* o B s E s S i O n *
Yep, Hanson obsession. When all you think of is Hanson. When everything before you could
somehow, in your own little way, be connected to Hanson. Everything from rubber soles of tennis
shoes to food (i.e. "I wonder what Dr. Food from MOE would think about this disgusting broccoli
and spinach concoction? Speaking of broccoli, puffed broccoli rules!!!!!") Get the picture?
However, to buy Hanson posters, isn't obsessive (so they're fine lookin' guys, admit it), to buy all
their CD's, single releases, albums, and home VDO's isn't obsessive (so we can't get enough of
their music, sue me),
to suscribe to MOE and every other newsletter on the net sure ain't obsessive either (so we like
to keep ourselves informed on the latest Hanson buzz goin' around), and yes, we do VDO tape
each and every one of their TV performances (so we like to see them havin' a convo with Leno),
but that isn't obsessive either. Then in that case, what *is* obsessive?
To buy Hanson shirts to wear every day of the week is a tad bit obsessive (Are Hanson out here in
the entertainment scene to make music for us, or to let us borrow their faces to wear on our
chests?), to talk in Hanson Lingo on a regular basis (i.e. "Otay", "Ike-cream" and "ikezactayly")
is just plain ridiculous, and to write Hanson's names all over every thinkable part of the human
anatomy is just plain gross. If you tend to find yourself doing one of the above, chances are, you're
on the verge of obsession.
To appreciate Hanson for their music and talent is great, and what the heck, they're three hecka
good lookin' guys, which makes it even cooler. (Admit it, if Hanson made great music but looked
like your next door neighbor Dexter with the big glasses, zits, and Urkel voice, chances are they'd
have a lot less *obsessive* fans) Nevertheless, you shouldn't get carried away with
the whole deal, and let them rule your life! To watch MTV and hope to get a glimpse of their latest
music VDO is cool, and to log onto the net to check out Hansonline.com for the latest updates is
fine as well. But if you find yourself slacking off with schoolwork and brushing aside all your frenz
cuz all you do *is* watch MTV for Hanson VDOs and log onto the net to see each and every one of
the hundreds of thousands of Hanson websites out there on the net... well, then that's when
obsession kicks in.
So maybe you have a teeny-weeny tiny little itty-bitty crush on Isaac. *Shrug*, you're not the first
person in the world to have a crush on a guy, much less a famous singer. You've got hormones,
you're entitled to liking guys. But if you find yourself going "Dammit, if Taylor *ever* gets a girlfriend,
I'd kill her," chances are you'd better slow it down... like majorly. First of all, death isn't funny, but I
don't wanna get into a big lecture (I hate lectures myself =P) but the odds of you meeting Taylor,
Isaac, or Zac are very small... even more, the odds of you becoming their girlfriend are very small too.
(Remember? It's already kinda hard to get "the tall studly football player at school" to be your
boyfriend, much less some guy you've never met, but only seen through the TV screen). Besides,
I'm sure the guys feel uncomfortable enough with this "girlfriend" biz... cuz If they were to get girlfriends,
they be ripping the hearts out of their fans, but face reality people, do you expect them to remain
bachelors for the rest of their life just to please us fans? I don't think so. In that case, crushes are
fine, just know where to draw the line!
So when does obsession go too far? Simple... when you find yourself actually *worshipping* the
guys. The Hanson worshipper thinks that anything and everything a Hanson ever
does is wonderful and "totally cool!!", even if in reality it's lame or cheesy. If anyone says one little
negative thing about Hanson... they flip out. They accuse all Hanson haters of being
"MMMJealous." Even if someone says something as harmless as, "Taylor was wearing some
nasty pants," they throw a little hissy fit. Just keep in mind, Isaac, Zac, and Taylor are three
regular ordinary guys... yes, shockingly like the guys at your school. =)
NOTE: We didn't intend to be offensive in any way. Just remember, if you *did* get offended by
any of the comments I've made on this page, I'm entitled to my opinion, just as you are entitled to
yours, kay? So, please, no hate mail.
Email: tay4kristi@aol.com