wanting their sons autographs but unable to speak much less move! Grrr, hahah! Anyway, Mrs Hanson smild at us and said, “Hello Girls” and Janette sorta squeaked back “hello” and Jessica (Our sister, not the Hanson sister hehe) spoke up and said, “My sisters wanted your sons autographs.” Oh dear Jesus, Janette and I felt like crawling under the table and never ever getting up! It was utterly humiliating! Well, at this point, Isaac kinda smiled and said, “Sure, no problem.” Mrs Hanson turned to our little sister and asked her what her name was. When she told her it was Jessica, Jessica HANSON started smiling and she said, “Hey! That’s my name too!” Then our little sister embarrassed us AGAIN for the second time that night. She said, “I know, my sisters told me already! And you’re Mackie, Avery, Zoe, Zac, Taylor, Isaac, and Mr and Mrs. Hanson!” Janette and I would have run outta the freakin place had it not been for the fact that our feet were deeply planted into the floor tiles of Mickey D’s! Mr hanson started laughing while Ike, Tay, and Zac signed their autos on a McDonald’s napkin and Jessica and Jessica hehe, started playing while Eric had already gone back to ourtable dragging my parents over. My parents started talking to Mr and Mrs Hanson and they started having this conversation and I was silently cursing myself for having gotten myself into this whole thing! It was like a family meeting or something, our family meets the Hanson family. How embarrassing. Anyway, to make a short story long (Sorry ya guys, I’m just trying to get you guys to realize just how humiliated I was hehe) my sister and I finally got our autos and gotta exchange a few words with the brothers. Our conversation went a little like this: TAY: So are you guys gonna be at our concert tomorrow night? JANETTE: Uh, yeah. ZAC: That’s great! We’ll make sure to look out for you guys! ME: Uh, yeah. (At this point, they all sorta look at each other and smile and they turn back to us) ZAC: Well, anyway, sorry bout the autos, they got a little burger on them. ME: Uh, that’s okay. ISAAC: Are you guys usually this quiet? (But in a teasing kinda way, not a rude kinda way) JANETTE: Uh, no. At this point, our parents were finished talking and we all sorta muttered our goodbyes and they left and we finished our dinner. WE STARTED FREAKING OUT THE MINUTE THE LEFT! We were all like kicking ourselves for not saying anything NORMAL to them and we were all like screaming while the McDonald’s people stared at us. We didn’t care! We had just met Hanson and their family in McDoanlds! Haha, now that I say that… it actually sounds kinda pathetic. Hehe. Anyway, that was my encounter. For you other people that ever getta met Hanson in the future, don’t act like idiots the way Janette and I did!! =D P.S. The concert rocked, and Jan and I kinda hope that Zac DID look out for us! Hehehe.

Hanson @ the Mabee Center (Tulsa Oklahoma aka Albertane Tour)

By: Anonymous

Yes, I got to meet Hanson, live in the flesh! It was soo cool! You see, I’m from Australia, but My dad knows Christopher Sabec personally so he got me a ticket to the Tulsa concert! Well, my dad had arranged everything like my plane ticket n concert ticket n BACKSTAGE ticket! Wowee… tickets tickets tickets hehe. Anyway, when I arrived in Tulsa with my Dad, I found out that I’d not only be getting to meet Hanson (Like hello and shake hands) but I’d also getta stay backstage for as long as I wanted! I was thrilled heaps! It was like oh my god, this can’t be real! BUT IT WAS! Anyway, on the day of the concert, I was ready to go. I was wearing this gorgeous spaghetti strap tank top, a mini, and these like 6 inch platforms. I looked great! =) And my hair and makeup were perfect, I couldn’t believe my luck. Anyway, I had a bag full of presents n stuff from australia that I just knew that the guys would love! So anyway, when we got there, it’s was crowded! I swear the place was like totally packed. It was chaos. Anyway, in order to get to the back, we had to go up this steeeep ramp and I nearly fell down! I was wering heels remember? Anyway, I finally managed to make it up but by the time I had gotten up there, my hair and makeup were totally wrecked! The weather was nasty and it was all humid and everything. Oh well, I knew it was too late to back out now! So my dad lead me into the backrooma nd there were heaps of people there. People were running around arranging stuff and I saw a couple of men standing around probably executive people like Chris Sabec. Anyway, I had been correct and my dad introduced me to THE Chris Sabec. He was such a sweetheart! He gave me my official backstage pass and his personal business card! WOW! Anyway, Chris was all nice and everything he made me feel real comfortable and right at home! At one point, I asked him where Mr and Mrs Hanson were and Chris pointed out Mrs Hanson. Of course! How could I have mistaken her? Anyway, I walked up to her and she was holding Zoe, the most adorable baby on the face of the earth! Well, I started introducing myself and she was soooo friendly! I handed her my present for Isaac, Tay,a nd Zac. These little Australian souvenires, and she said that she bet that the boys would love it! (Wow!) and then I gave her HER present, a opal necklace (In case you people out there don’t know, the opal is like the jewel of australia). Her eyes widened like really huge and she was all like, “Oh honey, I can’t accept this! But it was really sweet of you!” I was like, “NO Mrs Hanson! You have to have it! Besides, it looks great on you!” So she took it and I hafta admit it had been kinda pricey, but oh well, it wasn’t my money… it was my dad’s hehe. Anyway, by then, I knew that Mrs hanson really must’ve liked me so I continued on trying to get really friendly with her, and it worked! Haha, anyway, I asked for Mr hanson cuz I had to give him his present too! Well, he wasn’t around so I just gave it to mrs Hanson who insisted that I call her Diana. Anyway, I also gave Zoe her present! Adorable baby clothes! I swear Zoe smiled at me! =) it was a blast! I was already getting friendly with the Hanson clan hehe, and I was gonna meet Hanson! Anyway, after a while Mrs hanson said that she had to go and round up the rest of her kids (obviously mack, avie, and jessie) I found my dad now talking to some other exectutive people. I started to mingle around and everybody said that they loved my accent. LOL! Cool right? Anyway, I at one point, I was talking to this cool lady when I heard someone call Ike! I turned around and saw them! Ike, tay, and Zac! They all looked GREAT and I saw Taylor looking at me! I was amazed, it was like a dream! Awell, they were talking with some of the roadies (the guy that called ike was named Tom) and later Chris Sabec rounded up the guys and personally introduced me to them! They were really amazed that I had come all the way from Aus just to see them. Taylor was asweetie! He was absolutely gorge! He was sooo tall. Remember I was wearing platforms but he was still like a whole head taller than me! Anyway, Ike was HOT. In real life he lookes soo much better than in pics. And Zac, his voice is getting real deep now! I can tell that when he gets older, he’s gonna be a real sweetie just like his older bros! Anyway, I asked them if I could take pics with them and Tay stood next to me and put his arm around my waist! I could barely breathe! He smiled at me like sooo many times and later they let in like 20 annoying girls to meet them and I was like soo pissed! I mean, here I was, I had gotten to meet them personally cos I had CONNECTIONS! Doh… And these annoying teenies were getting to meet them just cos they had some idiot pass. It was no fair. But that’s ok cos Tay still payed more attention to me! Haha. Besides I gave all those teenies the EVIL eye and they were scared shit and they left. Haha, of course I made sure that Hanson weren’t looking when I did that! Anyway, later it was time for the concert and they ROCKED! The bad thing was that my seat was in the sixth row! Ugh, that’s like sooo far back! So anyway, Chris saw me and he got somebody to go get me and get me a FIRST ROW CENTER seat! Awesome eh? Basically, I hafta tell ya guys, that if ya have connections, you’ll have the best time at the concert! I know I did. PLUS, I got the inside scoop on some personal hanson info… im ean, we’re like great friends now, it’s like we go waaay back and we’ve only known each other for a couple of weeks! (PS please don’t post up my email cos then all these people are gonna e-mail me asking for MY connections! How annoying, eh?)

*Our personal opinion on this encounter: Geez, I don’t mean to sound crude or bitchy or anything, but whoever this person is, they’re one SNOBBY person with their head stuck up their &$#@! I only posted this up cuz I want people to see just how snobby and stuck up some fans are. Besides, it’s easy to act like a b*tch and exaggerate the truth when you don’t hafta leave yer name, now isn’t it? Who knows, it probably isn’t even real!!*
