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*aLbErTaNe ToUr ReViEwS*

*Our note: We’re so, so, sooo sorry for not posting these up right away!! Yikes, some of ya guys have sent these to us since June, and we’ve JUST gotten the time to post them up! Sorry sorry sorry!! I (Lynn) have another disk full of yer awesome reviews that ya guys have sent in, only problem is, I can’t really seem to find it as of this moment… whoopsss.…(quickly looks around to see if Kristi is anywhere near… obviously not she’s halfway across the ocean hehe….. =P) Don’t worry ya guys, I’ll find it ASAP and post them up ASAP!!! Promise!)*

Well, I didn't go to school on the day of the concert because I had something wrong with my eye. Then, at 3:00 my friend that was going with me got home from school and went home, got her stuff and came back. Then, we finished her sign and did her hair (mine was already done in braid dreads). Then, at about 4:00 we went out and decorated my mom's car with all these signs that said "Hanson Rules" and "Honk If You Love Hanson." Well, just our luck it stared to rain and then we had to stop at K-Mart and re-tape everything. Then, we went to McDonalds to get something to eat and then were on our way. We then had to stop on the side of the road again to re-tape another sign. Then, we finally got there at about 5:50 and we came in blaring Mmmbop. Then we got our signs and went up to the doors. They let us in at about 6:15 and we ran to our seats. Then we saw that they weren't the best seats at all. Then I found some of my friends from school and we were talking to them and trying to figure out where Hanson would come out. Then this lady called us over and told us "look right back there above that curtain, Isaac is back there" so we all looked and I about cried. He was holding Mackie. Then, Tay came out and Ike left. Then we walked away after Tay left and went to our seats. Then at 7:00 Admiral Twin came out and played about 5 songs (till 7:30) and then the little men in red jump suits come out and set the stage up for Hanson. The little gray curtain they put him that they drop got stuck so they had a delay there with having to fix it. We all stared doing the wave and shouting Hanson. Then, we all started screaming and getting ready for the concert. Then, the lights went out and you could see Hanson behind the curtain from my seat. Then you could hear the opening chords of "Gimmie Some Lovin" and everyone screamed. Then the curtain fell and there they were. Ike had on his black leather pants and a white cotton shirt with his blueish- silverly long sleeve shirt on over it and his black boots and his hair was in a ponytail. Then, Tay had on black boots, black jeans, and a black T-shirt with a like gold sequence jacket on over it and he had his hair down. Then Zac. He had on his yellow doc's, his orange tear-away pants and a long sleeve brown shirt that had an orange stripe across the chest and his hair was also down. They played Gimmie Some Lovin/Shake Your Tail Feather. Then they did Thinking Of You. Then Where's The Love, then River and then Day Has Come. They Tay said "okay see ya guys in a few minutes" and the little red men came back out. They changed the set and brought out Zac's small drum set, a keyboard and bench for Tay and a big like living room chair for Ike and a lamp and put a rug on the floor over the Hanson symbol and then put walls up. Then Tay said "Now we are gonna play a song for you that we dedicated to our grandmother" and they played "With You In Your Dreams" and Tay's voice cracked a couple times and Ike looked like he was crying. Then, they played "Money" and Zac sang lead on that. They Tay goes "Now its story time, and we are gonna tell you a little story" and while he was doing that Zac was playing with those little music ball things and dropped one and it rolled across the stage. Then, they played "Stories" and then Tay goes "And now me and Zac are gonna go and leave this to Ike" and Ike goes "Yeah, they are leaving me" and then Ike did "More Than Anything." Then, they put the old set back and they sang Speechless. And during speechless Tay took over the drums so that Zac could go spray the audience and then Zac took the drums back and Ike took keyboards so Tay could go spray the audience. Then they sang Weird. Then Ike asked "How many of you haev those little glowey things?" and Tay goes "If you have them hold them up" and then Ike goes "Well Zac has some of his own only he can play the drums with them" and then Ike goes "This song goes out to all of you in the upper bowl because we couldn't live a minute without you" then they sang "Minute Without You". Then Tay goes "Are you all tired yet" and everyone screams no and Ike goes "I think that was the loudest unison yell of no on this tour" and everyone cheered and then Tay goes "I SAID ARE YOU TIRED YET" and everyone screamed it again and Ike and Tay at the same time said "No that was the loudest" Then Tay goes "Well, welcome to the Albertane Tour, this next song goes out to all of the crew because this tour started as a small tour and it has grown very much." and then Ike goes "But first, lets introduce you the the other band" and they introduced them while Zac played drums and Ike played guitar and introduced them. Then Ike goes "This song is called Magic Carpet Ride" and they sang that. Then, the brought the congas out and Tay goes "This is one of our last songs, well its not that last" and Zac goes "Its second to the last" and Tay then goes "Okay guys, here is the one everyone should know here we go" and they played Mmmbop and Tay had every single person in the audience on their feet singing and clapping along. Then Tay goes "Okay, well this is out last song, the tour got its name from this song and the album, Middle Of Nowhere so..." and then Zac goes "Here we go MAN FROM MILWAUKEE!!!" and then they played Man From Milwaukee. Then, they said "Tanks guys, you have been an awesome audience" and they left. Well, everyone ran to the floor and started chanting WE WANT MORE, WE WANT MORE and they came back out and played "Look At You" and then Tay goes "Okay now for the last song, we will need your help, this song is called Summer Tim Blues" and then they played that and they had the crowd singing along. Now, during songs and in-between they would squirt you with water bottles and Tay was like "We just wanna keep you guys as cool and wet as possible" and so they kept doing that and Ike kept throwing pics out into the audience. Then Ike goes "Thank you guys, this was awesome, we hope to be back in Orlando soon you have been an awesome audience" And Tay goes "Thanks guys, see you later" and they all came together held hands and took a bow. Then they went outside and left right away. Then everyone went to see them and they were gone. But, my mom knew one of the police officers that escorted them and he took us to our car and told us what hotel we were staying at. Then we went by the hotel and we knew what floor and thought we saw a shadow like Tay's. So, we could have saw Tay in his hotel area. It wasn't a room it was like a hallway by a vending machine. But, this was my first concert and it was awesome. Worth getting up on Labor Day and being at the mall at 7:00 and waiting in like for 3 hours and all. Well, well worth it.


Hanson Live in Toronto, Canada!

June 23, 1998

By Diana

First of all, the concert was awesome… that’s the onlyword I can really come up with as of this moment to describe the awesome concert!!!! It was awesome! Haha Yup! Welps, the sucky thing was that the concert was on a school day, so my mom MADE me go to school… except it was only for half a day… yay! Hehe, another sucky thing was that that day I was having end of the year exams!!!!! Nofe air!! I’m only in seventh grade… I was so excited….I flunked my math and geography exam =( (At least I knew where Tulsa was hehe =P) Anyway, after lunch, my mom and grandma came and picked me and my friends Lacey, Josie, and MaryKay up. Haha, it was sooo much fun waltzing outta class to go to a hanson concert! =D Anyway, when we got to Molsen Amphitheatre, it wasn’t all that crowded YET, thank god. Lacey, Marykay, and Josie and I had already made these AWESOME signs from the previous night and we dragged them all outta my mom’s trunk and started heading towards the venue. When we got there, we ran straight towards the merchandise booth and got tons of stuff. Josie had forgotten her wallet at home and nearly started bawling right there on the spot but my Mom lent her some money so Josie was happy and smiling again =) Anyway, later on, we gotta meet lotsa new people and they were all great! We found out that lots of them had lawn seats and that was when we appreciated our seats… even if we didn’t get first row tix hehe. Enough of this, let’s skip to the concert! After Admiral Twin played, Hanson came out and these huge SHRIEK came piercing through my ears! I swear it was the loudest ever! I was just too shocked to even scream myself haha. Anyway, at this point, my grandma had started complaining on how her hearing aid was gonna burst if she didn’t get some earplugs anytime soon LOL. Hehe, she had meant to be funny but my mom considered getting ear plugs anyway… so she and my Grannie went to get us all some. I was thankful too hehe. Anyway, one lousy thing that happeend while they were playing Where’s the Love was that this annoying girl in front of us kept stanidng up on her chair with her noisy friends screaming “The love is over here Tay!! Over here!!!” then she’d start pointing at herself and practically smothered the people in front of her. Geez, talk about annoying and utterly disgusting! Well, at one point, Lacey, Josie, and marykay and I just got totally fed up so we politely asked her to please get down! She refused and started giving us this lecture on how Tay was gonna be her husband someday. Whaaaaa?!?! My friends and I were like oh great, here we are at a hanson concert in back of a hanson psycho! So my friend Lacey, who’s like Xena woman or something, I swear she’s sooo tall and when she gets mad, she can look pretty scary! Hehe anyway, Lacey tapped the girl on the shoulder and asked her one last time to please get off her chair so that the other 100 rows behind her could see the freakin stage. At this point, the girl started shrieking the nasty at Lacey, it was actually kinda freaky, I swear the girl was like practically losing it! So Lacey backed off and we all went and got the security guard who turned out to be really nice. (My mom and grandma still hadn’t returned otherwise we wouls have let my mom settle the whole ordeal) Anyway, the security guard came and got the girl to get off her seat and when the girl refused to do so by yelling the nasty at the security guard, I think that the guard got pissed and she grabbed the girl and dragged her out. Yay! Heehee, I know I sound mean, but she started it! Geesh! Anyway, after that scary experience we decided to enjoy the show! Ike started singing More Than Anything and MaryKay started running to the front. Lacey, Josie and I had to hold her down otherwise she would have been lost in a swarm of teenyboppers hehe. She was screaming and singing att he top of her lungs…. We were all like oh dear hehe. (later, after the concert, she said to us”You know that that really wasn’t me in there don’t you?” Uhh, sure Marykay! Haha) But anyway, as long as we’re talking about Isaac, I hafta tell you guys that he has such an awesome voice! From now on, I’m putting aside all previous dislikes that I had towards Ike! He’s is just gifted with talent and a beautiful voice! Yup yup! Later, when they played their oldies like Money, Ever Lonely, and of course Gimme Some Lovin’/Shake a Tailfeather, my grandma was dancing up a storm! It was so cute! She was singing along and my mom and I were like standing there with our mouths open and our eyebrows raised up up up! Heehee, later grannie said that she liked Hanson and that they were nearly as good as the Beatles! Whoa, that’s a good compliment especially when coming from MY grandmother! Basically, everything was just awesome, from their slow jams to their hard rock n roll songs to their 50’s jams! Everything was PERFECT! The next time Hanson come to tow…. I’m most definitely THERE!

Hanson Live in Atlanta Georgia!

July 5, 1998

By Heather

Oh my god, the concert was the COOLEST thing ever, I swear, NOTHING was as awesome as the 90 minutes that I just gotta witnes!!! I’ll try to sum everything up for you guys, without blabbing too much, but believe me, it’ll be worth it cuz I have a surprise at the end!! :) Anyway, let me like calm myself first!! Okay, I’m calmed down, hehe. Well, I woke up at 7 am which is like REALLY early for me (I usually get up at like 11, im ean it’s summer, right?!) Anyway, I live in Augusta ( a city close by atlanta) and anyway, we had to leave real early if we wanted to make it on time! Well, my best friend Jessica rang my bell at 7:30 (right on time!) and I dragged my brother and younger sister Aimee and we were on our way! (My older brother had to take us coz my parents were busy that day!) Well, Jess and I packed our bags with all our Hanson CD’s tapes and indies… basically everything!!! We were taking the van, so since we’d have a lot of room, we decided to make our posters on the way there. Well, we got our Hanson shirts! (Yes, we are teenyboppers, but we’re not THAT bad, okay?) and all our other stuff and we were off! On the way there, Jess Aimee and I made this huge poster that said “Hanson, the MMMBopping Brothers!” and stuck it on our window! You should’ve seen all the people that stared at us!! It was soo funny! My brother nearly had a heart attack, he was all like, “you can put your stupid sign up, as long as we’re out of Augusta, I don’t want anyeone we know seeing me with that thing on our window!” Hahah!! Well, I stil love him, he’s the bestest brother ever. Anyway, when we neared Atlanta, we stopped by at Taco Bell and we saw TONS of other Hanson fans there too! How did we know they were Hanson fans? By the music blasting out of their steros and their Hanson shirts silly! It was great, we were all talking and getting to know each other and stuff and Jess Aimee and I made a lot of new friends!! (Hi Rachel and Candace!!!) Anyway, after Taco Bell (We got a few looks from the people eating there but who cares?!?!) we started heading over to the venue and man, Jess and I were totally PUMPED!!!!!! We were jumping up and down (in the van) and squealing and stuff, we wre just soooo excited! (For you other people that hve been to their concert, I’m sure you know how We must’ve felt!!) Anyway, when we got there, we relieved to see that it wasn’t THAT packed yet. So, anyway, we got our signs and our cameras (hidden in Aimee’s shirt). Well, we immediately got in line to buy some Hanson stuff and man was the stuff expensive!!! For you people going to any of the concerts in the future, BRING LOTS OF MONEY! Anywy, after emptying my brothers wallet (hehe) Aimee, Jess and I started walking around and cheking things out! We saw TONS of other people, and some other Teenyboppers, but they wre like sooo annoying, but anyway, all of a sudden we heard some thumping and Aimee squealed it’s zac on his drums!! It sure was! and jess aimee and I all RAN towards the back where there already were dozens of girls screaming and stuff, well, we three screamed right on along hehe. And I thin that we heard ike singing river and taylor singing sotories, they sounded great and that only pumpe dus up smore for the actual concert! Well, my brother finally found us and he again nearly had a heart attac cuz he thought that he’d “lost” us… whoops. Hehe, anyway, I don’t think that he was regretting having come that much cuz he was picking up a few chicks along the way too! Duh, anyway, later, they FINALLY opened up the doors!!!!!! And I swear it was like this huge WHOOSh and everybody RA N inside to grab their seats, so did we! Ohmigosh, we got the BEST seats ever! We wre like in the THIRD row!!! I swear when we finally found our seats, jess and I were all like checking our tickets and our seats like 7 times to make sure that we RALLY had the correct seats, we just oculdn’t believe that we had gotten THIRD row! Anyway, hehe, sorry, I’m still excited n stuff. Well, we just sorta SCREAMED and Aimee noticed that some girls had glowsticks and that we had nothing not even a lighter or somethin. So my brother (who by the way is named Josh) sighed and offred to go get us some glowsticks, I swear he’s the greatest brother ever! Some brothers wouldn’t have even thought of being seen near their two little sisters and their friend! Anyway, back to the concert, at around 7:30 Admiral Twin came out and I hafta say that they SUCK! Well, I don’t know, I don’t really like their kind of music, but I was also eager to see Hanson!!! When they announced their last song, Aimee jess and I all cheered hehe, anyway, later at 8 they were finally finished! And the roadies n people came out to set up for HANSON! Well, at 8:30 we heard someone say “are you guys ready to rock?!” you bet we wre!! And jess and I were screaming oh my god it’s tay!!! And aimee was like scrambling ontop of the chairs trying to getta good view hehe. My brother was just like trying to frantically stuff his ears with the earplugs that he had bought on the way over hehe. Well, first they played gimme some lovin/shake a tailfeather and jess aimee and I all danced and jumped the whole song through! Later they did thinking of you and some more I don’t remember what order exactly and I bet that all you guys already know what songs they performed, right? Anyway, some highlights were that tay took off his shirt and ohmy god that boy has got some awesome peccs!! I was nearly fainting, and in third row too!! I’ POSITIVE he saw our sign cuz it was like nearly 3 feet tall and it was in neon letters and I swear zac smiled at us TWICE! Well, aimee nearly went crazy she was like screaming and get this, tay smiled at us! I swear! Well, anyway, one way cool thing was when ike did more than anything. His voice is amazing, that boy is just oozing with talent, I mean he has this way of singing that sounds so romntic and soothing and you just MELT!! And melt we did by the end of the concert, jess aimee and I were literally a blob of melted teenybopper hehhe, and my brother even said that they wre cool, hanson I mean. That’s weird cuz before the concert he had always made fun of them n stuff and now he was saying that they were okay! Well, I’m nearly finished, but not yet!! One more totally awesome thing was that we saw Mrs hanson with avery and zoe and jessica as were getting ready to leave! Well, aimee had to go to the bathroom like REAL bad so I decided to take her along with jess and as we came out of our stalls, we saw mrs hanson avery and jessica and zoe heading out the door and we three just gaped at each other and called, “MRS HANSON!” she turned around and smiled and said hello girls. I swear she was sooo nice and she has the longest coolest blond hair eveer! Well, jessica and avery were like looking at us and zoe was in mrs hanson’s arms and we wer all like awwww, and jessica rolled her eyes. I hate to say it, but she seems a little snobhy but avery was just adorable too! Shegave us this angelic smile and said hi and then jess turned to jessica and said ‘hey, my names jessica too!’ and jessica hanson said, ‘wow, that’s cool’ but like in a real sarcastic way, geeeezzz I guess it was past her bedtime or something…. Then mrs hanson said to us, ‘did you enjoy the concert girls?’ and we shouted YES! I think that we shouted a LITTLE bit too loud cuz zoe started crying!! We felt soo bad! We were like we’re sorry and everything and mrs hanson said that it was ok and that she was just a little cranky cuz it was way past her bedtime and avery waved to us and smiled one more time and jessica just sorta muttered bye. Man, that was the coolest thing EVER! Both the concert and getting to meet the other half of the hanson family! I will NEVER forget July 5 for the rest of my life! For all you other people going to future hanson concerts, have a blast and get prepared, you’re gonna have the time of your life I guarantee it you guys!

Love Ashley

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