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*~Annoying People You Meet At Hanson Concerts~*

*~Lynn's Note to Ya Guys: Please don't mind me if I sound really annoyed when writing this. It's cuz I typed up this HUGE chunk of stuff for ya guys to read TWICE, and both times my idiot 'puter crashed on me. Grrr, and I know I was a dork for not saving it EITHER times, but oh well, I've learned my lesson, and I've saved it this time, okie? Okay! On with the show =) ~*

Sadly, I haven't had the won-drr-fool opportunity to go see Hanson live in concert during my mere 15 years of existence. (Namely cuz they did a gig over in Indonesia but just couldn't make a quick stop over here in Thailand$B)(J Which, may I remind you, is just a mere dozen islands away or so from Indonesia$B)(JSorry, I told you I was in a bad mood. I'll try to be good from now on. *Big Smile*). Anyway, I'm not totally clueless when it comes to talking about Hanson concerts. I've seen lots of their performances and appearances before (Thank god for Cable TV, or I'd be just as well off as a little hermit living somewhere atop the peaks of the Himalayas) and they always rock. Yeah, I mean it, they Do! (Of course, they'd rock even more if I had the chance to actually GO and actually experience one live, but let's not get into that issue). Well, basically, Hanson are talented and they sound just as good live as they do on CD$B)(Jand in some ways better! But of course all good things must come to an end, and this is where I tell you about the Annoying things that people do at Hanson Concerts, starting off with:

1.) The hideously annoying girls that don't wear bras at Hanson concerts. What were they thinking?! How could they just roll outta bed and pull on a shirt while forgetting one very substantial piece of clothing?! The mere thought is just beyond me$B)(JI mean, write a note to remind yerself in the morning or something$B)(Jwhatever, just don't forget your bras for cryin' out loud! They were invented many a year ago for a very good reason indeed! So use yer bras! Geez$B)(Jyou have got no idea how utterly unpleasant it is, watching Hanson in concert, then see a girl jumping up and down baring herself whole. Now, I understand that some days ARE hotter than others, and that you tend to feel the need to dress lightly some days. I wear tanks too, heck the average temperature here in Thailand is around 95 farenheit year around, but I most certainly do NOT forget my most vital piece of clothing! And please, please PLEASE don't you forget also! Go out and buy yerself one for christ's sake! And if you're saying that you're financially deprived, don't you worry$B)(J Once Wonderbra sees the amount of jiggling that goes on at Hanson Concerts, they'll be most likely to set up a Bra Booth right next to the Hanson Merchandise Booth at each and every Hanson concert, for the clothing deprived girls that show up at concerts without bras! Enough said! Phew, got that off my chest$B)(Jno pun intended.

2.) The smokers that smoke up a storm in the middle of a Hanson Concert. Yes, the chimney smelling people that blow their puffs of smoke in yer face while you're trying to *huff gag gag puff* sing along to 'MMMBop.' Now, to me, smoking is fine. No, that's not what I meant$B)(J Of course, when speaking about yer health, it does nothing but crap to yer body and it's not fine. But to me, if someone smokes, that's fine, that's their own choice. But please do it outside! In the open fresh air (You could use some considering the amount of fresh air your nicotine coated lungs lack mind you). You don't wanna gag up a whole row of Teenyboppers do you? And as much as we wanna catch Hanson's attention, we most certainly do not want to do so as fire engines come rampaging through in the middle of a Hanson concert cuz you accidentally dropped your cigarette on your foot sending your chair ablaze. (Fire extinguisher, anyone?) My point? Please, just smoke outside, or away from other people. (Sorry if I sound like the "Lung and Cancer Association' or whatever the association thingy's called. A really close friend of mine died at 24 cuz he had been smoking since he was 13).

3.) Imagine yourself standing in the middle of a Hanson concert. There you are, singing up a storm, you and yer friends are having a blast, and you could have sworn Isaac smiled at you. All of a sudden, an annoying scrawny little girl with a squeaky voice and pigeon looking face sticks a huge sign nearly the size of her herself ( Hello, Great Wall of China) in front of your face just as you were gonna return Isaac your smile. Ah, you have a fit. Ever experience this before? I'm sure you have. Or at least something as annoying as this. Yes, it's the attack of the annoying signs. Now, signs are cool. People come up with clever slogans and stick them onto their poster in order to hopefully getta smile or two from either Zac, Isaac, or Taylor. But, in case you haven't realized, people go to concerts to hear and SEE Hanson, not your big yellow sign. Get the picture? I think you do.

Another annoying thing about signs is the either mundane, or sickeningly gross slogans people put on their signs. Now some are real cute, like: 'Ohio Loves You', or 'Wickit Rules!' (That's real cute hehe), or 'Manson's out, Hanson's way in!' But sadly the same can't be said for some other boring and corny slogans such as: 'Hanson, MMMBop to the Top!', or 'I Like Ike!' or 'Zac Attack' or 'Totally Taylor'. Yawn. And then there's the sickeningly gross slogans I was mentioning above: 'MMMBop ME Isaac!' and 'Moon me Zac!' Oh geez, now if I were those boys, I'd be scared shit. Really, please don't make signs like that. It's just plain nasty. (Brrr, shuddering at the mere thought).

4) This now brings us to the screamers. These people's ears are miraculously tolerant to heightening decibles (As explained by Ike, Tay, and Zac in TTMON). Now, screaming is cool, I mean, in a sense that it gives the guys support. They're up there on stage, after doing a dozen other gigs before having headed on ova to yer town. They're most likely a bit tired (hell, more like wiped out) but they're still smiling and playing and singing like pros. Now, don't get me wrong, they love us. Hehe, no that's not what I meant. I mean that they really appreciate us fans being there supporting them and stuff, but please, don't scream DURING the songs! Before and after are great, but please not DURING the songs! Just sit back and appreciate the fact that Hanson are there singing for YOU live! =)

Ah, that's ends our Annoying People list. If you can think of anymore annoying people that you think are swarming around at Hanson sites. Tell us! Thanks$B)(J

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