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Daaang, looks like we're hecka obsessed here......

What? So everybody says that yer obsessed with Hanson. No biggie.....Hanson are cool, they're good guys to look up to, jes don't get TOO outta hand. Anyway, we gotta list of, ahem, "obsession signs" and later, we're gonna come up with some cures! Yeap, Dr. Lynn and Dr. Kristi....PhD graduates from Stanford U.....yah right, sure..... whatever you corny dork.....=)

1. You know every single word, sigh, and breath that the bros take on the Middle of Nowhere CD.

2. You're typing a report for English on Hamsters, but every time you type out "Hamsters," you accidently type "Hanson." (Same for all other "HA" words, like: Handsome, Handy, Handmade, you get the picture.)

3. You FINALLY get to see Hanson live, and you ask a question like, "TAY! I love you! Can I have one of your hairs as a souvenir?!" (Yeah, I know, hecka obsessed, but I've heard of people asking them this.)

4. You're watching a movie, and as the credits go by, you see that the Costume Producer's name is Zachary Watson......You start squealing and having a cow.

5. Try this test, I'm gonna flash a question at you, and you have to answer it okay? Ready? Okay, GO! "On Track number FOUR of Middle of Nowhere, what word is Taylor saying at 2:17?" If you were able to answer that right off the bat, I gotta say that you are one hecka dedicated fan. =)

6. You already have the Middle of Nowhere CD, but still call into radio stations asking them to turn on MMMBop just so that you can have the pleasure of hearing it from the radio.

7. You just know that when you graduate high school, instead of being named "Most likely to succeed" or "Most likely to end up in some Beverly Hills Mansion," you're gonna be named, "Most likely to go bankrupt from spending all her money on Hanson junk, albums, and merchandise." Hehe.....

8. You're in Science Class.....about to seriously fall asleep, cuz your head's already nicely nestled in your arms and your eyes are drooping, when your teacher says something like, "Isaac Newton discovered..." Whoo! Your eyes go soaring and your head goes flying and you're wide awake! (You even like staring at the guy's picture in your Science textbook cuz you get the pleasure outta seeing Ike's name in your Science book.)

9. EVERY little thing just seems to link back to the one and only Hanson brothers.....even the disgusting lasagna that they serve at lunch, you can't help but think, "Poor Ike, if he were to eat this, he'd never be able to sing his groovy notes again!"

10. You surf the net looking for Hanson sites, and never get tired of signing people's guestbooks saying just how much you LOVE LOVE LOVE Hanson!

11. You could seriously open up a VDO shop renting out Hanson Appearance tapes cuz, hey, you got every single one of 'em!

12. You've started a webpage on them.....heehee, Look who's talkin' here.....

13. You've decided that you don't like marshmallows prefer jellybeans to be exact. (More Detail? You like it more if they're Jelly Belly ones. Hehe)

14. You're glad that you named your little rag doll from elementary, Diana, cuz, hey, that's also their Momzzy's name.....=)

15. You have Middle of Nowhere ringing through your ears 24/7......but if there were such thing as 1,440/7, you'd be listening to it that much too.

16. You have three Middle of Nowhere CD' that's always in your CD player at home, one that's always in your Discman, and one that you just have with you case something bad were to happen and you really needed it BAD!

17. You're just strolling down the mall minding your own business, when you see a huge Hanson poster hangin from some music store have a major cow and start screeching and exclaiming, right there, right there in the middle of the mall, in front of the freaking store window, "I HAVE THAT POSTER! I have that poster! AGH!"

18. Everytime you see roses, instead of thinking of your boyfriend or whatever, you think of MMMBop instead.....get the picture?

19. Your Dad's watching ESPN, and you see that Milwaukee has just beat LA in some baseball have a cow.

20. You stick Hanson posters on the ceiling above your bed, in hope that they'll unstick and fall down onto your face....better yet, your lips.....haha.

21. Your local DJ recognizes your voice (because you always call in requesting Hanson songs) and hangs up everytime you call in.

22. You're not laughing from any of these, cuz they all refer to you.

23. You're about to buy Newsweek, for your Dad in some bookstore, when you spot a magazine on another shelf with the tiniest blurb on Hanson.......You quickly scan your wallet, but realize that you're 1 dollar short......hmmm.......forget Newsweek!! You quickly pick the mag off the shelf and buy it....with your Dad's Newsweek money.

24. You live in a little town in Michigan....but you flew all the way to Tokyo the time that they had their big concert there.

25. Hanson's bodyguard even recognizes you.

26. Hanson recognizes you.

27. You've busted your Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere VDO, cuz you've watched it one too many prob, you've memorized every word, line, and verse that comes outta of those bros mouths (of course, not intentionally, but it tends to happen after watching the thing 97 times.)

28. Every time you watch "Titanic," you scrunch your face up and force little tears outta your eyes, cuz you heard that Taylor cried at the end of the movie....hmmm......sensitive guys are cool....=o)

29. You've promised your not-even-born-yet kid that you're gonna name him after one of the little Hansons....Jessie, Avie, Mac, or Zoe.

30. You're ecstatic over the fact that our little sister can imitate Mackie's little dialogue on Hanson's "Snowed In" album.

31. You've suddenly gained such interest over "Walker, the Texas Ranger" cuz, ahem, someone's Dad's named that.

32. Okay, you've already recorded "Weird" off MTV, but when you miss it on the Top 20 US Countdown, you, again, have a cow.

33. Your friends don't dare walk with you in the mall anymore, cuz they're afraid that you're gonna have a "Hanson Attack" in front of the Music Store again.....hey they gotta save their rep. too right? =)

34. You have a free period at school, and are just wandering around in the library. You kill time by picking up the dictionary and checking out how many people in all Human History had the last name Hanson.

35. You begin to get the feeling that your fave. radio station's DJ is beginning to aviod your calls.

36. You just KNOW that you're gonna meet Hanson, being the "prepared for anything" type of person you are, you plan out every detail of the day you meet them. All the way from what you're gonna wear, to how you're gonna sing MMMBop to them.

37. You give up the clairinet for the Drums.

38. You actually have real conversations with your Hanson life-sized posters.

39. You lose your baby-sitting job from transforming the poor little kid into a miniature Ike.

40. You've traded in your bike for a pair of Rollerblades.....just so that you can do the EXACT same moves that Isaac, Taylor, and Zac did in their MMMBop music VDO.

41. You can draw the Hanson logo with your eyes closed.....and with one hand tied behind your back....whoo happy happy joy joy.....=)

42. Your name's Kay, but you insist on having people call you Tay from now on.

43. Since Zac calls Isaac "Ikey-Poos," you refer to him the same way too. Example, you're talking with your friend about Isaac's small solo in "Where's the Love," and you go, "Hey Jen, doesn't Ikey-Poos just sing real great in the "Where's the Love" VDO?"

44. You freak cuz your friend just bought a mag that has nine pictures of Hanson in it.....the one you bought only has seven.

45. You've seen your Middle of Nowhere CD cover like 1001 times, but you still have a.....yeah you guessed it, COW every time you see it......=)

46. You're 17, but you notice that the new kid in your little bro's grade, has a remarkable resemblance to L'il stalk the poor kid hoping to getta pic with you can tell all your friends that you met Zac and took a cool pic with him.

47. You best friend, since like Pre-school, has borrowed your Middle of Nowhere call her like 7 times in one evening just to make sure that it's still "ok." (Like you can't trust her.)

48. It's "Back to School" time again, and you cover all your notebooks in Hanson that you have something good to look at during class.

49. You're standing at a bus stop, when you think, "Hey, what if I were to meet THEE man from Milwaukee here?!"

50. You're baking cookies using, duh, cookie-cutters, when, guess what song pops into your mind?! Yeap....WEEEIIIRRDD! =)

51. You're sitting in French class, and you see that "Genevieve" is a French name, and you go, "Hey! I know someone who's named that!"

52. Whenever you buy Hanson pics, you buy them in pairs....One to stick on your wall for viewing pleasure, and the other to stick into a big bag with a bunch of other Hanson case your house ever catches on fire, you'll still have your precious Hanson pics.

53. You actually buy "Bop," "16," and "Big Bopper" magazines cuz they always have Hanson pics in 'em.

*~Okay, that's about it for now, send any of your own "Obsessions" into us and we'll post 'em up!~*

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