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Situation of the Week!!

Daaaaang........looks like yer responses got cut off, well partly!! We've included the parts that actually showed up........ We're sooo sorry!! =) But we've fixed the problem!! So the form's okay to use now! But thanks for your responses for the last situation of the week!! Here they are!!


"Okay, I would ask them if they wanted to go and hang out. Then maybe we'd go roller-blading. But I would also thank Taylor for everything also!"


"Well, I'd probably try......."


"I would probably pee all over myself, then I'd get up and stare in to his baby blues, then I'd tell him that I want his Phone Number........."


"I would have tried to hurt myself again, so that I could be stay Tay's arms again, and maybe Ike and Zac would come out and help.........."


"I'd thank Taylor and invite him over to my house. After he saved me, it's the least I could do. Then I'd flirt like mad! Now, don't get me wrong, I am not obsessed, but they are the coolest boys ever........"

Tay'z Woman

I'd probably throw Tay onto the next plane to Miami, grab my board and hit the waves with my love. Then we'd go to my place, cool down and later go out for some coffee. Then we'd go for a walk along Miami beach........"


"Uhhh, I'm not sure what I'd do.......I might invite them around to my place for a swim or something (Though it'd be so hard and embarassing asking). Oh......and getta photo with them......hehe"


"I would invite them over to my place, and play laser tag. Then ask them what they wanted to do."


"Actually, I'd invite them all to Lakeside Pond. There's not much I could run into there, and it'd give us time to getta know each other a little more......."


"I would probably get up, and thank them for helping me up, and tell them that I really appreciated it......."Listen, I know a really good coffee shop, let me take you there"

Imagine yerself as a senior.......yeah! 12th grade! Yer about, oh say 17 or 18. You've got yer SAT's comin' up in a week, and you've just GOTTA ace 'em all, cuz hey! This is yer whole career and future that's dependin' on this little test-thinga-ma-dingy! You think that yer PRETTY prepared, but still, you're not so good at math. (Hey, who is? I'm not at least =D) So, you really could use any extra time just readin' 'em Math textbooks. Yer studyin' one day, for yer SAT's, and you have yer radio turned on to yer absolute fave radio station, when you hear the DJ mention something about yer absolute FAVE band! Yeah! That's right! Hanson! =D Now, you walk over to yer radio, no wait. You RUN over to yer radio, and you put yer ear right next to the speaker. (You can hear fine, you just wanna make sure that you get all the stuff that they're saying correct)

Anyway, here you are with yer face smack next to yer radio, and the DJ says, "Hey, all you dedicated Hanson fans out there! Now's the chance to show them just how dedicated you are! The three talented boys from Tulsa, Oklahoma are comin' here next week! And YOU can have the chance to meet them and talk to them face to face! We're giving the first two callers a chance!" You sit there with a "HUH" look on yer face, then after it all starts to sink in, you JUMP UP! Yeah, UP! And you start dancin' around and screamin' and then you shut up to hear what the DJ's gonna be sayin' next. You listen......"All you hafta do is call in NOW, and answer this question, "What was Hanson's first released album?" You go, "DUH!! Boomerang of course! ARGH!! Why'd they choose such an easy question?! Now ALL the girls within a 20 mile radius are gonna be callin' in, and I won't getta meet Hanson!!" Then you realize that you've just wasted like 7 milliseconds havin' those little phrases go through yer mind, and you race to the phone, which is sorta smack next to yer arm, but anyway..........You call in, and..........

You call in, and the phone's freakin' busy!! You dial AGAIN! 'Cept this time, you dial like really frantically, and you actually get in!! Yeah! You realize that by now, yer panting from the jumpin up and down, and the racin' over to the phone, so you catch yer breath before the DJ answers the phone, y'know so that you don't sound like a complete idiot over live radio broadcast. So, the DJ answers the phone and says, "Hello? 95.5 Gold FMX?" (Or whatever the radio station is) And you blurt out, "Boomerang!" And the DJ says to you, "Boomerang? What? Is that yer way of sayin' hello?" Then you go, "NO! The answer to yer Hanson question! Boomerang!" Then the DJ, after playin' around a bit, goes, "Well, sista, looks like you got the correct answer! Congrats! You and the other lucky girl that just called before ya, are gonna getta be meetin' Hanson within 5 days!" Then you give him yer info like yer telephone number, address and stuff. And then you hang up. And you sit down, cuz you realize that you've been jumpin' and talkin' on the phone at the same time, and you look at yer calander. It says "SAT'S on Friday" WHAT?!? But that's 5 days from now!!!

So what do ya do fellow Cray-zee Hanson People? Do ya go and meet Hanson? Like, face to face? Or do ya go and sit in a dark hall with about 2000 other high school kids and take a SAT test that'll determine yer whole future? Tell us! We wanna know! =D

Yer name:
Yer e-mail address:
Okay, tell us what you would do!!:

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